Be Jesus’ Brother

Happy Thanksgiving!  We thank God, Jesus and Rev. Sun Myung Moon for all that they have done for all of us.  And we thank God for you, our faithful readers.  May you and yours continually dwell within the covering of God and Christ.
Richard & Stacey

Just one day until the STAR Interfaith Leadership Training Conference November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV.
This conference details the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual benefits of a lifestyle of sexual abstinence before marriage.  Your children under age 19 can attend with you for free!  What a great opportunity to discuss crucial issues with your children!
Informed choice between a lifestyle of sexual abstinence before marriage and one of non-abstinence is a crucial issue for societal stability and personal happiness.
This conference provides a practical and Biblical framework for understanding the benefits of practicing sexual abstinence before marriage and faithfulness within marriage.
Register or find out more:

Cheon Syeong Gyeong 2047

First we need structure, then unity,
and lastly we need action. These are the
three elements needed to move the world
centering on Korea. By standing with-
in a thoroughly organized realm, you
must connect 100 percent to all direc-
tions. Furthermore, you should estab-
lish this standard, leading the way, in
order to fulfill you central mission. You
must determine your position within
the organized realm. If you don’t have
a position, then there is nowhere for you
to sit down. You can push ahead only
after your position has been decided.
You will be able to see how your posi-
tion is developing based on your effort.
Deciding the position is an important
part of strengthening the power of the
organization. (15-191, 1965.10.9)

Jeremiah 24

Then the Lord told me to say:

People of Judah, the good figs stand for those of you I sent away as exiles to Babylonia, where I am watching over them. Then someday I will bring them back to this land. I will plant them, instead of uprooting them, and I will build them up, rather than tearing them down. I will give them a desire to know me and to be my people. They will want me to be their God, and they will turn back to me with all their heart.

Let Us Understand the Heart of the Resurrected Jesus

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
April 17, 1958

You who have gathered here! Have you become such that your every cell can reach harmony with God? Only when your mind and your very cells can become one with God will God come seeking you, as Jesus searched for the apostles after the resurrection. These apostles must gather to search for the humanity of the world. Up to now, apostles have made heroic determinations based on the conviction that Jesus came to die. Therefore, you who understand that Jesus did not come to die must make an even more heroic determination.

In the past, Peter could not keep his pledge to follow Jesus even at the cost of his life. He paid indemnity for it later by making a second pledge after Jesus’ resurrection. It can be said that Heaven has been working through the providence until today using this as the condition. Therefore, you are not to make a pledge before Jesus now and you are not to make a pledge to Jesus after his death as Peter did. Further, you must make the pledge to Heaven, earth and the Lord. In this way, you must fulfill the pledge that Peter could not fulfill before his death. When this is done, it stands as the condition to alleviate the bitter grief of the cosmos.

You must fulfill the children’s position before God and the position of younger brothers and sisters before Jesus. The apostles of the past had a teacher-student relationship with Jesus, but today you have a brotherly relationship with Jesus. Thus, you must behold God and Jesus from the position of brothers and feel a sense of responsibility to pay indemnity for their distress. You have to understand that, in the same way Jesus persevered through agony in his course, you have the great mission to battle against hardship. Therefore, you must always pay attention to the voices you hear in the last days. Fathoming the wishes of Heaven and earth, you must realize those wishes. When you can do that, you can stand firm as the sons and daughters of God.


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