Humankind Was Put In a Position to Deal With a World of Dual Purposes

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1 Thessolonians 1

 You became an example for all the Lord’s followers in Macedonia and Achaia. And because of you, the Lord’s message has spread everywhere in those regions. Now the news of your faith in God is known all over the world, and we don’t have to say a thing about it. Everyone is talking about how you welcomed us and how you turned away from idols to serve the true and living God. 10 They also tell how you are waiting for his Son Jesus to come from heaven. God raised him from death, and on the day of judgment Jesus will save us from God’s anger.

Job 33

Job, listen to me!
    Pay close attention.
Everything I will say
    is true and sincere,
just as surely as the Spirit
of God All-Powerful[a]
    gave me the breath of life.
Now line up your arguments
    and prepare to face me.
We each were made from clay,
    and God has no favorites,
so don’t be afraid of me
    or what I might do.

Sun Myung Moon
May 17, 1959

John 14:1-24

The topic of the speech I want to share with you is “The Grieving Father, Son and Daughter as They Try to Establish the Kingdom of Heaven.” I will speak briefly upon this topic.

We know that ever since the human ancestors experienced the sadness of losing Paradise, there has been sadness of mind, sadness of body, and sadness of life. That sadness permeated the world and Heaven and is in every human being.

Because humankind was put in a position to deal with dual purposes instead of one, we have been in a position to relate with Satan rather than God. We experience the reality that fallen humankind was put in a position to deal with a world of dual purposes. No one can deny such a fact.

From the perspective of the will of God, the Creator of humankind, people were supposed to live centering on one purpose and one ideology, with one Master. Yet from the day they fell, they became people who served two masters and lived with dual purposes.

We know that the existence of both good and evil lies not only in my environment but throughout the world. Furthermore, we know that such a reality permeates not only in this world, but heaven as well.

Now our destiny is such that we have no choice but to walk toward the world of one purpose. We have no choice but to accept that our conscience aims and urges us in a certain direction. Therefore, when people today face society’s contradictions, their minds naturally seek the world of a new ideology that transcends the complex realities of this world.

What is the source of such a desire that pulls me in that direction through some inner sense? It started from the one Master who possessed the original ideology. We should realize that He intervenes in our lives to re-establish one world and a people who will hold onto one ideology and seek one purpose.

Today humankind is building a new world of culture. They are seeking the ideology of the world of the mind relating to that culture. Once you realize that you cannot deny this fact, you will not be able to live a comfortable life. The emotion of sadness has been passed down to us today ever since the day our ancestors painfully experienced the sorrow of Paradise lost. This significant reality is verified throughout history. How can we deny what we experience in our lives through our hearts? If anyone seriously thought about this and wanted to take on the will, he could not help opening his arms wide to Heaven, pleading and struggling to resolve such a sorrowful and sad reality.

Therefore, you must realize that this is a time to reflect upon the purpose and ideology and the focus of our lives as pioneers. To bring forth such an age and to realize such a will, God has worked the providence of having our ancestors seek goodness and seek the ideology of goodness through their consciences. It is a holy moment when you feel an impulse in your heart to pursue goodness. It is a holy moment. It is a moment when our many ancestors are trying to raise us and lead us in the direction of goodness which all humankind desires. Furthermore, it is truly a moment when heaven is trying to give us confidence.

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