Truth Involves a Relationship with Jesus

CSG 1778

The devil, Satan, is in the position of
the chief culprit, who drove out the orig-
inal owner, seized his wife and is leading
even their children to their deaths. From
this perspective, is there a way to for-
give the devil, Satan, the enemy of God
and humankind? Ultimately, the devil,
Satan, became the adulterer in front of
love and in front of God. Could God for-
give him, therefore? If He forgave Satan,
it would have led the whole world to
destruction. Thus, can you all think that
you will simply be able to become God’s
sons and daughters as you are? You must
know that God and humanity must con-
tinue the historical path, being unable to
avoid the way of suffering and pain until
we reverse this situation. (53-338, 1972.3.6)

Luke 9

42 While the boy was being brought, the demon attacked him and made him shake all over. Jesus ordered the demon to stop. Then he healed the boy and gave him back to his father. 43 Everyone was amazed at God’s great power.

Richard:  There are many demons acting in today’s world, as actors like George Soros pay people to foment chaos.  Watch my video on George Soros fake race war:

Jesus Who Came with the Destiny of Restoration

Sun Myung Moon
August 3, 1958

What kind of man of faith are we looking for today? We are looking for a man of faith who can form relations representing the historical, periodical and futuristic relations. Yet today we are guided by our five senses. Would there be any truths that could encourage the world of the mind through those five senses?

Such truths may seem to have nothing to do with our living environment today, but that is not so. They are truths which tally with our lives one hundred percent. They are the truths we will need when we forget the ideology we have cherished with hope and are in a condition of clouded consciousness. That is, they are the truths which will guide us when we come to be placed in a situation where we are blocked by the wall of darkness and cannot think seriously upon the center of our mind.

For that reason, you today must penetrate into the future and, by every means, find the truths that connect to the past. Accordingly, today you must remember that you have a worldwide mission to find such truths and plant them in this land which stands in defiance of any of our toilsome efforts, sacrifices and tribulations.

The word of that one person, who has come and formed such relationships, is really the good news of good news. When you come to think of this, you must pursue the truths Jesus asserted. By doing so, you must equip yourselves with the historical relationship of blessed faith.

Have you become one with a historical relationship that is flowing out of Jesus’ Shim Jung? If you have not, you must realize that you are sinners who have violated the relationship with Jesus, who inherited the historical course and has come forth connecting with us until today. You must become people who can bow their heads unconditionally. You must also understand that you have violated the thirty or more years of the life of Jesus, who transmitted the words of the gospel in substitution for the periodical relationship and walked the practical course to fulfill the periodical responsibility.

The person who cannot comprehend the words of the gospel Jesus introduced through this kind of relationship is a man very deeply in debt. Jesus Christ is connected with God, and the truths of Christianity are connected through Jesus Christ. We today must realize that we are indebted to those truths. You have to realize again that, until Jesus stepped forth before Heaven, God had to make toilsome efforts for 4,000 years. Those truths are covered with God’s Shim Jung and blots of the blood of numerous ancestors within history.

If you now anxiously long to find the relationship of ideology and have the mind that wishes to obtain your own position according to that relationship, have you ever felt the weight of the great debt you owe on the front and in the rear, to the right and to the left, and on the shoulders of both sides? Although the laws of relationship and the laws of the heavenly principles urge us into the field, we are staying at a level of individual relationship centered on one person: ourselves. If you live tied up only with such a relationship and are not able to free yourselves from that relationship, heavenly compassion will compel judgment. The blood of the many sages who died for their belief in the course of history will make an appeal.

You must understand the heart of Jesus, who could call Heaven “Father” even within such a sphere. Jesus’ mind and God’s mind could make a connection. The whole heart of the Father who had toiled during history could be consoled by Jesus. What was more, one person, Jesus, could substitute for God’s comprehensive hope for the future. Jesus was such a unique, awe-inspiring being that he cannot be compared with any one. Yet no one at that time knew this.

Consequently, although it was God’s will for men to alleviate the historical sorrow, they were ignorant about it and marched forward in a way which would bring glory and happiness. On the contrary, it became sadness and an altar of the cross. With what can you then alleviate the Shim Jung of the Father who was watching this? This is the greatest matter of concern. That is why spiritual restoration history ever since Jesus is being turned upside down during our spiritual restoration. You must know this.

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