Joy Will Come Only After Experiencing Sorrow

Cheon Seong Gyeong 486

The value of sons and daughters is
such that they are an encapsulation of
love, not exchangeable for anything in
the world. Through sons and daugh-
ters, parents will experience the heart
by which God created the first human
ancestors, Adam and Eve. This is why
the parents rejoice when they look at
their children, singing out, “You are my
love, whether I look at you this way or
look at you that way.”
No matter what your baby does,
who is born through love, you do not
hate him but simply love him. This is
because he is part of your body, made of
your own blood and flesh and your love.
Whether he pees, takes a poop, or has a
runny nose, he is simply cute and lovely.
It is because love is dissolved into such
things. (Blessed Family – 894)

Matthew 1

Jesus Christ came from the family of King David and also from the family of Abraham. And this is a list of his ancestors. 2-6a  From Abraham to King David, his ancestors were:

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah and his brothers (Judah’s sons were Perez and Zerah, and their mother was Tamar), Hezron;…

Let Us Become Beloved Children and Receive the Seals

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 14, 1958

John 10:31-36

What then must I do? I must resolve God’s sorrow by restoring myself, my family, my society, my country, the world and the universe into being acceptable to God. In this way, I should dominate all things with God’s authority and serve God. This is the crucial task you should pursue throughout your life. If you cannot relate to God this way, you will have nothing to do with God, even when God comes to the world, the country, the society or the family.

Throughout history, all the ideologies moved according to the way of Heaven. Many ideologies have merged, and now we have a world of one global ideology. By principle, when two ideologies fight, one is inevitably crushed. We should know that now is not a time for a two- dimensional battle centering on humanity. It is a time for a three- dimensional battle centering on Heaven, and this time the spirit world is waiting to attack us. That is why there are many phenomena of the last days all over the world. For instance, there are many mental patients and nervous phobias. Just as Adam had intense fear right after the fall because of the sin of betraying Heaven, this world is filled with people suffering from extreme fear.

This world is losing its guiding ideology. It is useless to insist on one’s own way. You are in the last days of the universe, in which everything is swayed back and forth in chaos, without the center. At this turning point of history, what should you do? What should you do, beholding the world and the nation, which are falling down? To be the one God can proudly present before the nation and the universe, I must make a father-son relationship with God and follow God’s ideal to dominate the creation.

However, we are blocked in front. In the back, it is incomprehensible. There are enemies on either side. Wherever we go, there are enemies who try to destroy us. We must protect ourselves at this time, protect Heaven and the heavenly way, and deflect the satans. Heaven, the master of the universe, and all things must have an ideal and want to realize it through one person.

For those who have gone out to find Heaven, there is no happiness in the process. There is no satisfaction. If there is satisfaction, he is not genuinely searching for Heaven. By Principle, agony and sorrow should come first. That is, joy will appear only after one experiences sorrow, pain and grief. That is why Christianity refers to the day of sweeping away the history of the 6,000 years as Judgment Day.

Why does Heaven come to us with sorrow, pain and grief? It is not to ruin you. It is to make you children of Heaven. A child shares blood and flesh, ideology and the ideal. You should move forward on that reciprocal base with Heaven.


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