Jesus is Needed Throughout All of History

1 Thessalonians

19 Don’t turn away God’s Spirit 20 or ignore prophecies. 21 Put everything to the test. Accept what is good 22 and don’t have anything to do with evil.

23 I pray that God, who gives peace, will make you completely holy. And may your spirit, soul, and body be kept healthy and faultless until our Lord Jesus Christ returns. 24 The one who chose you can be trusted, and he will do this.

Psalm 91

19 Don’t turn away God’s Spirit 20 or ignore prophecies. 21 Put everything to the test. Accept what is good 22 and don’t have anything to do with evil.

23 I pray that God, who gives peace, will make you completely holy. And may your spirit, soul, and body be kept healthy and faultless until our Lord Jesus Christ returns. 24 The one who chose you can be trusted, and he will do this.

Let Us Become Someone Who Can Hold Jesus’ Body and Mourn

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
April 13, 1958

Jesus, who came 2,000 years ago, is not someone who was needed only by the Jewish people at the time. He was needed by humanity, throughout the 2,000-year course of history after that. He is not only someone you need today. He is needed for the construction of the garden of peace which God desires on the earth. Consequently, all people and all things are still yearning for the time when all can become one, centering on the returning Jesus. Appearing before the throne of the Father, with the song of victory, they will offer a glorious welcome. In other words, Jesus is an essential person for Heaven, for human beings on earth, and for all things of the creation.

You must be able to manifest the will of God, the historical ideology, as the standard of victory centering on you. However, if you cannot do that, there is no way you can unshackle humanity from the torment and sorrows they have suffered through the 6,000-year history of conflict until today.

Many people in history have believed in Jesus. Jesus has been fighting against Satan for the sake of the earth, all people and all things on behalf of the will of Heaven. You have to understand that because Jesus could not fully accomplish the purpose he desired for Heaven and earth when he came, he has been fighting in the spirit world with a pained heart even to this moment.

Accordingly, unless that conflict ends, the fight of Heaven will not end nor will the fight on earth. Unless we can accomplish our hope, the things of creation will not be able to have a day of hope.

When we think about the Lord you believe in today, the Lord that all people of faith must serve as the bridegroom and true father, you must compare the standard of Jesus with the life you are leading. The crucial question will be to what extent has the life you are leading become one with Jesus, from the position of representing the whole will of history and religion.

Jesus came for the sake of humankind on the earth. He also died for them. Yet when we ask if someone on earth has become one with this Jesus, inside the realm of one ideology where one rejoices eternally with God and Jesus, there is no such person. Jesus does not have anyone whom he can rule over and trust eternally. Accordingly, you know very well through the principle that God also has failed to find someone centering on Jesus with the one standard upon which He can rest eternally in peace.

What was the hope Jesus had toward the chosen nation of Israel when he came to the earth? He hoped that the will of God, who had been guiding the dispensation for 4,000 years, would be accomplished through them. This is why Jesus proclaimed the new Gospel: to construct the place of rest and happiness where all people of that time, and their future descendants, could be happy.

Jesus came, on behalf of the 4,000-year history, to actualize the new ideology of Heaven. Therefore, although Jesus was the son of a carpenter and a simple young man without much education, God hoped to accomplish all the will of the ideology and hope of Heaven through him. Yet no one among the people of that time was aware of this. When Jesus emerged before humankind as the fruit of all history, the central being of God’s providence, what did he hope to feel through his mind and body? First, he hoped to appear with feelings that could connect with Heaven and with human beings, and relate to each accordingly.


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