Love Rules Supreme at the End of the World

Congratulations to Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Mrs Hyung Shil Kang on the occasion of the Cosmic Perfection Blessing and Holy Marriage of True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humanity on September 23, 2017!

Just five more days to get extra Early Bird Registration discounts for the STAR Interfaith Leadership Training  Conference on November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV.  Register now to reserve your spot!  Save up to $20 per ticket by registering by September 30th:

CSG 435

Humankind continues to be plagued
by conflicts based on power or knowl-
edge. The time when the war of love
can be waged has not yet come. This is
why religious leaders say that their time
will come when the end of the world
approaches. When the end of the world
comes, the power of the fist and the power
of knowledge will pass away, and only the
power of love will remain. The final age
of worldly supremacy is none other than
the Last Days. Can a strong elder brother
come home and be the boss there? No.
No matter how strong the elder brother
may be, he cannot be the boss when he
comes home. He may be a world champi-
on in the ring, but he cannot be the boss
at home. Even when an elder brother has
several hundred doctorates, can he come
home and be the boss? No, not even then.
Why not? Because his parents are there.
(50-134, 1971.11.6)

CSG 1699

When seeking the fundamentals of
the universe, we arrive at the concept
of subject and object. Even the smallest
woman sitting here has power within
her, does she not? Would the power in
this small woman desire to be the weak
power of a small man, or the strong
power of a big man? This is the case for
the man too; if he were a small man,
he would yearn for the power of a big
woman. Why is this so? It is to attain a
balance. Balance is the issue; you need
to be perfectly perpendicular on a hori-
zontal base. That is why the term ideal
of reciprocity arises; it is from there that
the ideal of reciprocity is derived. (216-9,

To Whom Do You Belong?

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 16, 1958


We know that You work with the same love today as at the time of Jesus and will do so in the future. Father of love, please allow us to experience, at this moment, the grieving heart of Jesus. Moreover, Father of love, we earnestly wish that You will allow us to possess the heart of love which has the capacity to love everything on the earth. Allow us to take after the nature of the Father, who can embrace and love all of humanity.

Father, we know that even now there are many children of Yours who are scattered all across the countryside, being driven out and chased around. Please take care of them. Help them to possess the heart that can deny everything they have and struggle for the sake of the will of the Father alone. We sincerely wish that the Father will lead us with love, so that we may become sons and daughters who can penetrate through any path of sorrow or path of the cross and march forward on the path of life.

You are the one who caused us to possess the tormented heart that others do not understand. Father, please comfort our hearts, and counsel us through our bodies. In this way, Father of love, we hope that You will let us become the sons and daughters who can defend the last battlefield of the last days and receive the full submission of Satan after winning the victory.

Although the individuals who have gathered here may all be different, we know that their hearts toward the will must become one. Their bodies must become united for the sake of the will. If there are some elements in us that violate the Father’s will, then Father of love, please liquidate them.

I am going to convey the Father’s words now. Father of love, I sincerely wish that You will allow the listeners to become the sons and daughters who can reveal everything frankly before the Father’s heart and repent after analyzing themselves.

Father, in this hour, people have gathered with many different wounds in their hearts. Father, the ruler of hearts, please soothe the wounded ones. If there is something unacceptable in our hearts, please cleanse them. Father of love, we hope that You will help us to always reflect upon whether we have some condition for Satan’s invasion. If there are some such conditions, then please protect us with Your consuming eyes so that we can remove them.

Father, I want to convey the words now. Let the heart of the speaker and the heart of the listener not become divided into two. Even in this hour, Satan is looking for a gap. Father of love, please allow this to be an hour when we can move and be in harmony like one group of friends centering on the will of the Father.

Father, please have pity on the thirty million people and all humanity upon this earth. We sincerely wish that You will claim back the indemnity conditions of restoration that all spirits in the spirit world demand.

Sincerely requesting once more that You protect the lonesome members throughout the countryside with equal grace, we pray all the words in the name of the Lord. Amen.

The Condition of Existence for All Living Beings

In this hour I will speak to you on the topic “To Whom Do You Belong?” All the people who live on earth claim that they are living for some purpose. On the surface, our life might seem to begin and end centering on us. However, if we think again, the life that one seems to live for oneself has many trials, agonies, griefs and sorrow. You have probably experienced this in your own life.

Moreover, you have probably felt in your own life that when someone lives only for the sake of himself alone, his life is filled with sin and sorrow. When someone forgets himself and lives a life of denying himself, he can overcome any kind of difficulty.

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