A Worldwide Christian Movement Must Emerge to Establish God’s Kingdom on Earth

Extra Early Bird Registration for the Urban Life Fall Leadership Conference on November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV is now open.  Save up to $20 per ticket by registering now:  http://bit.ly/2x9trEQ.

Daniel 11

18 Afterwards, this proud king of the north will invade and conquer many of the nations along the coast, but a military leader will defeat him and make him lose his pride. 19 He will retreat to his fortresses in his own country, but on the way he will be defeated and never again be seen.

2 Chronicles 34

31 After Josiah had finished reading, he stood in the place reserved for the king. He promised in the Lord’s name to faithfully obey the Lordand to follow his laws and teachings that were written in the book. 32 Then he asked the people of Jerusalem and Benjamin to make that same promise and to obey the God their ancestors had worshiped.

Richard:  Our current society, although ostensibly Christian, does not honor God in daily life int the proper way.  Rich and powerful bankers and oligarchs try to lord over the peon masses, so to speak.  Yet President Donald Trump is trying to break this wicked mold, and all holy hell is breaking loose as evil forces on both the left and right try to stop him.  We should pray for and support our President.

Jesus Who Came with the Destiny of Restoration

Sun Myung Moon
August 3, 1958

Will this be true of every age? No, it will not. In looking for the relationships of his or her life, an individual has to go forth with attendance of his or her mind in front. This is the iron rule of the heavenly principles. He who does not obey the command of the mind will be struck by Heaven. Heaven has told human beings in the course of history that they must live in accordance with their consciences. They must belong to the good side, centered on their minds. They should not get caught up in some materialistic condition of evil.

Is the human conscience then able to accept the heart of the heavenly principles one hundred percent as it is? No, it is not. Rather, it is blocked by many fences. Before the Cape of Good Hope for which you wish, that is, before the boundary gate of Heaven, there lies the gate of turns and twists. Spoken in Christian terms, this is the checkpoint of the judgment. The trend of thought today sees a period of fear, uneasiness and confusion. In other words, it is the age when you cannot take hold of the center.

Today you should not keep many material things. Why? When creating man, God breathed the soul into the body. A person is made of soul and flesh, and the soul is the center. When this world moves in a unified way centered upon materialistic power, what kind of period of struggle is going to come about? A period of ideological strife will come about. In reality, such a phenomenon has been conspicuously presenting itself since after World War II. The age of ideology centered on the mind will then appear.

What kind of thought should that ideology be? It should be thought that penetrates material things and the mind and centers on the soul. To go forth seeking the age of ideology centered on the soul is the restoration course. Humankind is still stopped in the state of having lost this and is moored in a state of having lost the harmony between the soul, the conscience and the body. Such has happened symbolically in this world. That is, the world today is the battleground between the major powers of the democratic and the communist worlds. This fight is also a showdown between God and Satan. It is a fight in which individuals struggle against one another, centering on religion.

Therefore, if in the future a tribe tries to move the world, it will not be able to control the world with its own ways and means only. Today’s domain of thought is two in the present state of things. However, in principle, it should be four instead of two. For that reason, just as the nations in the Third World, today, are holding hands with the left-wing camp, with religious formalities that are on the satanic side, something has to emerge in the democratic camp which can hold hands with the people of the world, having equipped itself with a new religion. I personally foresee that in the future a worldwide religious movement centering on Christianity will come about.

In other words, because Christianity falls within the purview of the realm of the conscience within the democratic camp, a push from the opposite side will be expected. Just as there are two minds in us and they fight against each other, I see that there will be a conflict between two worlds. What humankind wishes for is one starting point, a starting point in which two unite into one. That starting point is the beginning of relations, the synthesis of relations, and the result of relations.

For that reason, you must set up an inward standard that can link the subjective ties and live making it the center of life. By having realized such a stage of life on the earth, finding the common value that connects to the whole of humankind’s Shim Jung, all problems will be resolved. The world will then usher in the time of judgment. Accordingly, the young men and women who are put in the process of such an urgent history as today must set their resolution in good working order and proceed afresh toward Heaven.

When we look back at the modern history of the world, ever since the political revolution in France, after the Renaissance and World War I, material civilization has developed to the highest degree. What caused the Industrial Revolution? It was because man began to understand the power of steam and gasoline. The Industrial Revolution was realized on the foothold of steam and petroleum.

Since then, as it came into the first half of the twentieth century, it transformed into the electrical civilization. Although water and petroleum are substances, now the age of electrical civilization uses power that is invisible. What came after the stage where substance was acted upon to cause light to be emitted? The age of the energy civilization came, that is, the atomic age. This is the last age. Similarly, human history has passed through three stages of similar revolutions.

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