Jesus at His Second Coming Will Find a Physical Mother

Salvific history has conformed to the principles of indemnity. It was a history in which the sovereign authority has been carried over from mother to father, from father to children.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2018

In this way, you invest in stages,
investing more in each stage, and then
forgetting what you invested, so as to
reach the higher levels, and then have
the idea to invest more into each one.
It is the same when you move from one
country to another. When you move
from the national to the worldwide lev-
el, you must invest and offer more sin-
cere devotion than you offered for the

Cheon Seong Gyeong 917

There is some element of truth in
Christianity’s ban on the performance
of ancestral rites to this present day.
This rite should be offered to God and
the True Parent of all humankind. The
ancestors ideally should be first served
from heaven. However, due to the Fall,
this has been prohibited until the pres-
ent time. In the age of restoration, since
you have received the Blessing, you
should attend your ancestors from now
on. (223-210, 1991.11.10)

Humankind Wanders In Search of the Truth

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
December 21, 1958

Matthew 7:1-12

Salvific history has conformed to the principles of indemnity. It was a history in which the sovereign authority has been carried over from mother to father, from father to children.

Now we have ushered in a great historical conversion age. Therefore, the fortune of heaven and earth is being restored to life again. You must know that humanity is placed in the inevitable fateful course of restoration through indemnity.

Therefore, in this present world, equal rights between the sexes are being advocated. The time for women to receive better treatment from men is here. Don’t you think so? This is the process of restoring through indemnity the fact that Eve, the mother, ruled Adam in Eden in a reverse way.

The history initiated by the fall was not a normal history. It was a discriminatory, one-sided and one- directional history. Therefore, it must turn back the way it has come. Heaven unfolded the dispensation of dividing humans, cast out by the fall, into two sides: one on the left, the other on the right. Likewise, division into left and right has also taken place between man and woman, between human beings, between states and between the world. Left symbolizes what is wrong, and right symbolizes what is right.

Humans lost their innate character because they fell. That is why they have walked the path of good, according to the truthful reporting of the conscience.

Today you must stand steadfast before Heaven and become central figures who can govern the whole universe. What is the essence that can determine the central figure of all creation? It is not vitality nor ideology. It is love. That is why I Corinthians 13:13 says, “Faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” St. Paul spoke thus because this is the path a person must walk. Jesus had to establish a standard of love that could demonstrate the position of children by having united the internal spirit and the external flesh. Because the Israelite people did not believe in him, that standard could not be established.

Because human history is the history of re-creation, the process of restoration had to be developed. Therefore, Jesus’ spirit went to heaven, while the Holy Spirit came to deal with individuals on earth.

What must the Holy Spirit accomplish by embracing spiritual children among the faithful on earth? She must recapture the ideology of Eden. That is why the Holy Spirit came.

Therefore, we must seek the Savior, the bridegroom, in accordance with the moral obligations of the children of the Holy Spirit. Yet Christians seek the Savior on the ideological level. We do not attain the state of unity between the spirit and flesh. People who walk the path of righteousness, the path of faith, also must lead a life of denying the flesh. Faithful people have wandered in search of the world of the mind and the world of the spirit in such a way.

The faithful believers of today, the children, must continue toward restoration focused upon the Holy Spirit as their spiritual mother, seeking to unite the spirit and flesh. The mother, Eve, governed the father, Adam, in the Garden of Eden. Inversely, the mother must be governed properly now and her correct position restored. After this, the children are governed.

The hope of Eden must be attained by uniting the spirit and the flesh. Since the spirit and flesh were severed by the fall, humans must unite them. What is more, humankind must not only stand in a vertical position, but also in a horizontal position. Because humans have continued in a one-sided way, rather than taking an all-directional view, their minds and bodies have become separated, and their minds and spirits have become divided.

When will Jesus attain this hope? Jesus left the Holy Spirit to work on the earth after his coming and ascension. That will not suffice, however. Because Jesus left behind the promise of his Second Coming, he must return to keep that promise. That ideology of the Second Coming is to seek the physical mother who was lost in the Garden of Eden. By governing the fallen mother, the restored mother will have to restore the physical father’s position. Thus, Jesus’ hope will be realized.


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