Be Careful About the Fall

CSG 2116

Section 6. Our Original
Hometown and the Way to Enter
the Kingdom of Heaven
6.1. Hometown is a world of the
original creation
We are at a point of time when we
cannot hope to achieve world peace or
one unified world using human power,
wisdom, culture or anything else. Under
these circumstances, what is the main
problem? I believe that answering the
question as to whether God exists or
not is the most important issue. Once
all humankind clearly understands all
about God’s existence, they will clearly
understand the direction of God’s will.
When they understand this, the world
will become one world, a world of peace
and an ideal world. (56-131, 1972.5.14)

CSG 1150

When holy men and holy women
join at the sexual organs through holy
love, holy life and holy lineage and give
birth to children, these children will go
directly to the heavenly kingdom. They
will not need religion or moral train-
When mind and body form a right
angle, when love and all other aspects
grow without any damage, so that the
internal and external aspects of his
or her personality are perfected, then
the person can understand everything
without being taught. I am like that.
Did I become the founder of the Unifi-
cation Church because I studied some-
where? No, I already understood things.
I know how things are. I come to under-
stand things without being taught. (211-
247, 1990.12.30)

The Whole Universe is Searching for the One Day of Love

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 16, 1958

How did the fall of Adam come about? It took place when Adam and Eve were tempted by the illegitimate love that God did not permit, which entered from the sides. They destroyed the heavenly principles. In our life, many archangelic forms appear that unfolded in the Garden of Eden. Now we are passing through the era when what is not right is pretending to be right, so there is no way to avoid the era of the confusion of love.

The dispensation of God walks the opposite path and is working through the opposite way. When we look back at the 6,000-year history, we can understand that the Old Testament era was the era of finding material things. In other words, it was the era when people could go before God by using materials as the sacrifice. The New Testament era was the era of offering Jesus, the true Adam, as the sacrifice.

In the Completed Testament era of the future, all human beings will become substantial sacrifices before God. It will be a time when, by going past the standard that can unite all things, they can govern love.

However, Christians today do not know that the dispensation of God appears in the form of striking and destroying the external aspects of the world and of establishing the internal aspects. In other words, they do not know the nature of God’s internal dispensation that strikes the external aspects of history and embraces the internal aspects.

What was God trying to find throughout the 6,000 years of God’s dispensation? He was trying to find the words of eternal promise that stand before God and humans. Those words seek to form the true relationship between parent and child and unite them.

Through the Principle, you know that the cause of the human fall was an illegal and illicit sexual relationship. Therefore, you who are living in the last days must be careful. Any man, if not careful, will easily associate with two women, and women will easily be pulled into this.

The time of material civilization based on unlimited power is coming. The very first era for humans was that of eating raw food. It was followed by the era of eating cooked food. Next will come the era of “water food,” in other words, the time when we take nutrition from water. The time will come in the future when scientific food can serve well to maintain our health. The era when human effort is needed will pass.

At such a time, what are we going to do? What will remain then will be the culture of art. We will seek the path of beauty and love. This is a good thing.

However, if humanity deviates from the laws of the heavenly way and is struggling to find it, where will they eventually end? What will happen to them? This should be cause for concern among the people who believe in religion today.

The present civilization came to the point where it no longer needs religions that do not comprehend the true situation of the world and are at a loss. Therefore, religions today shoulder the mission to point out to humanity the path humans must take. When we look back over the 2,000-year history, there were many revolutions. You have to understand that while going through the course of revolutions, humanity has been aiming for the one world of unity.


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