Comfort the Sorrow of God and Jesus

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CSG 1932

The reason why human beings are
still unable to make true peace is because
they are ignorant of true love. Why? The
answer, as mentioned in the Bible, is that
humankind has separated from God.
Due to the Fall of the first human
ancestors, Adam and Eve established
the first family without God’s blessing.
Peace has been absent from this world
ever since. Instead, divisions, conflicts,
and struggles have come to rule this
world. In the individual, the struggle
between mind and body, the conflicts
between husband and wife at the family
level, and the struggles between societies
are accepted as normal, everyday life.
It is my conviction that all human
Chapter 3 • The Pacific Rim Era and the Island Nations Federation 1933
problems are caused by the fundamental
loss of true love. The fall of humankind
meant the loss of true love. Consequent-
ly, Jesus came as the King of true love
in order to restore the love that Adam
and Eve had lost. By the same token, the
Lord at his Second Advent is coming in
order to restore true love. That is the log-
ical conclusion, seen from the view of
the providence of salvation.

CSG 1700

Why were human beings born? No
one is born for him or herself. Human
beings are born for a greater purpose
than just themselves. Those who live
only for themselves are acting contrary
to the fundamental principle of their
birth. People who live in this way are
deserters, dropouts, degenerates, and
destroyers. Did you learn this in school?
Those who say they were born for them-
selves are not wanted by this universe.
(221-313, 1991.10.27)

Let Us Experience the Sorrow of God

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 2, 1958

Christianity is a religion of tears. Therefore, when we feel the true heart of God, we will not be able to look at the people, the nation, the world or Heaven without shedding tears. Although people should stand in this kind of position, they are not shedding tears of inspiration. Not only that, they are impudent before Heaven and act rashly and thoughtlessly toward the heavenly principles.

True friendship in the world is formed on the basis of tears. How then can there be no tears shed when fallen people experience the heart of the heavenly principles? There must come a time when you shed endless tears as you believe in Jesus and realize that you are sinners. You will feel so totally ashamed as to be unable to find a place to hide. You will feel that you deserve to be punished many thousands of times. You will not be able to raise your head before Heaven. You will feel embarrassment to such a degree that you will not be able even to find your place. You must genuinely lament and shed tears. Otherwise, the path that you are walking on, as an individual, will be blocked. You must form the family that holds onto the will of Heaven and worries; otherwise the path, which your family is walking on, will also be blocked.

Fallen humankind is becoming more divisive as their sorrow increases. When they grieve centering on themselves, they will experience division, which is the nature of evil people. When they grieve for the sake of goodness, that which is divided will become united. In other words, the divided minds and bodies become one to form the point of unity with the heavenly principles.

Why must we walk the course of such a miserable fate? When humankind fell and lost the ideal garden in which they could feel the love of God in their lives, it caused infinite sorrow in God. In other words, because people caused the sorrow that tore apart the heart of God, they must travel this kind of course.

What kind of period is today? Because this era is the last days, the time when we shed tears for individuals or for the family has passed behind us. Moreover, the time when we shed tears for the sake of the nation has also passed behind us. Now is the time when we must shed tears for the sake of the world. Now you must not only shed tears for the sake of the world, you must further shed tears for the sake of the heavenly principles and the spirit world. You must be able to shed tears for the sake of Heaven. You must feel the joy of God as your own joy and feel His distress as your own, too. Only when you can become such people can you step forward as the sons of the Father who created all things in the universe, the ones who are qualified to govern the whole world.

To cross over this hill of sorrow on the world level, individuals, churches and societies have been sacrificed. However, in this age now, we must pass through the course of sacrificing for the sake of the world. From now on, we will pass through the course of sacrifice on the world level. That one day, that one time, is none other than the last days that Christianity is talking about today. The purpose of the last days is to eliminate all who do not understand the internal sorrow of God in one generation.

When we think about these things, what kind of environment are we in today? What kind of position are we in? Jesus, whom we believe in, transcended the individual level and walked through a life course that represented the heart of the heavenly principles. When we consider this, we can understand that we have not shed as many tears as God has shed for humankind. We are debtors of tears before God.

Therefore, you must not just sit idly. You must feel the unconscious explosion of sorrow in your heart and build the altar of tears for the sake of this people, the nation, the world and the cosmos. You must forget all your own sorrow and pray with a heart concerned for the will of God.

You are in a position to pray, “God! Please alleviate your sorrows through me.” You must comfort God and Jesus. Yet you have not been able to offer this kind of prayer. You have prayed only for your own sake. Therefore, you must understand that you have the responsibility to overcome this.

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