The Cross Was Absolutely Unnecessary

Acts 3

14 You rejected Jesus, who was holy and good. You asked for a murderer to be set free, 15 and you killed the one who leads people to life. But God raised him from death, and all of us can tell you what he has done. 16 You see this man, and you know him. He put his faith in the name of Jesus and was made strong. Faith in Jesus made this man completely well while everyone was watching.

Daniel 9

A foreign ruler and his army will sweep down like a mighty flood, leaving both the city and the temple in ruins, and war and destruction will continue until the end, just as God has decided. 27 For one week[n]this foreigner[o] will make a firm agreement with many people, and halfway through this week,[p] he will end all sacrifices and offerings. Then the “Horrible Thing” that causes destruction will be put there. And it will stay there until the time God has decided to destroy this one who destroys.

My New Self and the Heaven Where My New Self Can Dwell

Sun Myung Moon
June 14, 1959

What should I, as an individual, do in these last days? To solve this problem, we have to hold onto the Messiah who came for all people. Humanity has progressed until today through numerous historical relationships. God’s dispensational history was brought about through the chosen people God so lovingly chose. This history was for the purpose of embracing His loving sons and daughters.

Therefore, we have to conform with the heavenly content that moved the six thousand years of history to possess the power of life that can push the whole of it away. Jesus drove away the four thousand years of history when he came two thousand years ago by being connected to the historical heart of God. After clarifying everything in the four-thousand-year history, Jesus wanted to build a new garden upon that foundation. Therefore, holding onto that heart of Jesus, we should clarify history and think of the future. We have to think of how much Jesus longed for the emergence of his new ideology at that time.

Jesus told Nicodemus that unless he was reborn, he could not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, I must deny the life I have lived until today. No matter how much I think I have accomplished, I must deny my individual self. Because I am a fallen person, I cannot escape from that realm. My life and my lifestyle should be denied.

What we think of as normal is not indeed normal. We live an abnormal life; we have an abnormal lifestyle, and we die abnormally. The natural place for us to enter would be hell. What is heaven? It is the place where the person goes who lives a normal life, has abnormal lifestyle, and dies normally.

If Jesus came to distinguish between hell and heaven, to close the door to hell and open the door to heaven, to build heaven, then he certainly did not come with an ideology, a life, and a love that can be denied. You should understand this.

Who did Jesus come in search of when he came to this earth? Jesus came searching for the Israelites, whom God has established as the chosen people after indescribable hardships. Jesus was absolutely necessary for Judaism, the religion of the chosen. That absolutely necessary one was hung on the cross and departed. You should realize that Jesus was absolutely necessary for the Israelites and Judaism. The cross was absolutely unnecessary. It should not have been.

3 thoughts on “The Cross Was Absolutely Unnecessary”

  1. Who did the LSA come in search of when he came? Christians, but they too like the Israelites did not know the time of their visitation. They too rejected Father.

    However, now to make matters worse, even the LSA’s followers have now rejected the ‘new ideology’ he brought, even though he established the ‘new garden’ with the support of those followers.

    At the final moment of entering the garden, these men and women have allowed themselves to be detoured away from entering the garden to go down some side road, not to the garden Father prepared, but to a prison camp, a slave labour camp for those that reject his Word to follow Satan.

    This is exactly what Adam and Eve did. Now Unificationists have rejected the ‘Eight Great Sacred Texts’ to follow one or the other Archangel.

    The intrinsic meaning of keeping God’s Word and the Commandment is not to follow someone, but take personal responsibility to embody and live the Word. Individual perfection is not about following someone but embodying the Word of God.

    Unificationists have been confused if not deceived about this point, just as Adam and Eve had been previously by Lucifer. To clarify this point even further, here are a number of quotes from Father on this matter:

    “You are not in the Unification Church to follow Rev. Moon but to become better than Father and unify everything”. Hoon Dok Hae March 2, 2003 Sheraton National Hotel, Arlington, Virginia.

    “You did not know that the conscience was your second God the central aspect of your existence. You have to attend it more than you attend God. Attend your conscience more than you would the founders of religion, even Jesus. Then you can attain a position higher than that of believing in Jesus. Do not believe in me the founder of the Unification Church, If you accept my teaching and become completely one with your conscience, you can go to heaven even without following me. OCSG, p. 823. (253-45, 1994.1.1)

    “We Are Not to Follow a Certain Leader or Serve a Certain Founder of a Religion” The Person Who Will Serve the Grieving Father. May 24, 1959

    “Do not pay attention to anyone, including leaders, who do not obey me; those who don’t listen to me but insist on doing things their own way should be kicked out. Even if they are Korean or Japanese leaders, it doesn’t matter. The precious leaders are those who are following God’s will”. Children’s Day, 1983

    “Father is now saying, don’t follow any leader or any leader’s family. Do you understand? You have to repent. That is the only way to get back”. The Responsibility Of Authority Of The Unification Family. 1 March, 1992

    “I want you to become subject and take the initiative out of your own desire, with no one forcing you to do anything. If you want to push yourself and discipline yourself and really give 100% for God and humanity, you will become God’s pride. I never want to feel that you are just following my instructions rather that you have really perfected yourself in the image of God on your own initiative.” ‘The Ones Who Can Receive God’s Love’. October 1, 1977, Pasadena, California

    “During the exodus it is a virtue to focus on following the leader, but when you enter Canaan you live by the give and take with brothers and sisters. From today on our membership around the world shall perfect that way of life. Even if I am not here, it should not matter. You already know the secret of going to heaven-loving each other”. Historical Children’s Day, 1981

    “The way to own the whole universe is to become the centre of love. The men and women who fulfil the love of God, having give and take with their subject of love — God — and enjoying the total union of love with Him, will inherit all of His creation. Whenever someone is fulfilling love, the entire universe comes under that person and will follow him. Even God feels the desire to be united with such a person.

