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CSG 1654

Why should we practice true love?
It is because the universe originated
from the principle of true love. There-
fore, through this love you can form
a relationship with everything in the
universe. This is only logical. So in this
kind of relationship, if one is positioned
above, the other would be below, if one
is on the right, the other would be on the
left. This is how everything in the miner-
al, plant and animal worlds is arranged.
God created a world in which everyone
would desire to give as the origin had
done, and therefore it can be understood
that the universe is a place where every-
thing exists in order to give to others.
In this sense, everything is trying to be
absorbed into a being which stands at a
higher level than itself. From this view-
point, where would the source of conti-
nuity of the universe be? All existence in
the universe carries out actions, which
are guided by the desire to give, based on
love from a higher level. (128-291, 1983.9.11)

CSG 1950

How did Great Britain gain control
over the oceanic rights of the world?
Britain, an oceanic nation, was the Eve
nation. Since it was a female nation and
an island nation, it opened up and con-
trolled the oceans of the world. That is
how it made America its colony. Ameri-
ca is like a son to Britain, so Eve should
be the one to give birth to an ideal hus-
band. Otherwise, an ideal husband can-
not be born. (119-241, 1982.9.13)

What Is God Going to Do with Exiled Humanity?

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 30, 1958

You must not expect that you will forever possess the materials or honor you possess now. You have to understand that philosophy, politics, economics and all these things will cause great change. If what Jesus talked about 2,000 years ago is not the consensus, then nothing today can be maintained as part of the new age.

Therefore, if you cannot represent the universal ideology and the entire providential will of God as a citizen of Heaven, you will not be able to stand as the bride of Jesus who is to come. Accordingly, today you must not stand in the position of satisfying your own individual desires and live only for the sake of this people. You must become someone who can shed tears for the sake of the people, the nation, the world, and beyond that, the cosmos. God has been conducting the providence until today to raise this kind of person.

Therefore, God has been guiding the providence to sacrifice the individual to claim back the family, sacrificing the family to claim back the people, sacrificing the people to claim back the world. Therefore, everything until today must become fertilizer. If you cannot become the spearhead for the construction of the new history, you must at least become the fertilizer that can provide some strength for the fulfillment of that will.

Moreover, for you to become this kind of fertilizer, you must have some element that enables you to be absorbed by life. In addition, you have to be infinitely absorbed into it. Only then, can you help revive life. Those who cannot endure the injustice and indignation that they suffer will face a miserable situation. We have to realize that, although God is calling upon individuals and families, He is doing that after having made all the preparations for us to carry on our lives. He calls us from the point where the foundation for the ideology of the unity between heaven and earth has already been laid.

Therefore, countless lives have been shedding the blood of sacrifice and have been persevering to fulfill this will. Do you have the conviction that you can reach that place of hope after inheriting this will and build a relationship with God? Do you have that kind of perspective on faith?

The believers today will be driven from behind through the ideology of Heaven. Those who do not move in the direction in which they are driven are traitors before the providence of the heavenly principles. Such people deserve to be ostracized by the world, and they cannot exist on this earth. They will be taken away to the other world. Therefore, they will be lifted in the party in the air that Christianity is talking about.

Today, when an individual is driven away from a world point of view, the way for the society to tolerate him will open. When he is driven away from the nation, then there will open a way that the world can tolerate him. This is the way the world has progressed. What will happen now if one is driven away from the world of the future? Heaven’s cooperation must take place.

In the last days, on the world level, where are we going to head? What must we prepare, those of us who must head toward the new ideology of escape through a great leap? Even if we are chased out of the world, where can we realize the one base where we can forge a relationship with Heaven and the spirit world? Because such a will is crossing our path, there will be one day of judgment in Christianity. There will come a new era of hope.

Since this is the way of the historical, fateful course, in the course that you are now traveling, you must be able to endure any kind of persecution on the individual, family, people and world levels. No matter how great that persecution might be, you must overcome it. However, there is no one who can drive you out on the world level. A human being can only live seventy to eighty years. Therefore, as long as people of faith hold onto Heaven, there is no one on the earth who can drive you out for eternity, even on the world level. Because Jesus knew this, in the life of conflict that lasted for 2,000 years, he did not yield but exerted himself.

Please do not abandon your faith. Do not turn away, even if you suffer distress and injustice. One who does that does not understand the will of Heaven. Such a person, from the viewpoint of the history of the world, will be driven out by humanity or the evil world. They will not have a place to settle. Therefore, those who have resolved to walk the heavenly path must be determined to be expelled from this land. Only then can you win the last victory centered on God. You have to understand that in addition to the enemies on the earth, there are also enemies in the invisible spirit world.

The problem is how you are going to take care of this situation. You have a momentous task that you must make a breakthrough in by yourself. The world in which you will confront this kind of problem will surely come. Now the period of the offensive of the spirit world is approaching. Today, on the earth, many strange phenomena that we cannot understand are taking place in great numbers. Therefore, you must obtain your spiritual power here. Those of you who fail to do so will be pushed aside. Those who are pushed aside will automatically face judgment. You have to keep in mind that this is the period of the great judgment.

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