God Sought the Family that he Could Take Pride In

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1804

If we ask whether Adam and Eve
gave birth to sons and daughters before
or after the Fall, nobody would say they
gave birth before the Fall. Who took
responsibility for their marriage for the
sake of those sons and daughters? God
cannot take responsibility for people
whom He drove out. There is no doubt
the marriage was conducted by Satan
the devil.

Richard:  This is a clear explanation of the need for the Messiah; to bring God’s lineage as an unfallen Adam.  Jesus came for this purpose, and sough his bride.  The returning Jesus also seeks his bride and creates a true family.  That has been fulfilled in Rev. Sun Myung Moon and his bride.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 697

My accomplishments thus far exceed
those of anyone in the spirit world. I
have worked harder than anyone else.
That being the case, will the Unification
Church be at the tail end of the spirit
world, or will it rise to the top spot? It
will be at the top. This is not something
I have made up.

Let Us Understand God, Who Wanted to be Proud

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 8, 1959

Genesis 1: 24-31

This sermon is about something with which we are very familiar. God said that the creation He made in the six days was good. We must reflect upon how God’s deep desire to take infinite pride in His creation can be found in this word “good.”

God wanted to boast about the creation He had made in six days. When He was looking at all the created things, He was extremely delighted. To whom did He speak the words, “They are good”? He did not utter those words to the archangel. He spoke those words to all created things. We have to understand that God’s feelings toward all things were that intensely loving.

Nonetheless, all created things lost their value of being good, which God extolled in the Garden of Eden. God’s desire toward all things could not be substantially manifested. When we think about this sad situation, we can understand that God’s words, “They are good,” became words of grief. We have to remember this. The words extolling the goodness became sorrowful words. If someone had recognized the heart and situation of God, then God would have been more happy about the creation He had personally made.

Nonetheless, God did not have anyone who understood the value of His words and related with the creation in the same way. When we think about this, we can see that God’s heart of love toward all created things contained a deep sorrow within it. Originally, God wanted to boast about His good creation. We have to understand this.

For this reason, the title of the sermon I want to give to you today is “Let Us Understand God, Who Wanted to be Proud.”

After creating Adam and Eve, God wanted them to rule the developing creation and realize His words in the ideal realm of goodness. We must think about how God was looking at Adam and Eve with the hope that the day would come when He could take pride in them and in the rest of creation.

God yearned in His heart for the day when Adam and Eve would reach perfection, emerge as His representatives and rule all things. God must have hoped for the historic moment when He could brag about the creation He had made over such a long time. Furthermore, God longed for the day when He could say to Adam and Eve that they were one with Him, copies of His internal Sung sang and external Hyung sang, capable of sharing all the joys and pleasures of life with God. We must learn to fathom such a heart of Heaven today. Our ancestors fell because they could not understand the heart of God. We know this fact very well.

After the creation of the universe, God longed for the appearance of the person and family in whom He could take pride. Yet because of the fall, the very basis for that was shattered. The basis for God’s pride became the cause of His grief. We must remember that it is our historical responsibility to penetrate into this desire to be proud, which is hidden deep inside the Sung sang of God. We must reveal this and usher in the day when we can truly be proud before God.

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