Jesus Was Not Welcomed in His Time

Deuteronomy 14

24 But suppose you can’t carry that ten percent of your harvest to the place where the Lord chooses to be worshiped. If you live too far away, or if the Lord gives you a big harvest, 25 then sell this part and take the money there instead. 26 When you and your family arrive, spend the money on food for a big celebration. Buy cattle, sheep, goats, wine, beer, and if there are any other kinds of food that you want, buy those too. 27 And since people of the Levi tribe won’t own any land for growing crops, remember to ask the Levites to celebrate with you.

Isaiah 66

My people will go out and look at the dead bodies of those who turned against me. The worms there never die, the fire never stops burning, and the sight of those bodies will be disgusting to everyone.

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 14, 1959

Matthew 10:34-39

Matthew 18:15-20

When the age of ideology passes away, the final age, which humanity demands, is the age of heart. It is the age of heart which is connected to the heavenly heart and love, not that of the human heart. We need to think about that age. No matter how great a problem-solver anyone may claim to be, history will be resolved only when such an age comes.

If the time of the global last day is indeed coming, Christianity out of all the world level religions saw that reality through most accurately. What then is the heartistic foundation of Christianity? It is the ideology that establishes the horizontal bridegroom and bride relationship, which pronounces that “I am your bridegroom and you are my bride.” It is the ideology that enabled the relationship of father and son, which pronounced God as “my Father” and I as “His son.” It is the ideology that can connect all people of the world in brotherhood, which pronounced all people as “my brother.” It is not the ideology in the realm of thought, but is the ideology of heart which transcends the conscience. That age is the age of the cosmic ideology which can connect with the heavenly heart and love.

God destroys everything that is false to find one thing which is untainted and perfect. Just as a new revolution emerges out of corruption, the world will become internally unified out of division. We should understand these principles. Such a world will surely come; that world is coming as a whole and as an individual. The problem is not in the whole, but in the individual. Therefore, the concept that respects the individual is the problem. Where are you now? God will ask what ideology, what religion, what historical trend, and what situation do you have?

You should become a person who can reply “Oh, Father, I came not to bring peace but to bring the sword,” just as Jesus did toward the chosen people of Israel, and who can say with confidence and courage, “Love God more than anyone else,” just as Jesus did. You should become a person who fulfills that responsibility.

Therefore, we should liberate everything. We should liberate history, religion, and the world of heart. We should have a new ideology, instead of past ideologies and world views; have a new power of life, instead of the one we had in our past life environment; and have a new heart that can enjoy our new ideology and the new power of life.

Jesus was not welcomed in his time for he came to the fallen world. He did not have any friend or comrade. He was persecuted in his time and died on the cross in utter loneliness. He came representing God; but before he came to the enemy Satan’s world, he was the enemy of the world. Can the enemy be welcomed? It would be a lie.

If a certain representative in the democratic society who opposes that society appears, if someone in the communist society appears with an ideology that opposes that society, if someone in Christian society appears with an ideology that may be opposed by Christian doctrine, and if someone brings a certain ideology of the world of heart, then all people would be drawn to take interest. We should know that such a time has come.

The thing that can resolve history, the present age, and the future is not the existing world form. It has got to be a new form which opposes the established one, a content which can transcend our conscience and connect with the heart, and a content which can transcend human morality and connect with the heavenly law. It is not existing logic which defends the existing point of view. It has got to be an ideology which contains a new logical content that can unite and harmonize the existing logical arguments. If such words, such an ideology is introduced to the millions of conscientious people, it could change the direction of their conscience 180 degrees and cause a revolution in their minds.

That ideology would not stop at bringing a revolution in conscience, but it could bring the heavenly heart and love that will pierce our mind and cause the heartistic relationship that will not break for eternity. If that ideology appears, then it is the last age.

2 thoughts on “Jesus Was Not Welcomed in His Time”

  1. When the Word is embodied and we become the Substantial Self of God, then we have transcended ideology, as we have then entered the realm of God’s Heart, the destination we were seeking and heading towards as we practise and embody the Word.

    This is the First Blessing. “You must be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect”.

    The Word is the manual or blueprint for us to follow so we can enter the realm of God’s Heart and Love.

    In other words, the Word is given so that we can enter the Direct Dominion of God’s love.

    We perfect ourselves by keeping the Word, not following someone.

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