The Importance of Brotherly Unity in Serving God

1 John 3

11 From the beginning you were told that we must love each other. 12 Don’t be like Cain, who belonged to the devil and murdered his own brother. Why did he murder him? He did it because his brother was good, and he was evil. 13 My friends, don’t be surprised if the people of this world hate you. 14 Our love for each other proves that we have gone from death to life. But if you don’t love each other, you are still under the power of death.

Isaiah 35

Here is a message for all
who are weak,
    and worried:
“Cheer up! Don’t be afraid.
Your God is coming
    to punish your enemies.
God will take revenge on them
    and rescue you.”

Let Us Regain the Victorious Nation
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
January 4, 1959

Genesis 1:27

Acts 1

In this age, we need to fulfill the responsibilities of the family, the nation and of the world. You should know that this is why we receive so much persecution. Through our offering the condition of accomplishing the national mission from the stance of the family and church, even through persecution, God tries to place us on the foundation of His 6,000 years of providential work. You should know that this Will exists. Standing before this Will, the countless spirits from the time of Jesus stand in the position of the first Israel. The saints who believed after Jesus came and left stand in the position of the second Israel. Those who are on the condition of perfection today stand in the position of the third Israel. Since standing in the position of the third Israel is the purpose of the course of the bridegroom, we should follow the reverse path.

Since the third Israel is to love, without going through the purpose of love, one cannot make a connection with God. Hence, the first Israel in the spiritual world must go through the second Israel, the Christians on the earth. The Christians, the second Israel, must go through the third Israel. Moreover, the third Israel should establish the standard of the mediator. You must establish this position in the areas of the individual, the family, the church and the world.

With this Will before you, you now know well on what stage you are. I thank you that you call me “Teacher,” but unless you meet the condition of restoration, the teacher cannot do anything about it.

In the process of finding the True Parents, what do the true brothers and sisters need to establish? They should plant on the earth a love that is greater than any brotherly love within the 6,000 years of fallen lineage. Without this, Heaven cannot say, “Oh, you are brothers and sisters I can recognize.” Only after going through the course of true brotherhood can you enter the realm of grace where you can be the parents of the family. You should not do this for your sake. You should stand in the position of the family parent for the sake of the national and cosmic parents. You must do this. No matter how talented you are, you must go through this course of indemnity as the condition.

Without accomplishing this, you cannot be victorious parents of Israel, victorious brothers and sisters of Israel, or victorious people of Israel. Thus, the family should be formed after organizing the brothers and sisters and being recognized by Heaven. Then families should come together to form the order for the sake of constituting the nation.

Since world Christianity, representing the twelve tribes sought by God, only has the name of Israel and not the order, they cannot provide the foundation upon which God can operate. Therefore, to install the footing for God’s operation, we should reorganize the scattered order of Israel and make the worldwide foundation for restoration. Such is our responsibility.

Today we are engaged in witnessing. Witnessing is for the sake of finding brothers and sisters. When the brothers and sisters increase in number, a tribe comes about. When tribes increase in number, a nation comes about. When nations increase in number, a country comes about. When countries increase in number, a world comes about. Even if we sincerely want to find a true brother, we cannot do it alone. You and I must combine efforts. Only then can we stand before the Father. One can serve the family parents through brotherly unity. A church can serve the parents of the church through brotherly unity with other churches. The world and its countries must love one another and unite as brothers and sisters before serving the cosmic Parents.

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