God is Seeking His People

CSG 2018

In the heavenly world of the future,
the time for living off a monthly salary
will pass away. As couples, you must pay
complete indemnity. Throughout the
ages of history, the rule of all creation has
been absolute faith, absolute love, and
absolute obedience. Because of love, you
also need faith and you also need obedi-
ence. Because of love. Even the God of
the entire universe is obedient to infinite
love. God invests and then forgets, and
so we also invest and forget what we have
invested. This is obedience.
Absolute faith is based on absolute
love. In order to achieve love, you need
absolute obedience. Until death, you
need love. Even if you die one hundred
times over, you need love, so you must
properly seek the way to it. That is why
dying and going to the spirit world is
not death but a way to seek God’s love.
It is not dying. It is the way to find God’s
love. God made the path of death for the
sake of love. If your heart and mind can-
not hold onto this higher level, then you
cannot restore love. (296-50, 1998.10.11)

CSG p. 1051

A dog will enter the yard of even
the best of houses to relieve itself. If the
homeowner complains, “Oh! You dirty
little dog! Why are you coming round
to our house to defecate in our yard?”
then he is chasing away his blessings.
Instead, he should say, “Come on in and
relieve yourself.” (60-158, 1972.8.19)

Let Us Not Weaken Our Determination Toward Heaven

Sun Myung Moon
February 23, 1958

What is the concern of God? What is the sorrow of God? We have to understand that it is God’s sorrow that He does not have one person whom He can trust and to whom He can reveal the depth of His heart. There is no one to share the things that He could not tell the archangel in the Garden of Eden. He wants to say, “After My toils through the 6,000-year course of all kinds of hardships and tribulations, you alone have come seeking me. Now that I have finally met you, I can rest in peace.”

Although we claim that we are seeking the Father and are leading a life of faith, we do not possess the environment in which God can rest. For those of us who are in this kind of position, we cannot help feeling more anxious in our hearts. No matter how much we boast about ourselves, the closer we get to the last days, the more we cannot get rid of a sense of restlessness. In this way, we will be put in a difficult position on the individual level, the societal level, the national level and the world level.

Where is the person who can push away the fear and anxiety that plague us in the last days? Where is the master of determination who can find assurance, not in men but in the heavenly principles, and step forward? You have to understand that Heaven is looking for this kind of person.

Because God lost Adam’s family, He lost the original family of the creation who could connect with Adam. At the same time, He lost the blood relatives who could connect with Adam, the people who could represent the descendants of Adam, the people who were centered on Adam, and the citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven centered on Adam. However, God has been recovering all that He lost.

To find all people and the world, God has begun from one individual and has been trying to raise a family and a society. Using this as the foundation, God has been guiding the providence to claim back the people, the nation and even the whole world.

God fought on one side. He has been claiming all this back through the historical course of sacrifice. God has created the individual form and has been building the family, the relatives, a people, a nation and a world that represent Adam on this earth.

Therefore, the fact that Adam’s family is lost is not just the sorrow of Adam alone. In your own living sphere, you must also feel to the core of your bones the sorrow that has reached every member of humanity throughout the many generations, through the blood lineage of Adam. There are those who are longing for comfortable days and want to enjoy peace and pleasure even in these circumstances, but you have to understand that there is no way this kind of comfort and pleasurable lifestyle can be perpetuated. We have to understand that we are in the position to cross over the gates of fear that lie ahead of us.

You have to understand that to cast away this fear, God has raised one chosen person. Centered on him, He has raised a people. After that, to put these people at the forefront of the world, God has been working in distress even until today.

The people who can build the heavenly nation in the future are not a large population. They are not the people who are dominating the world today. God is conducting the construction of the Kingdom of Heaven in secret, in an unexpected place.

Accordingly, contradictory phenomena are occurring in which those who are betraying the will of God are living a good life and those who are serving the will of God are living a poor and starving lifestyle. Humanity’s history of conflict is continuing even today. The reason is that since human beings have lost their heart toward God, in order for them to be restored to the position where God can believe in them again, they must go through this kind of course. If so, then even if the hardships of the 6,000 years of God’s labors were to rush upon you at once, you must be able to overcome them. Even if you were to lose your life, you must become the master of determination who never yields and stand as the person whom Heaven can set forth as the representative.

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