Jesus Was Never Free to Share His Heart

Wonderful Sunday Service with Pastor Hyung Jin Moon:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 404

Earthly life and life in the spir-
it world are not separate. Earthly life
is important, and so is life in the spirit
world. In other words, life in the spirit
world is connected to earthly life. Both
are important, but the people living on
earth today are not aware of eternal life.
They think that only life on this earth
is important. That is the problem. Even
among our Unification Church mem-
bers, there are many who do not grasp
that their present life affects their eter-
nal life. (217-85, 1991.4.16)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1086

Because in front of God your blood is
not pure, you should be totally obedient
in order to change this. Therefore, if you
are disobedient you have to be taught
the way of obedience even if it means
being chastised. That means that you
are taught God’s love. This is the Unifi-
cation Church. This is why the Unifica-
tion Church will become the center of all
religions. (33-332, 1970.8.23)

The Sorrowful Heart of Jesus as He Went to the Mountain

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
January 25, 1959

Matthew 17: 1-8

When Jesus prayed three times, “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me” (Matthew 26:39), there was no one who prayed with the same Shim Jung: “Father, if possible, let me be taken to the cross instead of Jesus.” You should know that there was no chosen believer or person capable of offering such a prayer.

The life of Jesus was a continuation of grave events like those on the mountain, without any joy. Whenever he was lonely, Jesus visited the valleys of the Mount of Olives. Whenever he was sad, he gave a silent sermon, with the quiet forest as his friends. We should know that he never had a free place where he could share the depth of his heart with anyone.

Whenever Jesus came to the Father on the mountain top, he came with sorrow. Amid this anguish, however, he had hope. What must it have been? Thinking that all the mountains and streams were linked with God’s tears and with the pitiful hearts of the ancestors, he hoped that the mountains and streams could form an altar of joy and glory and offer songs of victory, rather than being places of sorrow and tears. This was Jesus’ hope.

What should we feel, looking at the mountains? Considering that our ancestors tried to end all the sorrowful history on mountains with grave determination, you should be able to feel that the mountains hoped that the ancestors would win over the satanic world. You should consider that the mountain is where Jesus prayed to establish a standard of victory at every scene. He must have waited for the day when he could set up an altar of victory and glory on the mountain and say, “Father, receive glory through me.” Realizing this, when you see a mountain, you should feel that it was the ground of Jesus’ blood and tears.

Perhaps Jesus even pleaded with one blade of grass and with one rock at the garden of Gethsemane. Hence, the grass and rock could make contact with and be immersed in the Shim Jung of Jesus, who prayed all night. Yet the people then could not. We should understand this.

Furthermore, deploring our having become people of sorrow, and realizing our shame before all things and mountains, we should never be like the Jewish people, who expelled Jesus to the mountain, when the Lord returns to the earth. We should serve the Lord in the family, society and state. We should serve him in all places: in the fields, mountains, and even on the tops of the mountains. You should serve the Lord as people of joy and glory in the presence of Heaven. You should know that you have the responsibility to create an environment where the words of the Lord can be words of joy and love, rather than ones of sorrow.

The mountains have traces of God’s tears, who lamented over the history of sorrow, calling out, “Mountains! Mountains and streams!” Whether it is the earth, all things, the historical course or this age, there is nothing God does not see through His eyes of sorrow. God treats any being on the earth with a woeful heart.

Ladies and gentlemen! You should understand the trials of Jesus, who started out on the mountain and walked and walked toward another mountain. Jesus had a victorious condition from the mountain top and in the living environment. You should know that Jesus hoped for the day to serve God on the mountain.

This was the historical Shim Jung of Jesus, his walk during his age. It was the hope of Jesus, who went to the mountain and prayed to establish the standard of victory. We should know this. Furthermore, we should fight against Satan, in place of Jesus, in today’s wilderness course. We should be able to fight with our lives for the sake of the nation and the world in place of Jesus, who fought on the Mount of Transfiguration. We should be able to cry out to Heavenly Father with the heart of Jesus, who made a historical connection to face death at the garden of Gethsemane. With a Shim Jung that will burst our hearts, we should inherit the Shim Jung of Heaven, who desires to make a connection with this earth. You should remember that unless you establish yourselves as ones who can connect with God’s Shim Jung, the efforts of Jesus on the mountain will come to naught.

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