How God Has Worked to Save Humankind 2

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2380

Since God is the central being of
heaven and earth, the more you are
dominated by Him, the more you will
want to be dominated by Him for thou-
sands or even tens of thousands of years.
Since the principles of attendance cen-
tering on God work in that way, no one
can be happier than the one who is being
dominated by God. Until now, we have
never even thought about this fact. (77-328,

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1502

In the end, seven points, composed
of above, below, left, right, front, rear,
and finally the central point, would be
formed. The significance of fulfilling the
number seven is that the seven points
have become as one in perfected true
love, centering on God, thus achieving
a perfect sphere forming a family that
manifests harmony and peace. (287-21,

This reading was given at the 7/1 and 7/8 Jeol Holy Day Celebrations at the Unification Sanctuary on August 20, 2018.

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Feb 10, 1981

This was how Christianity reached the period where it could govern the world centering on the Christian papacy. This was spiritual. Spiritual. They were spiritual adopted sons. They were not substantial adopted sons. Do you understand? The adopted son foundation was this way, and everything else was this way, too. It was also true with Jesus’ fulfillment of the mission of the son. He only fulfilled the mission of the spiritual son. He could not fulfill the mission of a substantial son. He fulfilled the responsibility of a spiritual son. Do you understand? This meant he had no foundation on earth. No adopted son foundation. No servant foundation. Nothing.

When the returning Messiah comes in the last days to build the Christian Kingdom, he must indemnify the realms of the substantial son and substantial adopted son. Without doing this, he cannot recover the substantial adopted son realm and substantial son realm of Jesus’ time. Ultimately, the Kingdom centered on Christianity is being expanded now, but this is a spiritual nation. A spiritual nation.

Christianity has been battling the satanic world for two thousand years. It has been battling Satan since that time. The adopted son realm is different from the son and different from the servant. The adopted son realm substantial adopted son realm and substantial son realm of Jesus’ time. Ultimately, the Kingdom centered on Christianity is being expanded now, but this is a spiritual nation. A spiritual nation.

Christianity has been battling the satanic world for two thousand years. It has been battling Satan since that time. The adopted son realm is different from the son and different from the servant. The adopted son realm has son-like content, so it can have dominion over the servant. For this reason, centering on goodness, it can restore through indemnity and lay out the domain of heaven, the domain where heaven can exercise direct dominion. It can do this at least spiritually.

The adopted son can inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. Can’t an adopted son receive an inheritance? So, he is in the master’s ownership realm. That is the reason that in recent years, centering on the foundation of the democratic world, centering on America, centering on the world’s Christian nations, we have entered the stage of creating a unified worldwide culture.

So, you need to understand that a substantial John the Baptist realm and a substantial Messiah realm are needed again on top of the foundation of the worldwide spiritual domain.

In the last days, because Jesus has come, religions rise to a higher stage. Religions that are below the servant level enter into the servant level. They follow the Messiah upward. Do you understand this?

So, what are the religions we have on earth? What do they say? There are servant-of-servant religions, servant religions, adopted-son religions, son religion, and parent religions. Among these, Christianity is an adopted-son religion. Buddhism and Confucianism also enter into this realm.

God’s will and His fervent desire is for all people to become one in receiving the Messiah. This is the reason a movement is created to unite the religions into one. Also, for this reason, a movement is created to united the world into one. So, evils such as communism and satanic globalism appear. Do you

understand? The satanic religion is communism, and then we have the servant-of-servant religions, servant religions, adopted-son religions, son religions and parent religions all lining up.

When the returning Lord comes, he simultaneously brings the religion of the son and the religion of the parents. When he returns, the parents religion, a religion that will fulfill the mission of parents must

appear. He must connect the parent religion. That is when there can be one world.

So what phenomena will see in the last days? Just as Israel became a vassal of Rome, the country, that is the world-level country that responds to God’s Will will be ruled within the realm of the satanic world. It is on this foundation that the birth of the Messiah is possible. This can be deduced. And this country must appear. He must connect the parent religion. That is when there can be one world.

So what phenomena will see in the last days? Just as Israel became a vassal of Rome, the country, that is the world-level country that responds to God’s Will will be ruled within the realm of the satanic world. It is on this foundation that the birth of the Messiah is possible. This can be deduced. And this country must jump forward in stages from within the satanic realm, that is from the terrible enemy of the satanic world.

America represents Christianity, but America did not have sovereignty. You need to know this. America is the spiritual nation-archetype. What must America do to obtain sovereignty? It must be liberated from the realm of Israel of the past and be born again.

