Your Blessed Children Must Not Fall

Titus 1

From Paul, a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ.

I encourage God’s own people to have more faith and to understand the truth about religion. Then they will have the hope of eternal life that God promised long ago. And God never tells a lie! So, at the proper time, God our Savior gave this message and told me to announce what he had said.

Titus, because of our faith, you are like a son to me. I pray that God our Father and Christ Jesus our Savior will be kind to you and will bless you with peace!

Isaiah 34 (Contemporary English Version)

5After the sword of the Lord
has done what it wants
    to the skies above,[c]
it will come down on Edom,
the nation that the Lord
    has doomed for destruction.

  1. 34.5 has done. . . above: The Standard Hebrew Text; the Dead Sea Scrolls “appears in the skies above.”

Cheon Seong Gyeong  1448-1449

Section 3. The Four-Position
Foundation Registration
Unification Blessing Ceremony
3.1. Transition of the Three Ages
Realm of Oneness Unification
Blessing Ceremony
The people on earth received the Bless-
ing through True Parents, while those
in the spirit world received the Blessing
through Heung-jin. These two groups of
people, separately blessed through the
parents and the sons and daughters in
the physical and spirit worlds, must be
brought together and united into one.
What the son has achieved in the spirit
world centering on his parents on earth
must be brought down to the earth, so
that the foundation for the Blessing
bestowed through the parents, that is, the
Blessing conducted by parents on earth,
and the foundation for the Blessing in
the spirit world, can be connected and
unified. The spirit world, which stands
in the position of the archangel, needs
to be perfected. It must align itself to the
standard of the Blessing, and instead
of the parents blessing their sons and
daughters on earth, Heung-jin needs to
come down to the earth and set the con-
dition that the father and son have unit-
ed into oneness. It needs to be acknowl-
edged that the accomplishments of the
True Parents were achieved together
with Heung-jin. (332-287, 2000.9.24)
The era in which an eighty-year old
man travels around the world to bless
people will soon pass. Instead, a new
era will be inaugurated, where you
would perform the Blessing Ceremony
on behalf of True Parents, together with
Heung-jin, also performing the Bless-
ing Ceremony on behalf of True Parents
in the spirit world. To this end, I have
bequeathed to my son, Heung-jin in the
spirit world, the authority to conduct the
Blessing, from the position of the father
in the physical world. Furthermore, the
foundation on which the Blessing is per-
formed in the spirit world has equal val-
ue to that of the standard through which
Father can also go there any time to
perform the Blessing. What this means
is that the Blessing performed in both
worlds is of equal value and on the same
level, whether it is performed by True
Father in this world together with the
son, or performed by True Father in the
spirit world with his son in attendance.
Therefore, you must understand that
True Father has passed down the author-
ity to perform the Blessing to his son, in
order to set forth the significance of the
unified Blessed Families, who stand on
an equal footing. (332-287, 2000.9.24)
When a father passes on to the spirit
world, he will become the elder broth-
er and his son will become the younger
brother. Therefore, Heavenly Father is in
the position of father to both the father
and the son. In the presence of God,
everyone is a son. In this regard, they
are all sons of God, but since the father
was born before the son, he can assume
the position of the elder brother on the
horizontal level.
That is why True Parents have per-
fected the position of the parents, so that
they can then bring about the perfection
of the position of the son, by bestowing
on him and uniting into one what is of
the same value both in the spiritual and
physical worlds. By making this declara-
tion of unification in the joint presence
of Heung-jin, the elder son in the spir-
it world, and Blessed Families, we will
now enter the era where True Parents
no longer need to perform the Blessing;
instead, Heung-jin will conduct it, and
in his absence, Hyun-jin can hold the
Blessing on behalf of True Father. (332-289,
You sons and daughters, Blessed
Families who are all the third genera-
tion from God, must on no account
commit the Fall, once you have received
the Blessing. If you were to fall, the time
in which True Parents come and save the
world will pass. The lineage of the hus-
bands and wives who have inherited the
right of kingship representing the ances-
tors of the Three Ages, where the stained
lineage has been completely changed and
so can perform the Blessing themselves,
must never be defiled in thousands and
tens of thousands of years to come. The
defiled bloodline must not continue.
You must keep your chastity. This is a
very serious matter.
You will no longer be able to ask for
forgiveness, saying, “Please forgive us in
the name of True Parents.” There will
be no other way for you to be saved oth-
er than sacrificing your own ancestors
and your beloved brothers and sisters.
That lineage would not be pure, and so
it must be removed. A pure lineage must
be passed on. This is very serious. (332-291,
I want to warn you, that Blessed Fam-
ilies in the realm of the third generation
from God must not, under any circum-
stances, become families that taste the
bitter sorrow of the Fall. (332-294, 2000.9.24)
The women who participate in the
Registration Special Workshop have
been registered, and so can take respon-
sibility for their sons and daughters. The
mother should unite together with her
sons and daughters and help their father
repent of his sins, thereby setting up
the position of unfallen parents. Thus,
the husband and wife should follow in
the footsteps of the coming True Par-
ents, and stand in the position of having
devoted everything in the cosmos with
a grateful heart, including themselves,
their sons and daughters, all of creation,
and the Old, New, and Completed Tes-
tament Ages, and attend God on His
The place where you inherit the actu-
al authority of love is the very starting
point of having your own homeland,
and the beginning of the restoration
of the homeland. Henceforth, every-
thing desired in providential history,
but which has remained unattainable
for Blessed Families, should be indem-
nified so that we can take responsibility
for the chaotic era of the reunification of
North and South Korea. In this solemn
task of restoring the homeland with our
own hands, and thereby restoring our
homeland, you are the mothers and sons
and daughters of the soldiers at the front
line. You must understand that you have
been ordered to march forward on the
one-way path towards victory and per-
fection, step by step, working together
with heaven and earth. The Parents of
Heaven and Earth hope and pray that
you will be the soldiers who, as the first,
second, or third generation, do not leave
an indelible stain on the reputation and
traditions of heaven, and instead become
proud families that are not ashamed to
show your faces before your ancestors in
the spirit world. I pray to God with my
family, including the blessed eldest son
Heung-jin and Hyun-jin, that all mem-
bers will become victorious princes
and princesses of heaven and earth, by
achieving the goal of liberating the per-
fection and completion of the absolute
ideal! Amen! (332-298, 2000.9.24)
Book 9 • Blessed Family 1450
I proclaim the bequeathal of the victo-
ries of True Parents in the physical world
as the victorious traditions and unified
ideal centered on Heung-jin, the repre-
sentative of the right of the eldest son in
the spirit world. Therefore, every being
in the cosmos should, with a grateful
heart, pledge loyalty and devotion to the
eternal and unchanging nation of love
and the Kingdom of Heaven of love on
earth and in spirit world, and fulfill the
duties of filial sons and daughters, patri-
ots, chaste women, saints, and sages! This
we pledge! Amen! This we pledge! Amen!
This we pledge! Amen! (332-302, 2000.9.24)


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