Understand Jesus’ Heart at the Mount of Transfiguration

CSG 629

What is more, we are born and live
with consciousness, pursuing goodness
and higher value as well as experiencing
the grief of others? All these attributes
did not originate from human beings
but from the origin of humankind. We
can say that human life is a process of
going towards the resultant world which
leads us to the origin.

CSG 2015

All you members here have aban-
doned your countries to come here.
You threw away your own homelands.
Why? You did it for the territory of the
homeland that God originally desired,
and for the restoration of that home-
land. No matter how great America is,
if it does not listen to me, it will perish.
I may be making a dogmatic judgment,
but the one who is saying this is not just
a guest who is passing by and making
some comment. I am saying this because
I have done all these things. I am not a
braggart. I came here having completed

At a Field Service

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
May 11, 1958

Each of us today is inexpressibly precious. For that reason, if one person goes wrong, the trace of bitter resentment will remain with posterity for eternity. Therefore, we must become qualified in accordance with the central standard that is unchanging throughout history and eternity. By inheriting the will Jesus cherished, we should become testifiers to history, the current age, and the future. Furthermore, you should become people who attest to the fact that Jesus came forth forming relations of victory, no matter what kind of age or environment you are in.

Have you ever moved your hands, body and feet on behalf of the people of the nation and the world? Looking at the Christians of the world who are like the Israelites wandering about in the wilderness, we should feel again the heart of Jesus 2,000 years ago. We should realize that God feels more sorrow because Heaven sees all sides. Sorrow and adversities are not the issue. You should become people who can connect the present to the future, not disciples who run away when they have to decide whether to live or die. If the command at the summit of the Mount of the Transfiguration is upon you, use it as a blasting fuse of life to accomplish the will of the limitless world in the aspects of real life. Today we must become the historical vanguard who will be responsible for life.

If the heart of Jesus at the summit of the Mount of the Transfiguration had appeared here, the flame of revolution would have come about. In other words, the issue is whether the heavenly heart has been set up within the realm of life. Now we must pray, but we must pray with concrete content. When you feel Heaven’s limitless heart, sorrow and limitless mental suffering, you will be able to relate with the administration of history, the current age, and the future.

The fact that Jesus could gallantly mount the cross was because he understood the sorrow and anxiety of God. Because of that, he could ask God’s blessing for the sake of the people of the nation, the whole of humanity and even for Satan. Although many people have wandered about seeking God’s heart, only one person, Jesus, understood. God cannot give up the ideology of history, the age and the future. For that reason, today we must indemnify all the historical characteristics of sin and evil.

If we today come to know God’s hidden internal heart like this, even if you cry continuously for a month or a year, the tears will not stop welling up. We should experience the heart of Heaven in such a manner.

The time has come when we have to fight a decisive battle before the people of the nation. The persons who actually do so will be blessed representing the people of the nation. You must realize that your mission is that huge.

When you form relations with the limitless world, Jesus and God will work through you. All of the creation must go through our hands. Therefore, you must attain the blessing bestowed upon Adam and Eve by God, who took delight in creating. Each of you should become a friend of the Jesus who agonized at the top of the Mount of the Transfiguration and received tribulation at Golgotha.


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