    Suppose you are completely united with God, the subject of love. Then what will you have? You will have everything. You will be fulfilled completely. Once a person achieves that relationship with God, then God’s joy will be limitless. He will feel like erupting in an eternal laughter of happiness.

    The desire of human beings to possess the entire universe is not a wrong one. It is given to us by God. The problem is that people simply do not understand how to achieve it in the right way. The only way to achieve that ambition is by uniting with the love of God, fulfilling one’s own love. The universe is nothing but the manifestation of the love of God; thus it automatically becomes one with you, once you are one with God”. The Historically Highest Career. November 1, 1983

    This should clarify this point once and for all.

    Therefore, do not follow Hak Ja Han, Hyun Jin Moon, Hyung Jin Moon, Kook Jin Moon or any of the Moon’s! They represent the Archangel, and have nothing to do with Father and ‘The Eight Great Sacred Texts’. They have all put themselves in a position above the Word of God, that is the ‘EGST’.

    You can only be liberated as a true child of God by keeping the Commandment, the ‘Eight Great Sacred Texts’ as Father explained to us. This is Divine Principle 101.

    That is why Father said the ‘only way back is to repent’. Why did he say that? Because we were just following leaders, and not taking personal responsibility to embody the Word. How can we achieve individual perfection by just following somebody? We can’t.

    The direction God gave to Adam and Eve was, ‘Keep the Commandment’, He didn’t say, ‘Follow the Archangel’.

    This is incredibly important to understand if we want to grow, mature, reach perfection, and become God’s true sons and daughters. Aju!

    1. Well stated! Fulfill your own portion of responsibility centered upon your conscience and upholding the Eight Sacred Textbooks. I would add, however, that there is value in reporting to one of Rev. Moon’s children in the sense that True Father assigned Blessed Central Families to be part of on of the 12 tribes lead by his children. That way, you honor that vertical tradition while fulfilling your own portion of responsibility as so eloquently stated in your comment. For example, to fulfill this, I simply periodically send a brief report about my providential and some significant personal activities to Hyung Jin Moon. I was also assigned to be part of his tribe some years ago, too.

      1. For that to truly work and have merit requires each one of those family members to be also united with Father and the ‘Eight Great Sacred Texts’, which at the present time they are not, as they each invariably pursue a leader-centred or self-centred construct.

        That is the anathema of God’s Ideal as God’s Ideal requires each of His children to attain perfection through becoming the embodiment of true love, not following someone. That is how we come into God’s Direct Dominion, orbiting God – not a person – and have a relationship of oneness with God.

        Based on fulfilling the First Blessing we can then harmoniously have give and take; up and down, left and right, achieving spherical relationships, that is the Kingdom of Heaven.

        Whilst growing up in God’s ideal family, children would learn and practise the way of living for the sake of others through their parents’ guidance, and practically through their sibling relationships and their relationships with relatives, class mates, and everyone they came into contact with.

        The ‘school of love’ would extend to the society, nation and world.

        Given our current situation, yes it is good to have an open heart to everyone, and to those who have been given a certain responsibility, even though we may see them as erring and going down the wrong path.

        However, real communication and relationships are based on give and take, meaning reciprocity, responding. Again, it is good to have forbearance and keep trying, reaching out to your brother or sister.

        At some point if they still do not respond, you have to decide whether this is worth pursuing or should I focus on other things with the belief that down the track something in that person’s life will change, and they realise that they have been going the wrong way.

        You may decide that whether they respond or not doesn’t matter, and that you will just keep on reporting and communicating regardless, and that is to be admired. Like a sibling who prays for their brother who is leading a life of crime.

        I hope and trust that the many letters I have written may reach Father’s children, the leadership and also Hak Ja Han.

        Til now, I have not heard back.

        Maybe in the future, one of Father’s lineal descendants will be truly united in heart with Father, and establish what Father had sacrificed and worked for.

        I do believe that will happen, and I believe our efforts now and what we are doing will pave the way for that to be so.

        Note also what Father said:

        “They are your elder brothers, so you have to raise up your elder brothers and their families. In this way we are making God’s family here on this earth. Until now there was no True Family of True Parents.” Day of Victory of Love, January 24, 2012.

        “In living, nothing else matters except being one with the True Parents, and then you should be one with the four position foundation of True Parent’s family. Then what should you do? To establish the Heavenly tradition, Cain should level a road for Abel to go. An archangel should be a loyal object in establishing the environment and the regulations for Adam not going against God’s will. You are to create an environment in which Father’s children and grand-children can lead a heavenly life in the future. Therefore, you should be the good examples in every aspect for them.” ‘Blessing and Ideal Family’, Chapter Six, Part 3A

        “Only Heavenly Father is with lonely Father. I am all alone now. I don’t have any sons or daughters. Mother plays her own game”. Cheon Jeong Gung (Palace) Hoon Dok Hwe on January 19, 2012 ( )

        So you are not wrong, as long as you also recognise what is our current reality to date.

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