Tribal Messiahs and Registration are Necessary

Cheon Seong Gyeong  1734

God’s wedding takes place on Adam
and Eve’s wedding day. There would be
one vertical wedding and one horizontal
wedding. Through their sexual organs,
man and woman would attain God’s
absolute love and at the same time,
reach the center of that love and be unit-
ed centered on His love. Had this come
about, they would have been united cen-
tering on their minds, like God. (284-56,

Richard:  God’s perfection level wedding will take place on February 28th, 2018 in Newfoundland, PA.  Click here for more information.

Cheon Seong Gyeong  445

Section 5. The Family Brings
Together the Love of Three
The family encompasses history, the
present and the future. So what is the
ultimate point that God has sought for
six thousand years? It is the family – the
family where love is interconnected and
where all are united in love. Everything
that exists comes under its dominion.
We cannot cut our relationship with
this absolute source of love. The estab-
lishment of such a family was the orig-
inal mission that God gave Adam and
Eve at the time of creation. God did not
want them to merely end up as a man,
Adam, and a woman, Eve, but instead
dreamed of a new family where they
would be united. This is the first start-
ing point towards establishing men and
women. Thus to be able to enter the
Kingdom of Heaven safely, you have to
find a family and within the realm of
that family in this world, enter and live
in a place where you can feel satisfied in
God’s love. Only then can you go beyond
this world as well. (30-85, 1970.3.17)

Cheon Seong Gyeong  1438-1439

 Why are tribal messiahs necessary?
If there are no tribal messiahs, then
all the families cannot be connected
between themselves. Without this, you
cannot have your hometown. I have
my own hometown but you do not
have one. After restoring all the fami-
lies, there will come the age of reg-
istration in the future. Once the age
of registration comes, tribal formation
will take place. The order in which you
register will determine your position.
Those who register first will be the
elders and a new system will be devel-
oped so that they can be attended in
the same manner as you attend your
ancestors. Only when the whole world
is transformed accordingly, will the
heavenly kingdom on earth be real-
ized. (210-273, 1990.12.25)
Tribal messiahs are absolutely nec-
essary! Those who do not fulfill their
missions cannot connect the realms of
the first and second Adam. They cannot
be connected to True Father, nor can
they be registered. Therefore, are tribal
messiahs absolutely necessary, or not?
They are necessary. The people who do
not realize the true value of such bless-
ings from God will treat anything giv-
en them with carelessness, even if they
are endowed with treasure. These peo-
ple will be judged according to the same
thoughtless standard which they have
demonstrated. Everything will be com-
pleted once all the tribes are restored.
(192-233, 1989.7.4)
Only by receiving the Blessing will it
be possible to register into the Kingdom
of Heaven. Through this, humankind
can finally inherit the Kingdom of God.
They can form heavenly families, tribes,
a people, nations, world, and cosmos.
Therefore, the Kingdom of Heaven is
formed, and they become citizens of that
kingdom by being registered in it. Orig-
inally, the relatives of the first parents
should have been registered in the king-
dom. However, because those parents
fell, we had to pass through numerous
periods in history, and gather those to be
registered from the entire world. That is
why you need to restore through indem-
nity the unfulfilled mission of Jesus, by
accomplishing your duties as tribal mes-
siahs. In order to do so, you need to take
responsibility for each nation in the
world and dedicate that nation to the
Kingdom of Heaven. (269-303, 1995.5.1)
The more people become tribal mes-
siahs, the more they can come togeth-
er; and by centering on this, you can
carry out the movement of reclaiming
your own nation. From the east and the
west, in fact from all directions of 360
degrees, Blessed Families will emerge
and vie with each other in how to reach
the top first. You cannot occupy the
position of ancestors before you are reg-
istered in the Kingdom of God. If you
fail to occupy that position, there is no
knowing when you will be pushed out.
(269-93, 1995.4.8)
If the members of the Unification
Church were to be graded according to
how many people they have witnessed to
in twenty years, those who have not wit-
nessed to even one person will be viewed
as hangers-on. In the future, at the time
of registration, that number will be
of great importance. We will soon be
entering the era of registration. There-
fore, the people you have witnessed to
must become a part of your clan center-
ing on your family. Isn’t Adam’s family
a part of his clan?
Taking Adam’s family into consider-
ation, you can see that as long as there
are sons and daughters of Adam’s fam-
ily and his clan, a nation can be estab-
lished. When you restore the tribe, then
a nation will be established automatical-
ly. (240-27, 1992.12.11)
If you consider your family, you have
your own sons and daughters and your
parents, which means there are three
generations in a family. There are hun-
dreds and thousands of families that
can inherit the ideal of the God-centered
family on a similar horizontal level, cen-
tering on your own vertical relationship
with God. Once they are connected, they
can form God’s nation. Without doing
anything else, a nation can come into
existence. The world is not as compli-
cated or as difficult as you might think.
(240-27, 1992.12.11)
The religious order that is the Uni-
fication Church is a tribe. I am telling
you that it is a tribe. The same blood is
flowing in all of the members. There-
fore, when I shed tears, so should you;
and when I am delighted, you should
be too. We are all relatives. We are one
people come together, united into one-
ness, transcending the five races and the
different national standards with dif-
ferent cultural backgrounds, breaking
down all barriers between us, in order to
establish the new Kingdom of God. On
the day this new race is sanctified, the
creation of the Kingdom of God can be
realized. Only when you live everyday as
the sanctified race of the kingdom, can
a new world be created, and can the cos-
mic Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in
spirit world emerge through that world.
(168-136, 1987.9.13)
I gave you the name of messiah. Trib-
al messiah! What should you do about
it? What should you do as messiahs?
Everything you will require in being
national messiahs, world messiahs, and
cosmic messiahs has already been pre-
pared for you. A mountain-high pile
of treasures has been prepared for you.
Once you become messiahs, every part
of this mountain of treasures will be
bequeathed to you. A water pipe will be
connected between the treasures and
you, and they will flow down the pipe
right into your laps as naturally as flow-
ing water. (189-247, 1989.4.9)
Do you think the title “tribal mes-
siah” comes cheaply? Though such
an intelligent True Father devoted his
whole life to fulfilling the mission of the
messiah, he still feels shameful because
he has not done nearly enough. The fact
that the name of tribal messiah has been
bestowed on you is truly incredible.
Through it, you can stand in a position
much higher in value than Jesus him-
self. Even the very ones who opposed
the Unification Church, and threw all
kinds of insults at us, can be elevated
to the position of unfallen Adam. Who,
then, can make such a statement in this
world? Father has accomplished all that
he spoke of until now, because he stood
in the position of True Parents. There is
not one word of his that has not been ful-
filled. (219-150, 1991.8.29)

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