If Korea is in that position, then centering on World War Two, Japan was Korea’s greatest enemy. Japan was also America’s enemy. It was a country that began this war. What were the countries that began this war of the world? The war began from Hitler’s Germany and Japan. You must know this. The Great East Asian War was the first to begin.

If Korea is in that position, then centering on World War Two, Japan was Korea’s greatest enemy. Japan was also America’s enemy. It was a country that began this war. What were the countries that began this war of the world? The war began from Hitler’s Germany and Japan. You must know this. The Great East Asian War was the first to begin.

The reason for the Great East Asian War was Korea. Because of Korea. Japan ruled Korea for 40 years and foreign missionaries coached Korea’s anti-Japanese movement. The Korean people rose up, and this caused Japan to have hatred toward America. That is the reason they made this gamble centering on Korea. They did this centering on Christianity. When Japan ruled Manchuria and the Chinese continent, they always had Koreans lead the way. And the missionaries came together in an effort to bring America’s involvement.

So, wouldn’t this make the Japanese decide that they had to defeat America? This is the reason they staged an illegal attack on Pearl Harbor. This is what happened. On this point, American history is not written this way. Japanese history also does not write about this. You must know that this is what happened from the point of view of the providence. This is unmistakable fact. Japan’s illegal attack on Pearl Harbor didn’t just happen. There was ample reason for it. So, what did the missionaries do? When we examine it, we see that they provided coaching on the political elements.

Not long ago, they were saying in America that Rev. Moon is trying to do political activity. Rev. Moon doesn’t do anything. Americans love America, and when you examine America internally, there is something there. God established Christianity and has been conducting this gamble. The same is true with the United Kingdom. The world of black people, which is the third force realm, tries not to establish a relationship with Christianity because of Christianity’s terrible reputation.

This is Satan’s strategy, and God has the same strategy. The strategies are the same. Going to Satan’s side will mean going to hell. Going to God’s side means going to Heaven, even if it is by deceit and even if it means being placed under someone’s rule. Heaven. The Third World does not know this.

So, with America’s help, Korea was liberated and was embraced in America’s bosom. Do you know what I mean? Korea stood in the position of Israel of the past, and America was the realm of the spiritual Christian Kingdom. Korea was implanted into the substantial Christian Kingdom. That is how Reverend Moon appeared.

So, what does Rev. Moon do? I came forward through four eras, starting in the Nixon era and going to the eras of Ford, Carter and Reagan. These four presidents brought and end to four thousand years of history. They indemnified four thousand years of the history of Israel (beginning with Abraham.)

The reason the American hostages in Iran were released after 444 days was that America was not able to take responsibility for Korea following the Second World War, and this had to be indemnified. If this responsibility had been fulfilled, Korea would not have been divided. It was divided because the responsibility was not done. To indemnify this, the Middle East – the Middle East is people who opposed the Jewish nation in the past – struck America. America was struck by those who opposed Jesus. It is America’s responsibility that the free world declined. America must indemnify this. It must indemnify the fact that people have forsaken the free world and fallen under the rule of communism. Now, even Reagan cannot oppose Rev. Moon.

I was grateful recently when President Reagan, as soon as he became president, invited the Korean president. This was all God’s providence. There are many countries in the world and they each have a president, but why did Reagan meet the Korean president before any of the others? This is because Korea and America share a common fate.

When this happened, it made Japan very happy. It was the country that was most happy. Japan will go easily. In return, the Reagan administration, even if they don’t want to do this, will have to have Japan arm itself. For whom will they do this? It will not be for America. It will be for Korea. This is how the three countries will become one.

Watch. What will happen when this is done? The substantial realm of the adopted son in spirit and in flesh will come about. Simultaneous to this, the son realm in spirit and flesh, and Eve realm in spirit and flesh and the father realm in spirit and flesh will all come about. Do you understand what I’m saying?

Where will these three countries become one? They do not become one in Korea, and they do not become one in Japan. They must become one in America, the archangel country. Because of the fall, the archangel must be victorious in the satanic world and create an archangel country that is on God’s side. Then, indemnity will be paid again in the archangel country before we enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

This is the reason that, when the Carter administration came about, the democratic world fell to its lowest point. The communist world also declined, Christianity declined, and everything declined. America was about to collapse. There was nothing America could do about it. Rev. Moon fought the American administration when the Communist Party opposed, Judaism opposed, Christianity opposed, the democratic world opposed, and everyone opposed. The representative who fought them was the Rev. Moon who is standing here.

