Defeat the Evil Spirit Controlling Your Body

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CSG 2102 

Previously, I said that we were to
go over the watershed, didn’t I? On my
seventieth birthday, outside spiritual-
ists came dancing and said, “Now Rev.
Moon has crossed the thirty-eighth par-
allel.” They are saying that I have crossed
the threshold. Now the world of happi-
ness is coming. This is how we should
overcome the 1990s. After having passed
over this, the Unification Church will be
able to make swift and unbridled prog-
ress. Now, on this, my seventieth birth-
day, we must indemnify seven thousand
years and the number seven, and must
pass into the age of the number eight.
Number eight is the number of libera-
tion and making a new start, is it not?
This is why America has declared the
collapse of communism and so forth.
Everything is completed. This is quite
curious. This happened on the seventh
and eighth after we had finished our
event. (199-96, 1990.2.15)

CSG 1263

The Fall occurred through the wrong-
ful marriage in the Garden of Eden.
Now the time has come for True Par-
ents to overturn this by marrying peo-
ple in the right way. The True Parents
will solve the trouble caused by the Fall.
Through them, hell can be eliminated
and the millions and billions of ances-
tors in the spirit world can be blessed in
holy matrimony. Through the founda-
tion of the families of descendants on
earth, centering on true love, they and
their ancestors in the spirit world can
unite into one vertically. Through these
family foundations, East and West will
be connected.
All of you should inherit a new lin-
eage. In order for that to be possible,
the Messiah comes as the father. He,
together with Eve, should restore this
new lineage through indemnity on the
victorious individual foundation that
transcends the world level where Satan
cannot intervene. Only when he has
accomplished this can humankind be
engrafted horizontally, centering on
the True Parents’ family and their true
spousal relationship. That is the reason
for having the Blessing Ceremony in
the Unification Church. The Unifica-
tion Church is unique. Where did the
lineage of the Unification Church orig-
inate? It originated from God. That is
why we dare the satanic world to oppose
us. When they oppose us, they will have
to pay compensation for damages. (169-37,

Jesus Who Came with the Destiny of Restoration

Sun Myung Moon
August 3, 1958

In a time when the doctrine, the providence and history have unfolded in this way, what do you have to do? Since communism is materialism, it will surely break down someday. As the democratic camp has to seek and climb to Heaven, centered on whom will it climb? This is the field of our mission to resolve. Accordingly, you must be able to demonstrate the true love and the value of the ideal of the doctrine and thought which have existed up to this point.

After overcoming material things and going over the soul, we must proceed as far as the front of God. Viewed from the worldwide angle, now is the time of entering into the spiritual age of going beyond the mind. Therefore, many insane people will come out in the streets these days. Such a phenomenon occurs when the spiritual world attacks and reaches the people whose conscience is keen and try to live according to their conscience. Above the conscience, an evil spirit rules. Just as the body is in Satan’s dominion, if my conscience steps over one stage, above it the evil spirit rules. Therefore, the last spiritual problem is to defeat the evil spirit that controls my body and to manifest a good spirit in its place.

For that reason, many mentally deranged people will come out among conscientious people. Many kinds of phobias will occur. For that matter, a world-level phobia is being broken up. The matter of concern at this point is whether I have the burning passion with which I can fight against that phobia centered on my conscience. The person who has settled down with such a center cannot be controlled by a revolution in the world, unless it is a heavenly revolution that can put Heaven and earth in motion.

Accordingly, the determination that such people have is an eternal determination. Not even an atomic bomb or a satellite can make an orbit that makes heavenly law change. For that reason, centered on an immutable conscience, having set up one principle, you should be able to connect with the ideology of the principles of the rule of Heaven. By having that value stay within the mind and body substantially, you should then form relations on a straight line with Heaven. By doing so, if you can put everything of that value into practice one hundred percent in the living arena, you are the very person who has found it, the person who possesses everything. We are entrusted with the mission to go forth with this purpose.

What then is the problem here? Even if there is some doctrine that shouts to the world, unless it relates with me, it has nothing to do with me. Even the flame of some mental revolution that unfolds throughout the world, unless it connects with me, it has nothing to do with me. For that reason, you must form such relations. When you recognize your own value as cosmic and as hundreds of thousands of times more valuable than anything in this world, you will then become able to dissolve all grievous resentment on this earth. Furthermore, only when you can embrace all humankind and set all of their mental standards right can you can call God “Father.”

That is why Jesus said, “For what will it profit a man, if he gains the whole world and forfeits his life? (Matthew 16:26) Although it has reached the age of the cosmos today, nothing can reach the world of the mind. You must understand that man is to make this the ideology of the land and live rejoicing.

Now, when you emerge after having gone through the providence of such mental relations, even God, let alone Satan, cannot do anything to you. No matter what is said in evil, regardless if it is a piece of stone or a piece of iron, you can digest it. No doctrine or thought can swallow you. Accordingly, you should recognize the value of the goodness of an individual with relations of this magnitude. You should lay a bridge that can end in that value with that great relation. Having laid a bridge from yourself, by connecting to the parts of the small number of the units left in the past, you then should establish the value of the whole. This is going to be the decisive standard. For that reason, you must now form a great cosmic relation going beyond your own individual relations. You then have to drop it to be in keeping with the reality; that is, you must make it a zero. Only when you do that will you, for the first time, come to stand as one godly being. God of the whole cosmos also will come to stand with you. Consequently, the world in which the big God and the small god can sing together of the heavenly value is the world of relationship completion, the world of the heavenly kingdom on earth that we desire. You must remember this.

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