Become on Object to God; Deny the Body

CSG p 333

As an omniscient, omnipotent, and
omnipresent being, there is nothing
God does not have and there is noth-
ing He wants to keep back for Himself.
Although He has everything, if there is
something He wants to present and be
proud of as being more precious than all,
what would that be? God needs only love,
and nothing except love. There is noth-
ing He needs but love. (108-223, 1980.10.16)

CSG p. 1502

The ideal family is the place where
the parents, children, husband and
wife, and brothers and sisters desire to
unite into oneness based on true love.
From such a place the eternal global
equalization begins, and consequently,
the God’s Kingdom on earth, followed
automatically by God’s Kingdom in
heaven. (300-226, 1999.3.14)

The Whole Universe is Searching for the One Day of Love

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 16, 1958

Until now humans have only pursued a plus ideology throughout the course of history. This is not acceptable. God is like the plus and human beings are like the minus. Therefore, religions teach that people should not be arrogant. They also teach that men should not love themselves. They teach us to deny everything, even to strike our bodies. The reason for this is that since God is plus, humans can engage in giving and receiving with Him only if they become minus.

Plus and plus oppose each other. They repel and push each other away. Satan is that which does not want to stand in the position of a minus, but wants to be a plus though God is in the position of plus. As I mentioned before, the life of the Way promotes the suppression of desire. The purpose for this is to strike the side of Satan, in other words, the plus aspect that belongs to evil, and transform it into the position of minus.

The purpose of striking the body is to strike that which should be in the position of minus but is trying to stand in the position of plus. It is to turn it into the position of minus so that it can engage completely in giving and receiving with Heaven. Accordingly, if you do not get rid of all conditions centered on your bodies, there is no way that you can stand as a perfect minus before Heaven, which is the perfect plus. You must not forget that the whole universe is longing for the one day of love when this kind of person can appear on the earth to give and receive love with God for eternity.


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