We Must Become Jesus Incarnate

John 8

27 No one understood that Jesus was talking to them about the Father.

28 Jesus went on to say, “When you have lifted up the Son of Man,[e] you will know who I am. You will also know that I don’t do anything on my own. I say only what my Father taught me. 29 The one who sent me is with me. I always do what pleases him, and he will never leave me.”

Jeremiah 51

15 God used his wisdom and power
to create the earth
    and spread out the heavens.
16 The waters in the heavens roar
    at his command.
He makes clouds appear;
he sends the wind
    from his storehouse
and makes lightning flash
    in the rain.

Heaven’s Sorrowful Heart

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
January 3, 1959

Matthew 1:18-2:12

We must attain Jesus’ objective, even if we die on the cross, even if God says He does not know us. We cannot abandon this objective even if all the people turn against us, including the person closest to us upon this earth. Having understood this, you must stand before Heaven in place of Jesus to accomplish this objective.

You must fight on, even if something turns against you and blocks you. You must stand in a position where you feel you have taken charge of what Jesus left behind in ancient times and accept it as a natural thing to do. Unless you can do so, you cannot succeed in attaining the objective Jesus left behind, and you have no way to resolve his suffering love.

We must understand that if we do not fulfill the objective Jesus left behind and resolve the suffering love he left, we cannot attain the Will of God, who has sought us for 2,000 years. We cannot dissolve His bitterness.

God has left behind the heart that wishes us to know that although we are individuals today, “I” am not a private individual. Although “I” am an element, I am connected to the whole universe. “I” am to represent the historical heart of the whole, who wishes us to represent Jesus’ whole objective. Furthermore, God wants to entrust us today with the responsibility of attaining His desires for the future as well.

You must become those who are able to call on Jesus and God, knowing that each of us is placed in a very important situation historically. In addition, you must know that the heart of Jesus exists, born through ties which were formed between God’s heart of 4,000 years and the hearts of Joseph and Mary, who ardently wished for the birth of the Messiah. Now that the long history of 2,000 years has flowed down, these hearts are acutely making demands upon us today.

Now, do you have the mind that wishes for salvation, lifting your hands to Heaven? Do you have the mind that repents facing Heaven by bowing your body? Do you have the mind that can run toward Heaven with all four limbs in motion? Do you have the heart, having made all due preparation in your mind and body, to take responsibility for the magnificent fight of Jesus, who fought having thrown down the gauntlet of the cross? You must fully realize again in this hour that, by reflecting upon what kind of heart you have, on your own accord, you must take responsibility for the movement that dissolves the grievous historical resentment.

What would Jesus forewarn us of today? Jesus came looking for true sons and daughters to whom he could truly unburden himself and speak about Heaven’s situation. However, he could not find them. Although he went around seeking and striving for thirty or more years, he could not meet even one person with whom he could share his fate, to whom he could pass on Heaven’s unfinished business. He left without being able to do so.

By knowing this heart of Jesus, you too must experience calling Heaven “Father,” bearing the same responsibility as Jesus, standing in the same situation. You must experience crying out in repentance, looking at all humankind on the earth. You must have a sincere heart with which you can look at all creation and say “congratulations” aloud to Heaven. You must think again that unless you feel this kind of impulse in your mind, you cannot save your honor in front of the numerous prophets and sages who fought in the face of death, coming through the past 2,000 years, upholding the will of Jesus, who is still making an effort even today.

Now we must make an earnest request and vow, lifting our hands before the Father. We must earnestly request and pledge, saying, “Father, we solicit in this hour that You will please allow us to represent the body of Jesus, who came to this earth 2,000 years ago. Please allow this body that we offer before the Father’s altar to represent Jesus.”

Now you may lay down your heart and make a vow before Heaven. The heart and the will we embrace must be able to represent Jesus’ heart and will. Our whole body must be able to represent Jesus’ body. We must become Jesus incarnate, who can dissolve in our generation the heart and situation of Jesus, who tried to grasp Heaven with his heart and tried to grasp the earth and all humankind with his body. By doing so, we must become those who can fight holding onto Heaven with our minds and holding onto humanity with our bodies.

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