Long for the Heavenly Kingdom

The latest Richard Urban Show:
The Confused Gospel of Pastor Hyung Jin Moon; Why He Does Not Preach on the Words of Rev. Moon:  https://youtu.be/AJTmNFLhKHs

1 Corinthians 16

22 I pray that God will put a curse on everyone who doesn’t love the Lord. And may the Lord come soon.

23 I pray that the Lord Jesus will be kind to you.

24 I love everyone who belongs to Christ Jesus.

Richard:  It is the time of high noon settlement.  What is not correct will be made straight.

Matthew 28

18 Jesus came to them and said:

I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth! 19 Go to the people of all nations and make them my disciples. Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, 20 and teach them to do everything I have told you. I will be with you always, even until the end of the world.

Richard:  True Father, Sun Myung Moon has commissioned all Blessed Central Families as tribal messiahs.

The Religious Person’s Attitude

Sun Myung Moon
March 29, 1959

Hebrews 11:1-32

I know that you are trying to follow me, attend me as your teacher, and make every effort for me. However, you must know that I am hesitant to receive such devotion and attendance. The reason is that Heaven has not had such a day on this earth, and I cannot offer my bows sincerely before the Father day after day with a joyous mind. Because I knew too well that I was not able to relate to Heaven in joy, there have been numerous times when I rejected your devotion. Many times I seemed to knowingly cut away the anguishing heart with which you cried out before Heaven. I did not do this to satisfy my desires. I did it because it was unavoidable when I thought of the bitter resentment of the world of relationships and the actual world. Therefore, whenever you look at any aspect of things, I want you to become people who worry about Heaven with a heart teeming over with sorrow.

Even if we take delight in meeting Heaven, this is not an end in itself. If God’s hope and joy existed with us, it would be indescribably great. If there were sorrow, it would be inexpressibly great. When will the central figure appear on this earth who knows how to dissolve such grief on the earth and comfort the Father for His sorrow, who knows how to reveal the happiness buried in the Father’s heart by singing of the joy of the earth? You should not ignore the relationship of meeting such a central figure with a heart like this. I cannot ignore you, and you cannot ignore me. Your relationship to one another should be that of meeting one another after six thousand years of tears and sorrow.

Heaven has longed for the heavenly family, the heavenly home, the heavenly people and the heavenly kingdom. For that reason, unless people long for the heavenly kingdom, they will die away; unless a home becomes a home that wishes for heavenly people, that home will vanish; unless a person becomes one who impatiently awaits the heavenly home, that individual will disappear without a trace.

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