Do Your Possessions Belong to Heaven?

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Cheon Seon Gyeong 1195

There is no royal palace, either
in heaven or on this earth. Neither is
there any heavenly palace on this earth.
There is no palace centered on God’s
love. The right of kingship established
on earth so far were establish by the
people who only possessed the right of
brothers rather the right of the Parents
of the heavenly kingdom. These people
exploited everybody. We are now in the
era of the right of kingship of the rights
of brotherhood, but not once have we
seen an era of the true right of kingship
of the right of the vertical Parents on
this earth. (206-219, 1990.10.7)

Cheon Seon Gyeong 639

What you need to be thinking about
in this era is the spirit world. As yet, the
spirit world corresponds to the angelic
world. We Unification Church members
stand in the same position as Adam and
Eve before the Fall, that is to say, we are
living in that realm. Viewed from the
spirit world, it is identical to paradise
appearing on earth. (54-228, 1972.3.24)

God’s Possession and Our Possession

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
November 9, 1958

Matthew 6: 16-34

I will speak briefly on the topic “God’s Possession and Our Possession.”

We know that the created things have lost their master. We know very well that this is true of us as well. Due to the fall, human beings cannot belong to God in any absolute sense. They cannot own the created things and this world in an absolute sense either. We should know the sorrowful fact that until today, even God, the Absolute Being, has not been able to take charge confidently, asserting that all His created things belong to Him.

For this reason, the historic course until today has been for the purpose of belonging to one master. We must keep in mind that until today, human beings have come through a history of struggle, full of ups and downs, to achieve this purpose, having passed through ages and centuries.

We cannot deny that all created things exist. Therefore, there must be a master who is in charge of these created things, an absolute being. Unless we find an absolute, stable point under the management of that absolute being against whom no one can make a false charge, this world cannot escape the history of struggle.

Believers today know very well that God is unable to assert that all of His creation belongs to Him. In other words, God is in a position where He cannot manage all that He Himself devoted His complete energy to and created according to His Will. He cannot use them as He wishes. That is why God’s providential history to restore the original position came into being. That is why religious people have sought God’s Will, even as they arrived at unjust death and undeserved persecution.

Heaven cannot directly supervise the numerous children who come forth fighting to attain the one Will, devoting their efforts and risking their lives for the sake of Heaven, centered on goodness and the glory of victory. This is also God’s sorrow. You must understand that this is also the grief of righteous people who try to walk the truthful course of faith.

You must realize that the day God is able to boast of His own existential value of possession before the whole cosmos is the day all the accounts of God’s providence are settled. It is the focal point of the whole creation’s desire, the basic point that Jesus and all the sages, who came and left, idealized.

Look carefully at yourselves and the living environment in which you are. To whom do the things in your possession, you, your family, your society, state and world belong? Can you affirm that they belong to Heaven? You cannot say they belong to Heaven nor can you say they are yours. You must realize that this has been the greatest sorrow of sorrows for fallen humankind. Having set up providential salvation, God could not tell the people following Him to keep all their worldly things and take care of themselves. We have to feel and experience this situation of God’s. It is an appalling situation. God was to put human beings in the position of the lords of all things, yet He cannot command them to keep the things they have and still follow Him.

Therefore, he who goes forth on the course of seeking truth will have to realize keenly and feel the sorrowful Shim Jung of God, from the bottom of his heart, who must tell him to cut off from all the belongings he has and follow Him. He who cannot do that will have no connection whatsoever with God when the time of the restoration of God’s right of possession comes.

Religious people today speak of receiving salvation. They speak of their wish to become heavenly people. What is more, they wish to step forth as the chosen third Israel. You must understand that while it is good to have such a mind, the question is whether I, as an individual, have the standard and qualification to become so. This will become a matter for concern. Because Heaven is in a situation where it cannot manage all of creation, we must understand that regardless of how many great people have come and gone on this earth, no brave person has appeared who could completely manage this earth and call it his own.

Until when will this historic course continue? It will continue until the day when the one central figure comes who can assert that this earth belongs eternally to him. Until then, history will go through a course of ups and downs. Some human beings have come forth boasting of their cultures or their political influence and religion as if they belonged to them. However, the center of culture has been transferred to different places according to changes in the stream of thought. Political influence, centered on certain doctrines and assertions, has also taken new turns. Religions have undergone changes. We can see such facts very clearly as we research history. That is, as we look back on the historic course, we can understand that no movement has ever stood in the position to have the decisive right of possession.




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