Become People of Substantial Faith by Becoming a Blessed Family


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Of course, the True Parents are in the
center and make a spiritual relationship
with everyone. Since there is only one
set of True Parents, however, they can-
not relate with everyone personally. That
is why the Blessed Families are the rep-
resentatives of True Parents and stand
in the position to relate with all people.
True Parents have the responsibility to
go over this nation and bear the cross on
the worldwide level. Therefore, the cross
of the people should be carried by the
Blessed Families who live locally as true
children of True Parents. All Blessed
Families must serve as the foundation
of a tribe and of a people in order for the
works of Heaven to gain victory based
on such a people.

CSG 1576

Today, Your son by the name of Moon
celebrates his seventy-seventh year in
this world. The era has come in which
we can connect the Sabbath year with
the number of a new beginning, rising
above the numbers seven and eight by
connecting eight number sevens based
on 7 minutes 7 seconds past 7 o’clock
of the 7th day of the 7th lunar month
in 1997, and my 77 years of age. Now,
therefore, Unification Church members
can form families inheriting the heaven-
ly authority and traditions of love, and
thus attend You and offer You a dwell-
ing place on the levels of nation, world
and cosmos. Through these families, the
foundation of the Sabbath in which You
and the True Parents can freely come
and go will be connected from the fam-
ily to the cosmos. The time is close at
hand when we will cross the boundary
that separates us from the simultane-
ous establishment of Your right of king-
ship on earth and in heaven, which will
allow us to achieve complete oneness
with You. In such a manner this work
has been accomplished.

Oh, Father! We Welcome You

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 9, 1959

When God comes seeking humankind, He seeks an embodiment through the spirit. Through that embodiment, He seeks all things. However, people have failed to become qualified for the faith that can connect with that embodiment, for the life and love that can substitute for that incarnation. Instead, we feel these things only spiritually. In other words, humanity today is seeking the ideology of spiritual salvation, spiritual life and spiritual love.

We know that it was for the providence of the salvation of Paradise and the providence centered on the New Testament that God exerted Himself for 4,000 years. This was so that people could attend the one substantial person of glory on the earth and create an environment in which they believed in him eternally, enjoyed eternal life with him, and shared love with him for eternity. However, there must come the time on earth when the belief, life and love, for which the spirit world hopes, will be manifested substantially on the earth.

The ideology of Eden is not only attending God after achieving unity between the mind and body centering on God; it is attending God after becoming one with all things as well. Because these are the basic principles, God has been trying to become one with you through the historical course of toil. You have to understand that these kinds of agonies have taken place.

Had Jesus actualized the concrete temple when he came, had he realized the substantial family that could represent the ideology of God and begun to attend God on that basis, today we would not have any need for the idea of a kingdom of a thousand years. There would be no need for the idea of a second coming.

If you can connect with substantial faith, substantial life and substantial love centering on Jesus, then as a substantial couple you can obtain substantial children. When this takes place, you can become people of substantial faith toward God. You can attain substantial life and become people of substantial love. However, it is God’s sorrow that this kind of foundation has not yet emerged on the earth.

This is the reason Jesus said, “The Kingdom of Heaven is within you.” The Kingdom of Heaven first comes to you from your heart. After that you must be able to say, “The Kingdom of Heaven is inside me.” In other words, only when we can assert that the Kingdom of Heaven resides within our substantial body, can our bodies and spirits finally become one and call God “Father.”

This is the sorrow of Jesus. Although he formed the spiritual Kingdom of Heaven that can represent the Kingdom of Heaven in the heart, he could not create the substantial Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, he has to come back. He faces the fate to pray for the sake of humankind on the right hand of God during the course of history. Therefore, the people who are living today in the last days must have substantial faith. When we think about our own course of faith until now, we find that our minds and bodies have turned away from God’s will. Therefore, you must find a relationship with God’s eternal life of love and be able to say that you have embodied it. To do that, you must always pray, “Father! Please allow us to become Your embodiment.” If you cannot become this kind of people, there is no way that humankind can pay off the debt of history and restore the lost ideology of the Kingdom of Heaven.

For this reason, God has been concerned about humanity until now. He is especially concerned about those of us who are living in the last days. He is seeking us. Accordingly, we have to become the people of one hope who can represent the substantial body of Jesus Christ who came 2,000 years ago.

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