Find the Moment of Happiness through Enlightenment

Happy Memorial Day!
Thank you to all of those who sacrificed their lives fighting for the United States, hoping for “One Nation Under God”.

  • Early Bird Registration is now open for the Urban Family Life Training Seminar, save $20 per couple or $10 per single until May 31st.

  • For Couples plus singles seeking a godly spouse.
    July 5th to July 7th, 2019
    Peace Kingdom Center
    Harpers Ferry, WV
  • Click Here to Register

Luke 6

20 Jesus looked at his disciples and said:

God will bless you people
who are poor.
    His kingdom belongs to you!
21 God will bless
    you hungry people.
You will have plenty
    to eat!
God will bless you people
who are crying.
    You will laugh!

Luke 15

30 This other son of yours wasted your money on prostitutes. And now that he has come home, you ordered the best calf to be killed for a feast.”

31 His father replied, “My son, you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. 32 But we should be glad and celebrate! Your brother was dead, but he is now alive. He was lost and has now been found.”

The Path In Search of the Original Homeland Rev. Sun Myung Moon July 5, 1959

Luke 15: 11-32


Please allow us to repent for being self-righteous about our faith. Let us have the mind to reflect on our conduct and repent. Let us put aside our high hopes and repent; let us put aside the part of us that mocks the inner heart we have sought. Father, when we do so, I sincerely wish and desire that we may come to the glorious state of denying all that we have and giving it all to You, calling upon You. We desire to attain this through Your guidance.

Father, please look at the Korean peninsula with compassion. Many nations have trampled upon this land throughout all different eras. This land has been left to the mercy of its enemies. We know that the thirty million people of this nation harbor the bitterness of such a bloody history in their hearts. Father, please let Your heart be uppermost in theirs. Let the circumstances of these people be tied to your circumstances. Guide the people to want what You want. Please don’t let us be resentful about the sorry past. Beloved Father, I pray sincerely that we may be Your concerned sons and daughters who can beg You to usher in the time of Heaven that approaches so nearly.

Father, You have visited this nation above other nations because it has a heavenly history. Please do not let the time come when Your footsteps turn from us in lamentation and sorrow. Father, I pray from the bottom of my heart that You will not let us be the land and the people who leave behind sorrow and regrets.

The 2.7 billion people of the world lie in slumber, not knowing that You are preparing the moment of happiness through enlightenment. We know that we have the mission to awaken these people. We have the mission to build a new ideal Kingdom of Heaven by surmounting the complex human condition. We have the mission to build a land of bliss. Today, we unworthy, imperfect and insufficient people have knelt down on our knees, our minds fraught with awe and reverence, and with guilty consciences. Please bestow the wonderful grace of Heaven upon us through our appealing hearts in this hour. Father, it is my sincere wish and desire that You will manifest Yourself in this hour and get rid of all that is not of such a heart. When we offer all that we have to You, we hope You can acknowledge us as Your successors.

Father, the members in Seoul and the district members have gathered before You to build a new altar. Please look at Your young sons and daughters with compassion. Allow us to know Your situation, which You cannot speak about, although You have so many words of counsel and comfort for us. We have gathered here as Your sons and daughters. We cannot help but inform You, Father, of our sorrowful hearts. We are being hounded this way and that on account of the heavenly will, with no regard for our sorrow, our loneliness, our oppression and despair.

Allow us to unburden ourselves and talk things over with You today. Let us reveal all our circumstances to You and reach a mutual understanding. Father, I ardently wish and pray that You will allow this to be a time when we shed all the circumstances of our difficult pasts before You. By becoming people in whom You can take delight, we pray to be able to vow: “I will be a pure, sacrificial offering for the sake of this path even at the risk of my life.”

We understand that the heavenly will cannot be accomplished by words alone; nor can it be accomplished only by devotion. We long to have minds and hearts that deeply resonate with Your will. We long to make frantic efforts for the sake of Heaven, forgetting everything else. We want to bow our heads with awe-stricken hearts that there is a moment and a place wherein we can sing glory to the Father with such longing hearts. Thus, Father, I pray that You will visit us in this hour, knowing how sincere our intentions are and how ardent our hearts.

We know that one who has not gone the path cannot know it; that the words of a man without experience are lifeless. We know that You drove the Korean people into their miserable circumstances today that we might know Your pitiful circumstances. We know You are lonely and dejected. We also know of Your sorrow and great indignation that You have no choice but to allow us to be persecuted.

Please come and visit our minds so that they may become Yours today. We have come to this place because we want to become people who attend You in our hearts. We want to be able to cry together with You. We regret our past mistakes because we have come to know You, Father. We feel deeply sorry about our pasts. We are dejected. Father, Your position is such that You must accept us and forgive us regardless of how we behave and how waywardly we do things. We must regret having left behind a history of bitterness that needs to be restored. Realizing our state, please guide us to be able to go forth clinging only to Heaven. Let us not cease in the life of hard struggle today or tomorrow. We know that You know our state very well. If we can eschew everything and control our own minds, please allow us to be the living sacrifices offered before Your dignified presence.

Please bestow the gift of new life upon Your sons and daughters who are appealing, prostrated before You, throughout the country today. By sending them to the wasteland, let them light a lamp of life. Father, I ardently wish and desire that You can receive their respectful homage in this hour and that they can appear as beacons of light and glory.

Each of their circumstances is different. Through one of Your miraculous works, let their circumstances become the same. By ruling over this hour, please get rid of everything that is not of You. Allow us to make this an hour the triune God can take delight in. I pray all these words in the name of the Lord. Amen.

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