Resurrection Occurs through Repentance on Earth

Cheon Seong Gyeong 678

On February 1, 1985 at 3 a.m., Moth-
er and I established this condition
through special prayer. Thenceforth, all
the barriers of hell crumbled, so whoev-
er makes effort on that foundation can
rise up to the heavenly world. Also, if
there are good spirits among your rela-
tives in the spirit world, they will come
to you, educate you and even take you
with them to the heavenly world. Their
role as the Savior in the spirit world has
begun. The mission of the Savior lay not
in the spirit world, but has been limit-
ed to the earth, yet now, by paving this
way, the good spirits in the other world
can educate the evil spirits in hell. While
the good ancestors play the role of the
Savior, a way has been opened allowing
them to develop and ascend to the heav-
enly world. (136-183, 1985.12.22)

Richard: Your good ancestors can guide you, if you are willing to listen and be open to God’s guidance.

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1350

Just as the Israelites set out from
Egypt for Canaan, the 430 Couples sig-
nify that we too have set out to restore
the world, which is our Canaan. Where-
as they set out in the 430th year of their
captivity in Egypt, we have settled on
the number 43, representing 4,300 years.
We are moving forward from this point.
In doing so, we are not working individ-
ually but in family units. We must move
forward with our families. You should
understand this. The unit is no longer
the individual; it is the family. Thus, you
should not abandon your families and
move forward alone. Furthermore, the
central person in the position of Moses
should not abandon the Israelites. He
must lead them all out of Egypt into
Canaan. If one of them happens to be in
prison, he should help that person to get
out so he can come with the others.

Exposition of the Divine Principle
3 Color Edition-The Red part

Chapter 6

If we are to believe literally the prophecies of Scripture, we should expect that when Jesus comes again, the saints will come back to life in the flesh. Their bodies, buried in the earth and completely decomposed, will be reconstituted to their original state.  Given the modern state of our knowledge, they do not make rational sense. This brings great confusion to the Christian faith. Therefore, it is important that we elucidate the true meaning of resurrection.


 Resurrection means to come back to life. To come back to life implies that we have been dead. To fathom the meaning of resurrection, we must clarify the biblical concepts of life and death.


 When a follower asked Jesus if he could go home to bury his deceased father, Jesus said, “Leave the dead to bury their own dead.”2 From these words of Jesus, it is clear that the Bible contains two different concepts of life and death. The first concept of life and death concerns physical life. Here, “death” means the end of physical life, as was the case of the disciple’s deceased father who was to be buried. “Life” in that sense means the state in which the physical self maintains its physiological functions. The second concept of life and death concerns those living people who had gathered to bury the deceased man, those whom Jesus called “the dead.” This second concept of death does not refer to the expiration of physical life. It means leaving the bosom of God’s love and falling under the dominion of Satan. The corresponding concept of life refers to the state of living in accordance with God’s Will, within the dominion of God’s infinite love.


 We have learned that there are two different biblical concepts of death. Which of the two refers to the death brought about by the Fall of the first human ancestors? God created human beings to grow old and return to dust. According to the Principle of Creation, the flesh is the clothing of the spirit. Just as one discards worn-out clothes, the flesh is to be discarded when it has grown old and weak. Only the unclothed spirit self then enters the spirit world and lives there eternally. We can conclude that the death caused by the Fall does not mean the end of physical life, but rather the descent from the good dominion of God into the evil dominion of Satan.


 Resurrection may be defined as the process of being restored from the death caused by the Fall to life, from the realm of Satan’s dominion to the realm of God’s direct dominion, through the providence of restoration. Accordingly, whenever we repent of our sins and rise to a higher state of goodness, we are resurrected to that degree.


 According to God’s Word, Adam and Eve died when they ate of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Nevertheless, no significant external change took place in them. At most there were momentary changes in their countenances due to the anxiety and fear they felt over having fallen. Likewise, no significant external changes should be expected to take place in fallen people when they are resurrected to the state prior to the Fall.

The changes a person experiences when he is resurrected and enters the governance of God take place in his heart and spirit. Having been liberated from Satan’s dominion, a resurrected person can unite with God in heart and acquire a divine nature. These internal changes also purify his body, transforming it from a haunt of Satan into a temple of God.

View slides 1 to 21 below for an illustrated presentation of the above content:


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