We Have to Live in a New World with New Hopes

Numbers 11

21 Moses replied, “At least six hundred thousand grown men are here with me. How can you say there will be enough meat to feed them and their families for a whole month? 22 Even if we butchered all of our sheep and cattle, or caught every fish in the sea, we wouldn’t have enough to feed them.”

23 The Lord answered, “I can do anything! Watch and you’ll see my words come true.”

Isaiah 16

13 The Lord has already said all of this about Moab. 14 Now he says, “The contract of a hired worker is good for three years, but Moab’s glory and greatness won’t last any longer than that. Only a few of its people will survive, and they will be left helpless.”

Members Who Will Live In God’s Family

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 27, 1959

Matthew 12: 46-50

With what will God judge on the judgment day? God judges with the conditions of restoration through indemnity based on the foundation of His heart of the past, present and future. When Mary Magdalene met the resurrected Jesus, she did not know that Jesus could not let her hold him. That is how it is. Do you think that one can go to Heaven just by believing? The thought may be good. But if you believe that, no matter how hard you try, you will never have anything to do with Jesus. It won’t do, even if you receive the words and put them into practice. No matter how faithfully you live by it, you will not be able to connect yourself to the embodiment. Why? It is because you are ignorant.

For this reason we should repent. We should repent and cleanse ourselves of all wrong elements. Why repent? For six thousand years, since the time of Adam’s family until today, our ancestors had to uphold the will of Heaven and fulfill God’s wishes. Yet they could not complete these responsibilities. We should shoulder the responsibility for this sin and repent. God is not just the God of the future. He is the God of the past. We have to understand God as the God who is working to cleanse all historical sins, and we should build a relationship with Him and purge our sins.

Moreover, since God is the God of the past, we have to purge the sins of this age. After having cleansed all the sins of the past and the future, we have to establish one new standard of the future and sing of the glory of the Father; that place is the Kingdom of Heaven, where we can live eternally.

Only after that can we form a heavenly family which does not even think about the sins of the past. This is the realization of God’s hope. Then we are to be recognized as sons and daughters of the heavenly family and live eternally. Such people do not need to believe in Jesus. They do not need Jesus. They do not need Christianity. They do not need faith. The place they go after they live a normal life on earth is the Kingdom of Heaven.

After the age of hope comes, God will not look back at the six-thousand-year history. There is no need to flip through the pages of sorrowful history. After the arrival of an age where we can say that this is certainly the standard based upon which solutions can be obtained through our minds, bodies and hearts, we do not need to flip back through the refuse of the past.

Ladies and gentlemen. People nowadays are interested in antiques. Do you know why that is? It is because we are searching for the original things which were lost. We have to find the antiques that Adam and Eve lost long ago, six thousand years ago, which could have connected us to God. After that we have to cut our relationship with the age of antiques and enter another era when we struggle to find new things. This world today is an accursed world which destroys and devours all new things that emerge. That is not true for the era of hope. The world that we hope for is a world where new things are valued. Since God’s nature values new things, we have to move toward that age.

For this reason people block the path we are walking. They tell us to turn around and go back to the past. They tell us to go deep into our minds. This is why Buddhism teaches us to enter a state of meditation. The reality of life on earth and its sorrow is that we have to seek our original selves and original minds. Yet after we go back to the past and resolve it all, we would never want to think about the past. God’s goal is to destroy it all and leave no part of it behind.

We have to live in a new world with new hopes. That is what the past of a people is like. Roman culture was revival of the Hellenistic culture. They studied the older culture and brought it out again and integrated it with the new reality. That is not what we should do in the future. Of course, it is good to study history. However, that is not the standard of our hope. Until now our fate has been to return to the past and return to Heaven. From now on it should be new.

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