The Second Advent Appears as the Representative of Jesus’ Heart

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CSG 503

Who are your children’s best friends?
Not young guys from the neighboring
village. Their best friends are none oth-
er than their parents. That is as it should
be. Moreover, parents should be liked
by their children even more than their
friends. That is how you should think.
Therefore, parents must be their chil-
dren’s best friends and best teachers.
In educating their children, parents
should not say, “Hey you, don’t do that!”
and teachers should not say, “You brat,
I will hit you in the calf if you don’t do
what I told you. Don’t do that!” They
should educate them in love. Parents
should educate their children in such a
way that if they are asked, “Hey, do you
think you should do that?” they would
reply, “Right, this is not good because if
I did it my parents would be sad.” Thus,
parents ought to be their children’s best
friends and teachers.

CSG 1539

We are shedding sweat and blood
for this nation and this race in order
to establish God’s eternal kingdom, the
blessed land that our descendants for
thousands of generations to come can
praise forever. (14-193, 1964.10.3)

The Heart of Jesus Who Must Restore All Tasks

Sun Myung Moon
March 23, 1958

You might think you can go to Heaven if you hold the Bible at your side and sit comfortably singing hymns and praying, but this is far from the truth. The reason you can receive the grace of Heaven, even in such a position, is because of the effort God has made in seeking you, even as He was ostracized, trampled upon, and has had to circle repeatedly. You can receive the grace of Heaven because of the merit of the many ancestors of faith who have suffered much persecution to raise us. Therefore, the Christians today who are living in the last days, must realize that they have the mission to restore the world, even if they have to sacrifice themselves. You have to sense this.

Even if you are not aware of all the minute details of the course of history, the one thing you should have is the heart of Jesus, who came restore all things of the universe. You have to have the determination to cling to the world and fight, after understanding the heart of Jesus.

The reason God endured even when all things He had created in the six days were being violated by enemies is because God had the heart to embrace the enemies. By enduring for a long, long time, He has walked through the 6,000 years of history. Until God completed the period of the six days of creation, He endured and embraced.

Humans, created on the sixth day, fell. God has been exerting Himself in tears of sorrow for 6,000 years until the day He could find one person and love him. In other words, God has been enduring until today, wishing for the one hour when the person who can receive His love emerges and removes the historical bitterness.

However, the one person who can receive the heart and will of God and can cope with them has not emerged on the earth. Therefore, although 2,000 years have already passed since Jesus left, Jesus is still fighting in Heaven on behalf of the 6,000-year history. The day the person who can represent the heart of Jesus appears on the earth and forges a relationship with God on behalf of humanity is the so-called day of the Second Advent.

In the future, when all things are shackled to grief and cannot escape the realm of judgment, you will hear the shouting voices of humanity. You will hear the voices of supplication, “Oh, please save me. Please remove from us the grief of restoration.” In addition to all things, the 2.4 billion people on the earth will hear these screaming voices.

Furthermore, you should be able to hear the prayers that the many billions of spirits of the spirit world are offering: “Oh, brothers and sisters on the earth, please unshackle us from our historical bitterness.” In this way, you have to come to understand the situation of God, who has been exerting Himself in search of His children for 6,000 years.

What must you restore now? You must restore all things that are inside the realm of lamentation. You must restore all of humanity and restore even the spirits in hell. What then must you restore? You must restore the sorrowful heart of God with a glad heart.

Who has torn apart the tormented heart of God, afflicted with wounds for 6,000 years? The critical issue is who can heal the torn heart of the Father and become the sons and daughter who can become objects of the love of Heaven. This should be none other than you. Humanity has wounded and trampled upon the heart of God for 6,000 years. Therefore, you have to understand that even in this moment, Jesus is appealing for humanity to alleviate the grief of the heart of Heaven. The good people on the side of Heaven have lived with an unspeakably sorrowful heart, reaching out toward all things and the tormented, torn heart of God. They clung to the will of Heaven while enduring hunger. This is the way Jesus led his life 2,000 years ago.

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