Don’t Cry Over Your Own Situation

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Cheon Seon Gyeong 209

What did human beings lose through
the Fall? They lost the right of the eldest
son. They lost the right of the eldest son
to inherit the great foundation and assets
of heaven and earth. They lost it because
of the devil. We have been ignorant of
this. Moreover, although we were to
become eternal blood relatives who can
attend the Parent, the Creator of heav-
en and earth, focusing on God’s love,
life and lineage, Adam lost the right to
become the True Parent. Also, had the
Fall not occurred, there would be one
culture, the culture of Adam and the
tribe of Adam. This would have estab-
lished one right of kingship.

Cheon Seon Gyeong 1272

God wants everyone reborn. From
His position, He is trying to bring all
of humanity, which is still in the realm
of Satan’s false love, to His side through
His greater love. Since all humankind
was born through the parents, ances-
tors and lineage of false love, they need
to be reborn through the parents, ances-
tors and lineage of true love. In this way,
they can become the children of God
and the people of God’s Kingdom. The
precious blood of Jesus and the ritual of
the Last Supper all symbolize the provi-
dence of becoming the children of God
through the conversion of the lineage.
(135-12, 1985.8.20)

Let Us Possess the Everlasting Love of the Father

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 5, 1958

Matthew 22: 34-40

From this standpoint, we should be true sons and daughters and say to the sorrowful Father with the proper attitude of children, “Father, please be happy and not sad with me.” When I get mistreated, it should be for the sake of the Father. We should have the Shim Jung of true children, which seeks to console the Father, who is saddened on behalf of our mind and body. If you have such a Shim Jung, even when you are on the path of the cross, you cannot dare to say, “Father! The pain of death is severe. Please help me avoid this path of grief.”

Although it looks as if Jesus prayed to avoid the pain of death or was surrounded by fear, this was not true. When Jesus experienced God’s Shim Jung, who had suffered for 4,000 years to find Jesus, his own death was not a problem. Jesus prayed, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt,” (Matthew 26:39) for God’s and humanity’s sake, not for his own. You should know that God’s will can be realized with such a Shim Jung.

Members of the Unification Church, do not cry over your own situation! Despite our various situations, we should be able to cry only with the Father’s Shim Jung. Be filial sons and daughters who can console the Father with tears, since He cried for us first. Just as Jesus received the grace of resurrection by saying, “Not what I want but what You want,” we should go over this hill too. You should go over the realm of resurrection with a living body. Only when you can love all people in the substantial world for the True Father, and they serve you for the Father will we see the conclusion of the ideal with which God created the world, a conclusion of the providence for humankind. We will then see the conclusion of our hope and of the providence for my love and life. Only when such a world is realized can we understand God’s Shim Jung, He who suffered and went through mistreatment, anger and sorrow, all to find “me.” We can also understand the Father’s love, which cried for us in our distress. We can know His joyful, loving Shim Jung.

However, the love with which God sought to complete His ideal on earth with Jesus and rejoice in has not appeared yet. Though countless people in history came forward holding onto the hand of love to appease God’s sorrow, the scene has not appeared in the human world in which the Father and the children can hold hands, sing, dance and share love together having established the original garden of flowers. How can we understand the sorrowful Shim Jung of the Father? We have to be in a similar place. You should clearly keep in mind that only those who feel God’s joyful and sorrowful Shim Jung can occupy the everlasting love of God and stand as the direct children of God rather than as adopted children.

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