History Has Been Flowing to Avoid Poverty of the Spirit, Life and Love.

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Leviticus 23

15 Seven weeks after you offer this bundle of grain, each family must bring another offering of new grain. 16 Do this exactly fifty days later, which is the day following the seventh Sabbath. 17 Bring two loaves of bread to be lifted up[d] in dedication to me. Each loaf is to be made with yeast and with four pounds of the finest flour from the first part of your harvest.

18 At this same time, the entire community of Israel must bring seven lambs that are a year old, a young bull, and two rams. These animals must have nothing wrong with them, and they must be offered as a sacrifice to please me.[e] You must also offer the proper grain and wine sacrifices with each animal.[f] 19 Offer a goat[g] as a sacrifice for sin, and two rams a year old as a sacrifice to ask my blessing.[h] 20 The priest will lift up[i] the rams together with the bread in dedication to me. These offerings are holy and are my gift to the priest. 21 This is a day of celebration and worship, a time of rest from your work. You and your descendants must obey this law.

Jeremiah 50

51 I, the Lord, am sending
    a wind[a] to destroy
the people of Babylonia[b]
    and Babylon, its capital.
Foreign soldiers will come
    from every direction,
and when the disaster is over,
Babylonia will be empty
    and worthless.
I will tell these soldiers,
    “Attack quickly,
before the Babylonians
can string their bows
    or put on their armor.[c]
Kill their best soldiers
    and destroy their army!”
Their troops will fall wounded
    in the streets of Babylon.

The Freedom, Liberation and Unification God Seeks to Attain

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 12, 1958

John 8:31-47


Father! Have pity on humankind, who has lost the garden of freedom, liberation and unification. We thought that all that was lost could be regained in the external world, but now we have learned the sorrow of history: that even with a certain external standard, there have been internal divisions. Let the power of life, love and the ideal of God overflow in us so as to take back the internal world of freedom, liberation and unification so that the standard of Shim Jung that can laugh at death and overcome pain and sorrow can be planted in our hearts. Help us realize that in the world of Shim Jung we can feel the freedom of all the saints, feel the whole circumstances, and move with the life of the whole.

Father! Looking at the historical world, it proceeds centered on the material, instigating divisions within and putting on a deceptive form of unification without. Internally, on the contrary, we realize that history has been flowing to avoid poverty of the spirit, life and love. Now that we have arrived at the time when we should reinforce the time of life, the time of the ideal, and Your love, please give us the heart that can rejoice even in crossing the line of death. We should attain the loyalty of heart to be able to call You Father. We should know that You had worries and battles for us. Help us realize that only when we have a change of heart and feel that Your hard work comes to us with a value 10,000 times greater than that of our death can the power of life emerge which can replenish the deficiency of the spirit.

Father! Today not only material famine and urges but also spiritual death and thirst are arising in the hearts of the people on earth. Grant us the fire of the Holy Spirit, Your life and Your love, which can fill this emptiness. Grant us Your Shim Jung of freedom, liberation and unification which can digest all attainable internal life at the place of its explosion, and the ideal of freedom. Father, we know that You are driving all, from the individual to the whole, to such a place to find us. We also know that from the world, the country, and the nation to the individual, they are driven out to that position in Your name.

Today, when things are flowing toward the final moments, we do not have the standard by which we can eternally keep Your power of the whole and by which our contradictory selves can be connected to the world. Grant us a greater Shim Jung that can find it and make the connection. Let Your existence, Your life, Your ideal, Your love and true freedom, liberation and unification be realized in my one being as they have been moving internally. We have learned that only then can we have the qualification to call the distant kingdom of God ours, the distant Kingdom of Heaven our kingdom, and the Shim Jung that can connect with the distant ideal our Shim Jung.

Since only those who have such a Shim Jung in their hearts can possess the heavenly kingdom and fulfill the ideal of the Kingdom of Heaven, the Father told us, “I am in your heart.” Jesus also told us, “I am in your heart.” I eagerly pray that we will see that everything will find resolution only with the heartistic standard that believes that the Kingdom of Heaven is in our hearts. I eagerly desire and ask that we understand and feel Your Shim Jung as more valuable than my body, my freedom and my life. I pray that we may restore one Shim Jung that can deplore Your sorrow more than the death of the whole world, and we can stand before You as individuals who can understand it.

With Your toilsome historical course of searching and wandering before us, let Your Shim Jung explode in our Shim Jung. Guide us to prepare the foundation of Shim Jung such that we can realize freedom, liberation and unification based on Your life, ideal and love and fulfill Your desire, saying, “Father! Please receive consolation now. We know Your heart.” Guide us to be Your sons and daughters who, singing of glorious life, the ideal and liberation with You, will soothe Your heart which led the movement of freedom to resolve the sorrow, pain and lamentation of restoration. Let the whole of humankind gather around and sing of freedom, liberation and unification with You.

We learned that if we have the Shim Jung of freedom and liberation, even a hundred million satans and enemies cannot harm us. We have also seen that an ideology cannot restrict us. Once our Shim Jung unite with You and move forward based on freedom and liberation, Heaven and earth will automatically unite, harmonize and move. Therefore, grant us such a standard in our hearts. I eagerly desire and ask for it. For the sake of this life and hope, guide us to establish the standard of uniting with Your Shim Jung, even risking our lives. Save us from the ridicule of our enemies until we receive You in our hearts. Keep us unchanged until Your Shim Jung is settled in our hearts beyond the persecution of our enemies. Make us Your children who can overcome all fear. We pray all this in the name of the Lord. Amen.

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