Experience Sorrow for a Higher Purpose

Extra Early Bird Registration for the Urban Life Teaching Abstinence and Achieving Blessed Marriage Conference on November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV is now open.  Save up to $20 per ticket by registering by September 30th:  http://bit.ly/2x9trEQ.

CSG 435

Do you think God does not look at
your couple when you are making love?
It is all public. It is publicly in view before
the entire spirit world. It is a big mistake
to say that God does not see you. Your
ancestors are all watching you. In the
spirit world, you can see the act of love
right before your eyes. You are being
watched as if you were doing it stand-
ing on the palm of their hand. There-
fore, it is a big mistake to try to hide this.
(250-244, 1993.10.15)

CSG 700

Since Heung-jin left behind the con-
dition of having loved the whole world on
behalf of the True Parents by offering his
life, you are also linked to that destiny of
loving the world with your life. Heung-
jin went instead of the True Parents. For
that reason, loving Heung-jin becomes
a condition for loving the True Parents.
Your love for Heung-jin is linked to your
love for the True Parents.

Let Us Experience the Sorrow of God

Sun Myung Moon
March 2, 1958

Today I will speak briefly on the title, “Let Us Experience the Sorrow of God.” No matter how joyful and glorious a person’s life on the earth might be, when he examines himself deeply, he will always find sorrow. This kind of situation exists not only for individuals, but also for families. Furthermore, we must understand that we can find sorrow even inside God Himself, who created society, the nation, the world and the universe based on an ideology and who has carried on the providence hoping for the one day when His will is accomplished. If there is sorrow in your hearts, then you must feel that this sorrow is not limited to yourselves, but that it transcends your environment and influences the whole environment.

The time has come when you must feel the amazing fact that, although we are extremely insignificant people, the sorrow we feel is not limited to us. Rather, it transcends the people, the world, the heavenly principles and nature, and is connected even to the Creator Himself. If there are people who understand that they are suffering grief on behalf of the people, the world and Heaven and earth, then although they might seem miserable, in actuality they are very close to Heaven.

Although we have been struggling to resolve our sorrows with our own power, we have not been able to do so. If there is a Heaven and we have a relationship with that Heaven, and if there is the will of God, who is working through history, then we must take our own sorrow and view it as the sorrow which represents the course of history and the sorrow of God, who has been guiding the providence. Although those people are sorrowful, they have many friends. Although they are lonely, they have a historical background. They are the representatives of all realistic environments and also of the will of the heavenly principles of the future. We must understand that the time has come when we must seek our own position.

Now if there is some grief deep inside your heart, where would that grief come to an end? Your sorrow must be provoked so that Heaven and humankind can mourn over it. Furthermore, there must come one day when the whole world must be able to mourn over it and when God can also mourn over it. However, your sorrow has been self-serving. Not only that, it has become an obstacle before humanity, the world and the heavenly principles. You have failed to manifest grief on earth as something that can respond before Heaven and earth in the same circumstance and environment. Accordingly, the way is blocked for God, who possesses greater grief than humankind, to pass through the world, the nation, the people and the family to reach to the individual and be felt.

What is the greatest sorrow we might have? We have to feel today that the most grave sorrow is the situation in which God cannot mourn with us when we are mourning, the family and all humanity on the earth cannot mourn with us when we are mourning.

When we are mourning, what must we do to feel the grief that Heaven and all humanity on the earth can share? If we lament, centering on ourselves, there is no way to seek this position. If we feel grief now, then we must learn to leave ourselves behind and mourn for the sake of the family. Transcending the level of the family, we must learn to mourn for the sake of the people, the world and even for Heaven. When we do that, God’s sorrow and grief pass through to the world, the nation and the family. Finally, it reaches us.

As He was guiding the providence, what has God caused people to believe in? In other words, before He embarked upon the history of re- creation, what did God make us experience first? It was not joy. First, He caused us to grieve for ourselves. He then inspired the heart which can mourn for the sake of our family, society, tribe, nation, world and the heavenly principles. Only when this is done will the way open through which we can go before God. This is the basic principle. For this reason, the Christian truth is such that believers must move forward in tears of sorrow and pass through a course of repentance.

When will we see the alleviation of the sorrowful feelings planted deep inside the heart of God since the fall, after the creation of the world? This remains as the fateful task that all humanity, the cosmos or the heavenly principles must resolve. Accordingly, before we can eradicate the root of this grief deep inside God, there is no way to come up with the solution for the fundamental grief of human beings.

Although God has created all things and has been governing the 6,000- year providential history until now, He has not been able to possess the one day of joy when He can remove all sorrows and appear as the Being of glory before the world of creation. You have to feel that there is this kind of sorrowful situation in Heaven.

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