We Must Know God’s and Jesus’ Shimjung

Cheon Seong Gyeong 437

Parents need to get permission from
the grandfather before sending their
grandson anywhere. Parents cannot
simply do whatever they want. This is
because the grandfather stands in the
position of God. (107-326, 1980.6.8)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1421

What are we trying to achieve? We
want to be registered in the positions of
sons and daughters who can be loved
eternally by God and True Parents. The
registration will begin from this time
forth. You will be registered in the Book
of Life of the Kingdom of God. A new
form of registration should take place
based on the true parent-centered ideol-
ogy and Godism, and at the same time,
the organization of tribes should also
take place. Similar to the twelve apostles
of Jesus and the twelve tribes of Israel,
we also need to organize ourselves into
tribes. (146-230, 1986.7.1)

Richard:  This process has begin with the “Cosmic True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humanity Cheon Il Guk Book of Life Registration Blessing” that occurred on Feb. 28, 2018:  https://youtu.be/tUi0dEZvadE

Let Us Seek and Establish the Blessed Land God Wants to Administer

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
December 14, 1958

Genesis 1:24-28

God does not exist higher than the cosmos. No created thing can achieve completion without having a connection with God. When we build a house, we must link up all the materials and have them relate to each other to be a complete house.

Now we must seek God’s and Jesus’ mind and Shim Jung in the 66 volumes of the Bible. Only when we get to know God’s and Jesus’ mind and Shim Jung can we know our minds and Shim Jung. Yet God’s and Jesus’ mind and Shim Jung are not completely manifested in the Bible. It is written in the Bible that the Kingdom of Heaven is in your mind. Yet how many people are there who can indeed say, “The Kingdom of Heaven is in me”?

Where are such people? There are many people who have memorized good scriptural passages, wonderful, celebrated verses. Yet in order for us to know Jesus’ mind and Shim Jung, we must know why Jesus, the Savior of all humankind and the True Father of all human beings, grieved on this earth. What caused him to grieve the most? We must know these things. Only when we know these things can we say we have come to know Jesus’ mind and Shim Jung. We must know what the most unjust, vexatious, and painful thing was to Jesus, and the reason for it.

By doing so, we must be able to comfort Jesus, saying, “Aren’t your heart and mind in such and such a state? I understand your heart and mind.” Only then will we become true human beings for the first time. You must know this.

You must know that to restore one human being, God has gone through the vicissitudes of history, grieving and suffering. You must understand the content of the current age. Furthermore, you must understand the hope for the future. Because they do not know this, the people of the world today are struggling hard.

Jesus received the joyous day of resurrection only after having walked the path of sorrow, the path of suffering, the path of the cross. Jesus could feel joy toward Heaven, yet he could not feel joy on earth. You must know this. How could this be, that while he felt sorrow facing earth, Jesus could feel joy facing God, calling out, “Abba”?

Jesus knew God’s mind and heart. That was why he was able to express his gratitude and joy, holding onto God’s heart and mind and shedding tears. Yet there was no one on earth who felt similarly toward Jesus. That was the reason Jesus could not feel joy in relation to human beings. If human beings had been able to feel joy with Heaven in the glorious realm of resurrection, the 2,000-year historical course of sorrow would not have taken place.

Jesus resurrected, bearing the heart of these vicissitudes. Having seen Jesus’ resurrected appearance, Mary Magdalene tried to grab hold of him, saying, “Oh, my Lord!” Yet Jesus said to her, “Do not lay hands on me.” What does this mean? This showed us decisively that no matter how much human beings desire to grab hold of Jesus, they cannot become one with him without knowing his sorrow and pain, without knowing his mind and heart.

Now the time has come for human beings living on this earth to discard the material things and doctrines to which they subscribe and step forth. What kind of people opposed Jesus? We must know Jesus’ heart, even if we have to abandon our ideology, and all that we have. Jesus’ heart was not for his good but for the good of God. He tried to remember God’s heart to attend Him constantly.

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