You Can Make Your Own Second Coming

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1952

Japan is the Eve nation on the satan-
ic side. This is why the Eve nation on
the satanic side could share and retain
equally all the blessings of the Eve nation
on the heavenly side. Christianity did
not succeed in going to Asia and instead
went in a reverse course to Europe,
through Rome and passed on to Britain.
In this way, it has gone the other way.
The peninsula corresponding to Rome is
the Korean peninsula; the sea and island
corresponding to the Mediterranean Sea
is Japan; and the continent correspond-
ing to Europe is the Asian continent. In
correlation, it comes back after making a
full circuit. The time has come for these
two to meet. This is why scholars and
politicians say that the age of the Pacific
civilization is coming. (251-144, 1993.10.17)

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1486

When can your mind and body be
unified? You have never thought of this,
have you? This is a very serious matter.
They are engaged in a lifelong fight, and
who can stop them? This is the prob-
lem. Your father or mother, your king
or your teacher, even saints cannot stop
it. Where is the master who can stop it?
Have you ever looked for him seriously?
That master is true love. (184-211, 1989.1.1)

Selected Passages from the Words of Rev. Sun Myung Moon about Home Church

Today’s Word magazine, September 1981 pp. 8 – 9

The best things that happen in your life should
happen in your home church area. When you
become old and look back, you will say those were
your happiest days. and you will have a founda-
tion for eternal happiness. (2/25/80)

Until your home church people shed tears and
sweat for you, you must keep going. When that
happens, you will be liberated and can then shed
tears of hope and happiness. Then God will say,
Amen. You have done it, and you are truly my son.
You might die in the process of shedding tears
and sweat, but don’t worry; you will not lose, but
will go to the highest heaven. In such a case, you
can make your own second coming. Jesus was
crucified as a tribal messiah and was not able to
complete the entire dispensation, so he came once
again. In the same way, if as a tribal messiah you
are martyred, your second coming is guaranteed,
and on earth the people who inherit your mission
will continue home church. There is no way you
can lose. (4/27/80)

Through home church you can win assets of
eternal value. One day. after we finish our task
here on earth, we will have a great assembly in
spirit world. At that time, you will come to me in
thanks for sending you out to home church,
making it possible for you to go to the highest
possible heaven. You will be comforted, and there
will be a celebration lasting for eternity. However,
if you come to me saying. Please have mercy on
me. I cannot come to your realm because I did not
do my home church mission, I will reply, I don’t
know you: depart from me. ( 1/1/79).

Lay a good individual foundation
I want you to know that in order to build the
base of the Kingdom of Heaven eternally, you
must first build a base of the Kingdom of
Heaven within yourselves. ( 1/1/80)

Before we can talk about home church, we need
to win the individual war. Do you think that the
person who is defeated in his individual struggle
will have much success in home church? Someone
defeated as an individual is like a mortally
wounded soldier. If he gets up and tries to go to
home church, he will only become an obstacle
there. In order to go to home church, you need to
have won the individual battle; you need to become
s t r o n ~ . healthy, disciplined and absolutely deter-
mined. Only in this way can you bring results.

Be motivated by love
You should think of home church as your lover
and love the people there more than you have ever
loved anyone in the past. (5/18/80)

If you do home church out of duty alone, you
will never survive: but if you become a person
burning with love, then people cannot help but
welcome you and invite you to stay longer with
them. You will become a magnet that pulls people.
You must experience such a deep fellowship that
you don’t want it to end, even when it becomes
2:00 or 3:00 a.m. It should be an experience that
people wish could last forever. ( 1/8/78)

No matter how loudly you may shout out your
slogan, if you do home church out of duty, you
will never succeed. Only when you act from the
intoxication of love will you succeed. The home
church arena is where you obtain the kingship of
love. Put everything inside home church and put
home church everywhere, so that wherever anyone
touches you, they will feel home church. ( 1/14/79)

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