Home Church is Infinitely Precious

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2168

Do you think that Satan, who has
given God such a hard time for six thou-
sand years, is just going to quietly say,
“Oh boy, I have had it. I think I will just
give up,” then lower his eyes and crawl
away? Don’t you yourselves value even
a wash cloth too much to just throw it
away? Before you throw it out, you will
probably turn it over, inspect it, and
even smell it. What I am saying is that
Satan will not just give up and go away
like that. That is why he keeps on put-
ting up such a stubborn fight. So, we
have to fit with and match up with the
center. Even Rev. Moon of the Unifica-
tion Church will be broken the day he
deviates from the center. If the direction
is not right, then you cannot make any

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1794

Men and women are horizontal. They
are level. The union of man and wom-
an is to be engrafted, based on vertical,
lifelong and eternal love. As men rep-
resenting east and women representing
west have lost the central line, they will
seek to graft into this, so they must abso-
lutely get married. Aren’t there many in
America who oppose marriage? There
are many who, like homosexuals or les-
bians, dislike having children. Those
without children have lost out when they
pass on to the spirit world. This is the
formula of the universe. (163-88, 1987.4.19)

Selected Passages from the Words of Rev. Sun Myung Moon about Home Church

Today’s Word magazine, September 1981 pp. 13 – 14

Mobilize spirit world
Home church is the bridge to unite the spiritual
and physical worlds. ( 1/14/79)

1981 is the final year of the third seven-year
course, and between then and the year 2000, the
entire world will be organized into home church.
That will complete 40 years since True Parents were
installed in 1960. The more work we do here in the
physical world, the greater the spiritual phenomena
affecting the earth. Spiritual assistance will be
equally strong, because that realm is like the
angelic realm: its position is to serve the victorious
Adam and Eve. In your home church, you will
exercise your authority to direct the spirit world to
assist you. (5/27/79)

Home church can easily be surrounded and
protected by the spiritual victory I have won; there
is no possibility for it to fail. The spiritual power
we can employ for the home church is many
thousands of times greater than anything the
satanic world can mobilize. All you have to do is
unite with True Parents’ spirit and intent. Make
controversy; go ahead and create good trouble. The
world is plagued with evil trouble, so let us become
makers of good trouble.
On November 2, 1978, two important ceremo-
nies were held at Chung Pyong Lake, Korea. One
ceremony was to unite all religions around one
central religion-not just on earth but, more
basically, in the spirit world. The other ceremony
was to unite all races around one central race or
representative of God. The basic purpose of
these ceremonies was to form one totally unified
world, to remove racial and religious barriers. Walls
that have separated the ages are now crumbling.
Before, if some ancestor wanted to descend and
help us, he would have to go through so much
processing; but now the ancestors know the
meaning of home church and can even help
prevent persecution. In your home church area, if
you witness to one person, his ancestors can all
come down at one time. The whole clan-level spirit
world can pour down and give you support.

All good men of conscience in the entire spirit
world and here on earth must come forward to
participate in kingdom-building. You can pray,
asking for their support. You can also petition
God as your Father to send down a regiment of
angels to work with you, since you are doing home
church work as His representative, and God will
listen to that prayer. Until now, the angelic world
could not come to give you much help, because you
belong to the fallen generation. But by doing
home church work, you can become the true
children of God, so you can request the help of
legions of angels. ( 1/1/79)

Through home church, God can have dominion,
and spirit world can have a free pass to come and
help you. It used to be that when spirit world
descended, it would have to ascend again; but now
when we have a home church, it can stay with us;
through home church, spirit world has no limita-
tion in helping us. (12/11/78)

Home church is infinitely precious; it’s almost
like landing on the final terminal of God’s
dispensation. When Armstrong landed on the
moon, four billion people on the earth watched
him; but when you land in home church, all the
billions of people in spirit world will observe and
applaud. Before this, you were nobody special,
but by encountering me and the Divine Principle,
you have become a person of historical signifi-
cance. (1/14/79)

If you cannot bear to leave your area, and you
stay there, remaining awake all night, then spirit
world will visit those 360 homes for you, showing
them a vision of you standing in the neighbor-
hood and not going back home because you miss
them so much. After such a vision. they will open
up their door and you will be standing there.

Your home church members will see visions of
me and of you also. When they are open like that,
then they will live eternally in the same spirit world
and realize that they are to live in the same family.
Love will open their eyes. When you link that love to
one home church and it connects it to another and
so on, it will form an unbreakable chain of love
which no one. not even God. can cut. This link will
be directly sustained by the spirit world. (5/1/79)

Those of you who are engaged should determine
to receive the inheritance from ·our own True
Parents and walk on their foundation. How do
you prove you are worthy? Through home church.
No one who retreats from doing home church is
qualified for the Blessing. In some cases, your
fiance or wife or husband may be hesitant to do
home church, but you should push him or her out.
If you can give anything for your home church,
how much more could you do for your mate? Now
that you have a fiance, a new loved one, you can
love your people more. Do you wish you had more
time to spend with your fiance instead of home
church? Your antenna should be directed towards
home church. When you meet with your fiance,
put your heads together and decide that you will
each go out to win the victory in home church and
then come back and ask me to bless you. I would
like to see you practically worshiped in your home
church area, so that when you bring your fiance,
everyone will say that they have a king or queen as
well. By winning this qualification, you can truly
enter the hall of Blessing for the wedding march.
The process of restoring the fallen world
involves three major relationships: that of Cain
and Abel, that of husband and wife, and that of
parents and children. Now we are bringing these
three together for the first time. Home church is
the process of uniting the brothers, Cain and
Abel. Eventually, your home church and your
spouse’s home church will come together, and you
will be able to live together as a couple after
receiving accolades from your home church. That
will be your foundation for living as husband
and wife. (5/27/79)

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