Love is the Key

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2082

The current goal is the unification of
North and South Korea. God is hoping
for a base in your families, the nation,
and the world from which He can enter
into His Sabbath by unifying North
and South Korea. This is the only way
to attend God. The unification of North
and South Korea, the integration of East-
ern and Western cultures, and liberation
of heaven and hell will come about when
we create an environment centering on
love greater than that for our father and
mother, husband or wife, and children,
and are willing to build a sacrificial altar
centering on that love. It can never be
solved without love. Love is the key. (170-103,

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1648

What should be done for action to take
place? It requires some form of relation-
ship. Plus coming together with another
plus will yield nothing. Only when it is
in a reciprocal relationship with a minus
can action take place. The origin of all
phenomena in the universe, rather than
being an existing force, began from a
certain action which then expanded to
form the world of harmony, and this
action could not come about with only
a plus component. It begins where plus
and minus have give and take, and so for
there to be action, there must be subject
and object partners. This is the way we
understand it, and accordingly, every-
thing has its respective object. (115-198,

Richard:  Very basic and very true!  God works through harmony.  Rev. Moon emphasized the precondition of a family having three generations united for that family to enter the Kingdom of God.

Longing for Eden

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 28, 1959

Genesis 2: 1-25

We understand that science is an area which attempts to explain principles, laws, theories and formulas of the created world. Literature would be an area of the deep, hidden sentiment in nature. Art is a concrete expression of the visible or hidden beauty in nature. Philosophy is an area that tries to explain the fundamental reasons for nature. Religion is above all these levels.

What should true religion and true religious people try to explain? It should be the clarification of the heartistic content which flows deep within nature. Religion should bear that responsibility.

Human civilization cannot be thought of apart from nature. We cannot talk about human civilization separated from nature. No matter how proudly human beings showcase their power and authority, without nature nothing is possible.

Nature makes our life valuable; it is absolutely necessary for our life. Therefore, if we do not feel the heart that flows in nature, we cannot enjoy true happiness and cannot reach the glorious position of having a relationship with God. You should realize this.

From now on, even when you look at a patch of grass or a flower, you should be able to look at it from God’s point of view, representing and connected with God’s heart. When you look at an insect, bird or animal, you should attain the internal feeling which connects to God’s heart. If there were such a person, he would certainly be a great scientist, a great poet, a great artist, a great philosopher, or a great religious person. Even if he could not explain it with scientific logic, even if he could not express that sentiment poetically, even if he could not express that beauty artistically or philosophically, and lacked the power to experience the love emotionally, he would still be great.

There have been many who were viewed as great figures of worldwide prominence, great scholars who researched the cosmos on their own. However, no one can be called a world figure without presenting the ultimate solution to the problem of this cosmos and the beings within it.

Progress would cease for a person who merely understood and perceived the cosmos through existing scientific logic, theories and formulas. He would need the heartistic sensitivity which is unconsciously connected secretly to the cosmos. This is also true in the fields of literature, art, philosophy and religion.

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