We Should Rejoice Over a Blade of Grass

Mark 3
Jesus led his disciples down to the shore of the lake. Large crowds followed him from Galilee, Judea, and Jerusalem. People came from Idumea, as well as other places east of the Jordan River. They also came from the region around the cities of Tyre and Sidon. All of these crowds came because they had heard what Jesus was doing. He even had to tell his disciples to get a boat ready to keep him from being crushed by the crowds.

1 Chronicles 17

23 Lord God, please do what you promised me and my descendants. 24 Then you will be famous forever, and everyone will say, “The LordAll-Powerful rules Israel and is their God.”

Longing for Eden

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 28, 1959

Genesis 2: 1-25

We should think that God’s hands touch everywhere, even an insignificant patch of grass growing in the field. When we look at a growing tree, we should remind ourselves that God’s infinite, internal heart passed through that place. Not only plants, any animal, insect or bird in nature is the same. We should feel once again that nothing was created thoughtlessly; it was created thoroughly through God’s internal heart and by His substantial hands.

When we realize that God loves everything He created, we should ponder: which does He love the most? Out of the grasses in the world, which does He love the most? If you think about these things seriously and earnestly, you will be able to connect with the love of God prior to the creation of human beings.

We should rejoice over a blade of grass, holding it with a joyful heart and experiencing that it has indeed passed through the hands of God. Such a person would enter into the position of God’s friend in the world of the heart, even though he may be a fallen person. Wouldn’t it be so?

Which grass would God love the most? Out of all the flowers, which flower would God love the most? Out of all the trees, which tree would He love the most? Even though all the birds, insects and animals were created through God’s heart, which one would God love the most? You should think about this.

Among the persons who admire God’s heart, long for God’s ideology, and have the true mind of seeking God’s garden of restoration, there may be many who try to exalt God and experience happiness from a glorious and joyful position. However, there would be only a few who think about the connection of God’s internal heart that extends to the insignificant trees, insects and the whole creation, and truly feel happy. If someone made an insect, pouring out all of his energy and passion, there would be nothing more satisfying to him than someone wanting to love that insect with the whole of his mind and heart, with even greater effort and intensity than himself.

What did Jesus struggle to find before trying to restore the people of his nation to God two thousand years ago? For what did his heart look? I know Jesus was surely holding his people, worried about them remaining in the realm of lamentation. He prayed through the night, shedding tears for them.

If Jesus had not felt sorrow and shed tears all through the night when he looked at all things in the realm of lamentation, having lost the relationship of the original heart because of the human fall, I would venture to say he would not have become the Savior who could rule over and save the whole cosmos. If all things were taken away from a human being, he would not be able to sustain his life. For that reason, as long as he feels his preciousness, he should become a mediator of happiness toward all things which provide the elements for his essence. If he maintains this heart, he will be able to maintain the right way with nature everywhere he goes. He will be able to return glory to God under any circumstances by standing in a position of righteousness and a position of connection with all things.

When Jesus looked at nature, he would have wondered what grass God loved most, what flower out of the many that God loved most, which tree, which mountain. I ask all of you to reflect again upon the loving heart of Jesus.

How responsible a heart have you had in relation to all things God created with His heart and love? Have you ever held a handful of soil and thought about God’s heart after He created it? If you have not, you are a sinner who ignores the heart with which God established the ideal of creation.

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