We Must Know God’s Love Intimately

Cheon Seong Gyeong 139

2.2. God has been miserable
throughout history
How enraged God is when He looks
down on us on earth! All human beings
should have had His lineage, but Satan
pushes them into a miserable state and
scornfully jeers at God saying, “Your
descendants are miserable.” When
Satan asks God, “How will You, with
all Your omniscience and omnipotence,
redeem this difficult situation?” God can
only be silent. He has to pretend to be
deaf though He can hear, pretend not to
smell though He can smell, and pretend
not to feel though He can feel. Have you
ever thought about the misery of God
throughout history? (183-19, 1988.10.29)

Job 16

16 Job said:

I have often heard this,
    and it offers no comfort.
So why don’t you keep quiet?
    What’s bothering you?
If I were in your place,
it would be easy to criticize
    or to give advice.
But I would offer hope
    and comfort instead.

Let Us Possess the Everlasting Love of the Father

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 5, 1958

Matthew 22: 34-40

What must finally be explained to everyone through science, philosophy, history and religion? It is the common problem of history, the current age and the future. This is also a problem for God. You should know that the cosmic value of your life and whether you can be proud of it depends upon whether you can establish the standard in your life of an inseparable relationship with God in which you move with God and halt with God.

What is the common problem of history, the current age and the future? Since all of humankind, past, present and future, commonly possesses the desires for life, the ideal and love (Shim Jung) a truth or ideology or person must appear who will enable us to feel all these simultaneously in the daily process of our lives. History and religion are all thoroughly mobilized to address this problem.

Do you have the force of life by which you can live and the automatic force by which you can move toward the whole world of existence? There should be a source that brings connection and the stimulation of hope to the world of relationships. Do you have such a source? You should also ask yourself whether the power of life springs forth from within the relationships you have with such a source.

You should bring the ideal of the entire universe to your Shim Jung and the whole ideal of creation to your hearts. You should have the Shim Jung, feeling and intuition which say that since Heaven is moving in such and such a way, no existing being or thing can be neglected. If you do not have this, you should rethink the hopes you are pursuing today.

You long for the love that deeply touches your heart. It is not humanistic love, pursued by man. It is heavenly love, desired by the original mind. You are longing for the kind of love that can sing for eternity and penetrate and move the eternal ideal and life. Thus, the whole of your thinking and movements should express the Shim Jung of love. You will, thus, be the greatest victor of life if you can make the connection with such a realm of love, which embraces the environment and universe in which you live and can even embrace God.

As for theistic believers, though they acknowledge that God is the absolute and omnipotent Creator, why has their love for God and for absolute goodness become weaker than the love of secular people? This is why God sighs today. God’s sorrow is that while God’s love is greater than human parental love for a child, He cannot love humanity this much. How does God relate to humankind? Through love. We want to receive God’s love within the realm of our life and forget everything through the shock of His love. If we connect with the power of love that can melt all the grief in our heart, we can never betray Heaven. We would have no need to teach goodness then.

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