Rediscover the Jesus who Prayed for the Sake of His Enemies

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2126

However much trouble Satan may
cause, God cannot punish him or cut
him off. He must establish the basis of
having loved Satan whatever his situ-
ation. God can have complete victory
only when Satan confesses to Him, say-
ing, “Oh, God really is God. I surrender
to You.” This is the issue. Since the prin-
cipled path of the providence of resto-
ration is for God to bring about Satan’s
surrender by loving him, we who are
to become His children must walk this
same path. Whether we are persecut-
ed around the world and considered a
worldwide enemy, we must establish the
basis of having loved those who oppose
us. In this regard, God’s Word, “Love
your enemies,” is His strategy to subju-
gate evil naturally. These words are sim-
ple, but no one realized that they have
marked the boundary between victo-
ry and defeat between God and Satan.
If God were to harbor the thought of
treating Satan as His enemy and seek-
ing revenge against him, then He would
never be able to stand on the pinnacle of
victory. On the contrary, He implement-
ed a strategy of love, declaring, “Love
your enemy.”

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1503

Heaven must be established from
the family. Since Jesus couldn’t form
a family, he could not enter heaven,
but instead is in paradise. Paradise is
like the waiting room you have to pass
through before entering heaven. Hell
came into existence because of the Fall.
God did not create it f

Members Who Will Live In God’s Family

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 27, 1959

Matthew 12: 46-50

What is the Marriage of the Lamb that the Bible talks about? It is rectifying in the Last Days the position of True Parents, which should have been accomplished six thousand years ago. It is to build relationships of brothers and sisters and children. This is the wish of Jesus in whom we believe, and the hope of God who has suffered for six thousand years to guide us.

Knowing this we should think about what we are holding onto. What are you holding onto? Two thousand years ago, the Jews were in a position to support Jesus. They lived in a blessed time when they could honor and serve Jesus. The chosen people lived in the age when they could attend Jesus and help him reign as the King of Kings. However, because the Jews turned against Jesus and all those who were boasting that they were chosen by God betrayed him, the standard that Jesus was hoping for was shattered. When this was destroyed, the history of Israel came to an end and the Old Testament words which were given to Israel were lost.

It is an hour of grief and sorrow that we have to cry and weep hanging onto Jesus’ words and live by his words. It is our sorrow that we have to pray in Jesus’ name. When you pray, you pray in the name of Jesus, right? It is unfortunate that we have to be tied to these kinds of terms. There must come a time when we can pray in our names. That is the day of hope.

Ladies and gentlemen, now we must cherish the words and live according to the deeds and acts of Jesus and understand what kind of person Jesus was through the words. We have to rediscover the Jesus who prayed for the sake of his enemies even when he was miserably nailed on the cross by them and was shedding blood. What was the internal situation of his heart which forced him to such a fate? Christianity will perish if it hopes to fulfill its mission only with the words of Jesus. They will surely be judged. Only after they cling to Jesus and his heart as he did his utmost to speak, only after building a relationship with him and cleansing themselves of the things of this world can they enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

When we reflect on this, we should understand the true meaning of the words True Parents and God. We should understand clearly the true meaning of the words and not symbolically or metaphorically. Although Christians have studied the Bible for two thousand years, they do not really understand it. They are ignorant. Although Christians today say that they act based on the words, this is still not high enough to connect to Jesus’ deeds. The purpose of words is to induce one to act. If Christianity had been living by the words, then how could it have become the way it is today? The purpose for which Jesus spoke the words was different from the purpose for which Christians listened to his words. This is where the problem lies.

Then what should be done now? It is written that in the Last Days we should hold onto the Holy Spirit and pray without sleeping. It is said that in the Last Days, we should put oil on our foreheads and pray in secret chambers. How will the Lord come? He does not come speaking words, but will come silently, as the embodiment. The farther the gap between where we stand and the purpose of the original words, the more Jesus will receive the hardships of the cross and come seeking for us. Yet Christians do not understand this. Now we should judge whether or not we possess the inner strength to move and shake, which will allow us to build up within us the force of a heavenly revolution and to cross the valleys of death courageously. Can we stand as active subject partners?

To do so, what should you do? You have to yearn for it. Since Christians have longed for the words for two thousand years, we have to long for the words and at the same time long for the deeds which go together with the words. We have to be determined that since Jesus did this, we too will do this and that.

Who is Jesus? He is our True Parent. We have to yearn for the words he spoke and the deeds he left behind. We have to long for his words, deeds and appearance. Isn’t that so? We have to be able to say that we cannot endure any longer because we miss our beloved parents so much. We have to want to see them so badly that we forget eating, sleeping and our own state of being. Have you ever had such a moment?

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