The Piercing, Agonizing Heart of Jesus

Just two days until the STAR Interfaith Leadership Training Conference November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV.
This conference details the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual benefits of a lifestyle of sexual abstinence before marriage.  Your children under age 19 can attend with you for free!  What a great opportunity to discuss crucial issues with your children!
Informed choice between a lifestyle of sexual abstinence before marriage and one of non-abstinence is a crucial issue for societal stability and personal happiness.
This conference provides a practical and Biblical framework for understanding the benefits of practicing sexual abstinence before marriage and faithfulness within marriage.
Register or find out more:

CSG 2192

A wife who sacrifices her life for her
husband is called a virtuous woman.
A filial child sacrifices his life for his
parents. A patriot sacrifices his life for
his country. However, from the heaven-
ly standard, loyalty and filial piety are
fulfilled when you offer your eternal
life. Our bodies die, but the standard
of a heavenly virtuous woman is only
established when she offers her eternal
life to God, to her husband, and to her
parents. You have to devote your entire
lives to God.
That is why the Bible teaches us to
love God with all our heart, with all our
soul and with all our mind. So what is
the standard of “all”? You have to be
better than all other patriots, all oth-
er filial children, and all other virtuous
women in the world. If not, then God’s
dignity cannot be established. Even in
the satanic world, there have been many
patriots and virtuous women until now.
Yet God’s dignity cannot be established
if the standard for being a patriot and
a virtuous woman is the same as in the
satanic world. (9-108, 1960.4.24)

CSG 1173

What began with Jacob, the pioneer
of the victorious realm of Israel, and con-
tinued through the history of Christian
culture, created a foundation that took
4,000 years to build; yet it ended in fail-
ure. As I had to restore this all within my
lifetime, and since I could not spend 400
years on it I had to reverse and restore
everything through indemnity within
40 years, no matter how much humilia-
tion I had to endure. That was the forty-
year wilderness course. (149-59, 1986.11.2)

Richard:  This refers tot he course of Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

Let Us Understand the Heart of the Resurrected Jesus

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
April 17, 1958

What then must you do? You must at least possess the apologetic and awe-stricken heart of Peter after the resurrection of Jesus. You must try to take after the heart of Mary Magdalene, who was groping and struggling to find him. However, until the moment Jesus shouldered the cross, he did not have even one such friend or comrade.

What was Jesus’ heart like right after his resurrection? His heart after the resurrection was sorrowful, and he felt compelled to offer a prayer of disgrace before Heaven. When he was facing the Father and the countless prophets and patriots who had been toiling for 4,000 years, he felt both gladness and endless sorrow. He shed disheartened tears. You have to fathom this heart of Jesus.

Although the people of faith in Heaven were joyful, Jesus was sad. Even God felt both joy and sorrow. Among the people who are living on the earth today, there is no one who understands this heart of Jesus. However, having learned this, you must make a new determination in your hearts.

What kind of determination are you going to make? The cause and the original reason that Jesus met such a fate was not because of the people or because of Heaven. It was because of Satan. Jesus emerged to seek the apostles who had been lost and trampled upon by Satan. When we consider how the apostles, who had once pledged their lives, let evil people guard the corpse and tomb of Jesus, we can see that if Jesus had been an ordinary person, he would not have come back looking for them.

However, because Jesus only felt burning indignation toward the enemy Satan and had unwavering determination to find the disciples, and the people who were suffering inside Satan’s bosom, he came looking for them. Moreover, when he beheld the Father, who had repeatedly persevered through the burning anger He felt toward traitorous human beings for 4,000 years, Jesus renewed his heroic resolution to win back the pitiful people and went in search of them. You have to possess this heroic determination today.

After Jesus secured the determination in the remaining apostles to again fight against Satan, he could stay with them no longer. As Jesus watched over the disciples who had to inherit the will and scale the long course of history, who had to walk a bloody course and go over the pass of the crucifixion, Jesus felt sorrow and pain in his heart comparable to what he felt when he was dying on the cross. Moreover, when the forty days were over and he had to leave his beloved disciples among enemies, he felt deep agony.

What kind of mind-set did the apostles have? After Jesus left, they should have understood his sorrow in coming and going, but they only mourned over the fact that their beloved teacher had to part with them. When Jesus observed this, he felt a piercing agony in his heart which cannot be described in words.

When we consider the question of what kind of heart you must possess, you must inherit the tasks which remain after the departure of Jesus and come to possess an unchanging heart of steel, of rock, which will never yield an inch, even in a life and death battle. By doing so, you must directly experience and allay the heart of concern Jesus felt, even as he passed away.

If the apostles at that time had been united in heart and determined to be hung on the cross together with Jesus, God would have not resurrected just one person. If that had taken place, all the apostles would have been resurrected, and Christianity would not be in the state it is today.

You must inherit the mission these apostles left behind. You must feel the indignant heart of Jesus toward Satan as if it were your own. You must consider the determination of Jesus, who overcame the crucifixion, as your own. By doing so, you must become the second apostles who do not die on the cross but who survive it and emerge resurrected. On that foundation, you must become the apostles who can vanquish Satan in one day, the one who has been afflicting God for 6,000 years. With heroic determination, you must win in the fight against Satan and leave traces of the victory, even if you must walk the path of death.

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