God Determines the One Standard

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CSG 1566

There are eight stages in indemnity,
namely on the levels of the individual,
family, tribe, people, nation, world, cos-
mos and God’s heart. These in turn lead
to restoration in those same eight stag-
es. This means that, through the verti-
cal and horizontal courses of indem-
nity centered on love, everything can
safely proceed in any direction. Once
this connection with love is made, the
sphere that is created is possessed by
the domain of love. When this happens,
nothing on earth can remain Satan’s
possession and he will be banished at
once. It will be the end for him. (199-188,

CSG 1341-1342

The 72 Couples are like the children,
the descendants of the 36 Couples, while
the 36 are the central couples as well as
the ancestors. Our view is that our ances-
tors failed to fulfill God’s will because
Cain and Abel, the two sons in the first
family in history, failed to become one
in heart, thus deferring the fulfillment
of God’s will. In view of the fact that
the foundation of the family, in which
the brothers Cain and Abel should have
united, was not established, who then
are the 72 Couples? Seventy-two is thir-
ty-six twice. Thus, the 72 Couples repre-
senting the children of the 36 Couples
Book 9 • Blessed Family 1342
comprise 36 Abel and 36 Cain couples.
They are the representative couples cho-
sen to restore through indemnity that
which the historical ancestors failed to
accomplish: the complete unity of Abel
and Cain. (84-144, 1976.2.22)

To Whom Do You Belong?

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 16, 1958

Originally, if human beings had not fallen, they could have stood in the object position to Heaven, possessing the value of goodness. However, because of the fall, the relationship with the good Parent has been severed. After that, people traveled the path of sorrow. Even if they must climb over the hill of death, they must restore this severed relationship.

How will they forge the tie? This relationship is not bound up with some doctrine or assertion on the world level; nor is it bound up with some national ideology or with some institution in society. It must be inside your mind. Therefore, you must understand that if your mind is not connected with the True Parent, even if this world was to become a world of happiness and goodness, it would not have even the slightest relationship with you.

However, your desires today have transcended themselves and are moving toward the nation or the world. Although it is probably precious to have this kind of desire for possession, what is more important? First, recognizing that you belong to the eternal and unchanging subject. Next, you must satisfy the universal desire. If there is such a person, there will not be any power or authority on earth that can strike him. However, people today have failed to think about this. What use is there for people who cannot insist upon their genuine value to attain all things and rule the universe?

If there is some doctrine or assertion that reveals the universal ideology, it is religion. There is no doctrine or assertion that surpasses religion. Religion began based on the relationship in which we can say that the invisible Creator is our Father and that we are His sons and daughters. It began based on the inseparable parent-child relationship and its value. Accordingly, true religion does not remain only in the state of merely having dominion over people. It looks ahead toward the nation of the future, the world of the future, and the cosmos. It has been progressing toward the purpose of unity, which the earth and humankind, created by the ideal of the Creator, have been trying to attain through the relationship of the four position foundation.

Because religion sought this in order to restore it, religion has stressed the master-servant relationship until now. Moreover, it has been building orderly relationships based on such things as which is first and which is last. This is the way of the heavenly principles.

Where, then, does evil begin? Evil began by escaping from the orderly relationships centered on the heavenly principles. Thus, to establish the one standard based upon which Heaven can say that you belong to the whole universe, to the Creator and to yourself, Heaven has been working hard until now.

Do you want to become the center of the future? Any center in the human world which has been established without relationship to God cannot last. Do you want to become the center of the people? Even if you have become the center of the people, because you are fallen, you will one day be frustrated. Even if you once stood confidently before the world, you will be frustrated. This is the reason that all those who are trying to walk the path of religion, the path of the way, are taught to abandon everything. However, it will not always be thus.

As fallen people walk the course of goodness, they have to pass through unspeakable vicissitudes and a course of revolution and conflict. Because people must pass through this kind of course, God told them to abandon everything, because He knows that anyone will be destroyed if they lean toward some doctrine and are bound to it.

This is the reason that when Christianity emerged on this earth, they received indescribable persecution. In every period, individuals and people raised by Heaven were unwelcome. When Jesus went forward with the Gospel of the New Testament, he was harassed on the national and world levels. Furthermore, from the time of Jesus until now, there has not been a people who did not persecute Christianity. To establish the Christian ideology on the earth, God did not tolerate it when some policy or ideology of a nation was not in accordance with what Jesus advocated.

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