You Can Only be Restored by True Parents

New Series on the Richard Urban Show:
Sex Wars in Washington DC:  Why the Acrimony over Abstinence Education?

1 Corinthians 16

12 I have tried hard to get our friend Apollos to visit you with the other followers. He doesn’t want to come just now, but he will come when he can.

Jonah 1

One day the Lord told Jonah, the son of Amittai, to go to the great city of Nineveh[a] and say to the people, “The Lord has seen your terrible sins. You are doomed!”

Instead, Jonah ran from the Lord. He went to the seaport of Joppa and bought a ticket on a ship that was going to Spain. Then he got on the ship and sailed away to escape.

Richard:  Am I facing my reality and repenting before God and Jesus, or am I running away?

Oh, Where Shall I Go?

Sun Myung Moon
January 18, 1959

Matthew 7

What shall we do with Jesus? We should engage in a battle as Jacob fought with the angel. After Jacob received the right of the elder son from Isaac, he tried to establish the condition of blessing centering on the Word. After one establishes the condition of blessing, he has to restore the substance, which requires that he confront Heaven. This is the original path.

When we look at today’s Christianity, it has not achieved the authority of the Word to rule over Satan. Rare is the believer who introduces Jesus as the substance of authority to truly rule over Satan and who prays for him. You are captured by the Word. The exit is far away, however hard you struggle.

Six thousand years have passed. Where shall we go from here? We should stand on the Word and hold onto the substance. As most of the New Testament books are letters, we should meet, not through letters, but through sympathetic understanding of one another’s personal situations. There is not even one single person who has become one with God this way, who has gone on to the position of being the first appearance in the 6,000 years after the fall.

Let us say that there is someone who stands upon the Word and holds onto Jesus. Yet there has been no one who prayed before Jesus, “Please teach me about the power of heavenly authority you carry, your authority as the Savior, and the method for eradicating the root of all sins.” No one has prayed, “Please tell me about the heavenly love through which I can eternally share joy with You.” There has to be such a person.

Let us say there is someone who can meet and ask Jesus these conditions and receive blessing and benefits. Jesus cannot say, “Oh, as you wish, enjoy eternal happiness.” This is how the heavenly Shim Jung is. Ever since Jesus died on the cross, the task remains for him to establish unity of husband and wife on earth, to go before God and say, “God, since You have established our substance, please give us the love hidden deep within You.”

We should know that then Jesus can say, “Yes, since you have worked hard to come here, receive God’s love through me as a condition.” Today most Christians try to receive the love of Jesus alone.

Paul said that to be in Christ is to be in God’s love. He was not talking about love within himself, but God’s love within the Christ. Thus, you who are searching for the ideal of the bride, even after finding the substance through such Words, you still have your portion or task to say to God, “Father, bless us with Your love and Your entire authority of love.” We should go on to this position today.

In other words, we should go beyond the Word, beyond the substance, and come before God, saying, “God! Bless me with love.” What is the reason for this? God can praise the one who comes to Him in the course of winning over Satan and in the process of coming to know God. God can say, “You worked very hard, going through the trials of countless satans until you found Me.” Yet He cannot bless him with the loving heart through which he can live intoxicated in the ideal garden desired by God.

Heaven will say, “If it is your desire, go out to the sinful world.” He will say, “Since you are descendants of sinful parents, you should go through the process of restoration. Find the lost True Parents in order to become My true sons and daughters.”

We thought that everything would be settled once we met God, yet areas of error remain. Since the human ancestors failed to become the true ancestors of humankind, we have not had True Parents and have not become true children. Thus, although you have won over Satan by knowing God as an adopted child, you should meet the True Parents to make a relationship of direct lineage. This is the way it works.

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