Teach Liberation of God and Sacrificial Love for Mankind

John 4

34 Jesus said:

My food is to do what God wants! He is the one who sent me, and I must finish the work that he gave me to do. 35 You may say that there are still four months until harvest time. But I tell you to look, and you will see that the fields are ripe and ready to harvest.

36 Even now the harvest workers are receiving their reward by gathering a harvest that brings eternal life. Then everyone who planted the seed and everyone who harvests the crop will celebrate together. 37 So the saying proves true, “Some plant the seed, and others harvest the crop.” 38 I am sending you to harvest crops in fields where others have done all the hard work.

Richard: As we witness to God and Christ we should realize that many have been involved in preparing the harvest. I remember hearing a sermon where the pastor stated that an average of eight people witness to someone before they come to Christ.

Matthew 11

20 In the towns where Jesus had worked most of his miracles, the people refused to turn to God. So Jesus was upset with them and said:

21 You people of Chorazin are in for trouble! You people of Bethsaida are in for trouble too! If the miracles that took place in your towns had happened in Tyre and Sidon, the people there would have turned to God long ago. They would have dressed in sackcloth and put ashes on their heads.[e] 22 I tell you that on the day of judgment the people of Tyre and Sidon will get off easier than you will.

23 People of Capernaum, do you think you will be honored in heaven? You will go down to hell! If the miracles that took place in your town had happened in Sodom, that town would still be standing. 24 So I tell you that on the day of judgment the people of Sodom will get off easier than you.

Richard: Invitations to learn about God and His Kingdom are important. We should be aware of the messengers of God, lest we fall in judgement.

Selected Passages from the Words of Rev. Sun Myung Moon about Home Church

Today’s Word magazine, September 1981 pp. 12 – 13

Become People’s parents

Home church will not make you merely a
messiah to your people. but also their true parent.
That is God’s goal. ( 1/14/79)

Act, think and feel like a parent to your 360
homes. Think. I am holding these 360 homes;
because of me, they cannot leave God; because of
me, they will receive the blessing. This is parental
heart. (4/14/79)

With a parental heart. you should pray for your
home church people, loving them as your children
who are struggling in hell. Your heart as a parent
must be grieved and filled with longing to save
them. If you do not have this real love, push
yourself until you do. No one has to teach a parent
to love his children. If you feel like a parent to
your home church, then your love will have that
quality; without anyone having to teach you, you
will then know how to give it. (4/15/79)

You have to supply your home church with the
essential elements for their particular stage of
growth. just as though they were in their mother’s
womb. Those who are already born spiritually have
to be given much love. You have to be exemplary in
showing this life to those who follow and have
confidence that if they follow you, then one day
they will go to the bosom of God’s love. You have to
be confident that you are doing as God does,
supplying all the elements they need. ( 1/20/80)

At first, home church people will not welcome
you, but soon they will say that unless you come to
visit them, they cannot sleep well. Eventually. they
will think, This Moonie loves me more than God
and Jesus do. He is like my parent; I could have no
better parent than he. ( 1/1/79)

If your home church members are really
grateful and willing to sacrifice for kingdom-
building. then expansion to the home country is
possible. Through home church, you shall be
superior to any past saint, servant of God or
patriot of history. ( 1/14/79)

Educate the people
Why do you go to home church? First, you want
to educate the people. This education has the goal
to awaken the people and bring them to the
heavenly side. This education will give them birth.
Once they see the vision of the truth and the
ideal, they will no longer live in darkness.
The home church mission is accomplished by
people who take up the divine position as educa-
tors of mankind, teaching people how to love God
and liberate the rest of mankind. We are going to
teach the world these things: liberation of God
and sacrificial love for mankind. We will sacri-
fice ourselves to educate the people and love them.
If you do that, then without question God w111
dwell with you and will lead your home church,
working with you day after day. ( 1/1/79)

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