Fraser was a liberal, Mondale was a liberal and Carter was a liberal. These three together were the position of the Communist Party. The person who fought these three was Bo Hi Pak. By breaking these men, people with liberal thinking were completely expelled from Congress. Expelled from the Senate. Even President Carter was kicked out. He was president for four years, and I was against him from the first day he became president. After him, I established Reagan. What is the word “Reagan?” It’s “re-again.” If you say “re-again” quickly, it becomes “Reagan.”

So, seen this way, these things are happening when our Unification Church has completed the three seven-year courses and is beginning the victorious second three seven-year courses. This is an amazing thing in history. You don’t need to fight the whole world. You don’t need to fight a country like America or the Communist Party. You need to go to your home church and fight. That’s nothing. Compared to my fight against the Congress, against the Carter administration, and

all my fights in the streets of darkness, your fight is nothing. For you, the era of persecution has passed.

Today’s title is “History of the Providence of Restoration through Indemnity,” but how are we going to indemnify that providential history? In my single generation, I am indemnifying six thousand years of history. You need to know this. Where did I begin? I began in the position of the servant of servants. Before I could inherit the adopted-son realm where Christianity could welcome me, I had to indemnify and resolve that whole process. The spiritual fight played out as a substantial fight on the foundation of history. Do you understand what this means?

When I was in my twenties and thirties, I was the age of Jesus’ time. That was the time for restoring the adopted-son realm. Age of the restoration of the adopted-son realm. It was the Old Testament era. From the time I was 25, I had to carry out a movement within the realm of Korean Christianity to unite all the denominations. At that time, people with missions similar to John the Baptist testified, but they all ran away. It was the same. This kind of thing kept happening, so I had to begin again from the position of the servant.

Then I created a church, and finally I indemnified the foundation of the adopted son realm. On the basis of having restored Jesus’ spiritual foundation and centering on my forties, I was able to lay the foundation of the Holy Blessing for the first time. At the time, I was in the same position as Jesus when he died. I laid this foundation while engaged in a vicious fight with the Koran government and Christianity. Since then, centering of three seven-year courses, I have walked a global course of indemnity. Centering on a family foundation, I have been indemnifying two thousand years of history.

I fought for twenty years, setting a limit line that matched the 200 years of American history and carried out the most decisive struggle. If Nixon had listened to me, it would have ended then. There would have been no persecution. But he didn’t listen, so it was extended another four years, to the 1980s. America was in the forefront, but now it must turn around and overwhelm the Communist Party. That direction will be the same as Rev. Moon’s. If only America will block the Communist Party, everything else won’t be a problem. You need to know this. If America will just block the Communist Party, …

If you devote your full energies over the next four years, it will all turn around in an instant. Within four years, there will be a flood of people coming to the Unification Church. Everything must be completed before the 2000s. That’s the year I will turn 80. Moses started on his journey to the blessed land of Canaan when he was 80. In the same way, we will enter the gates of the worldwide Kingdom of Heaven.

It is significant that I am saying this today. When I announced the three seven-year courses 20 years ago, no one believed what I was saying. No one believed. “Teacher has gone crazy.” That’s what they said. “Twenty years from now, the world will be like this and like this. It will become like this.” Not a single person believed. I said then, “The time will come when the Unification Church is opposed around the world, and then the era of the Unification Church will arrive.” No one believed me.

Everything I’ve said until now was before the third seven-year course. Now, you can go forward seeing everything that lies before your eyes. You go with knowledge. The time has come when you can know. Watch. Now, many countries will welcome Rev. Moon. “Please come to our country. If America kicks you out, come here. If America says it doesn’t like you, come here.” If I go to such a country, they will have prepared for my arrival. They will have a microphone and devices for live broadcasting. Then I will go and evangelize them. That time has come. If we have rallies like we did in Yankee Stadium and Washington, that country will broadcast these to the world through satellites.

Will you begin home church after it becomes that way, or before? Will you do home church after we begin doing such rallies, or before? (Audience: We will do it before.) Why? When that time comes, the president will be doing home church. His cabinet ministers will be doing home church. The people who govern the country, people in authority will be doing home church. Will there be a place for common people like you? You cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven except through home church. You can’t enter the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. You can’t enter.

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the father, but by me.”  To put that in the context of the Unification Church, we can say: “I am the way, the truth, the life and love: no man entereth into the Kingdom of Heaven but by Home Church.” This is the conclusion we come to. The Bible says 144,000 will be resurrected. If we make 144,000 home churches, the world will change in an instant


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