Since the Papacy and the Church Did Not Repent, God Chastised Them

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2165

Do you people want to make a dif-
ference individually? Do you want to
influence things as a family? Nationally?
Globally? How do you want to make a
difference? You would like to make a dif-
ference globally, wouldn’t you? Howev-
er, if you want to rise to the global stage,
you will not be able to do that on your
own. You will need a nation. I am asking
you if you have your nation.

So we eat, we sleep for the sake of
that nation, day and night for the cause
of the nation. Do you understand that
you have to live your life pledging before
heaven and earth that this is the reason
you were born? When you are sleeping,
you have got to imagine that you have
gathered together all the beds of mil-
lions of people around the world and
that you are sleeping there positioned on
the top. Even when you look at a dinner
table, you have got to have that kind of
thought. Wherever you go, you have got
to think that you are not sitting alone,
but that all the difference races of the
world are gathered together, piled up
together, and that you have climbed to
the top and are sitting on your seat there.
The sons of heaven have to do things like

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1518

The love of a mother and father can
be said to be the flower that represents
all men and women of the world, at the
same time giving out fragrance and
standing in the position of their fruit.
They are the representatives. The moth-
er and father represent the women and
men of the world. Then who do their
sons and daughters represent? They rep-
resent future generations of descendants
who will become the billions of people
that make up humankind. Therefore,
the mother, father and child need to
unite through God’s love, and exercise a
love where those above live for the sake
of those below them, and vice versa. It
does not mean living for oneself. From
the perspective of the original nature of
God’s creation, it is living for the sake of
others. (214-270, 1991.2.3)

Exposition of the Divine Principle
3 Color Edition-The Red part


When the period of the judges came to a close and the First Israel entered the period of the united kingdom, the functions of the judge were apportioned to the offices of prophet, priest and king. The prophets received instructions directly from God, the priests kept charge over the Tabernacle and later the Temple, and the king governed the nation. Each carried on their distinct missions in guiding Israel to accomplish the goal of the providence of restoration. The purpose of the period of the Christian empire was to restore the period of the united kingdom through parallel indemnity conditions. Thus, when the period of regional church leadership came to a close, the missions of these leaders were apportioned to the offices of monastic leaders corresponding to the prophets, the pope corresponding to the high priest, and the emperor, who ruled the people. They were responsible to guide the Second Israel to accomplish the goal of the providence of restoration.

About eight hundred years after Abraham’s descendants entered Egypt, by God’s command the prophet Samuel anointed Saul as the first king of Israel. King Saul stood upon the foundation of the four hundred years under the judges. Had he completed the forty years of his reign in accordance with God’s desires, he would have stood in the position of having restored through indemnity the four hundred years of slavery in Egypt and Moses’ forty years in the Pharaoh’s palace. Thereupon, King Saul would have fulfilled the dispensation of forty for the separation of Satan and laid the foundation of faith.

However, because King Saul disobeyed the commands of God given through the prophet Samuel, he was in no position to build the Temple.  As was the case with Moses, the providence of restoration through King Saul was extended. Forty years of King David’s reign and forty years of King Solomon’s reign would pass before the foundation of faith was laid and the Temple built.  Nevertheless, King Solomon left the position of Abel for the substantial offering when he fell into lust with his many foreign wives, who turned him away from God. Hence, there was no way for Israel to establish the foundation of substance. The foundation for the Messiah, which should have been laid in the period of the united kingdom, was not realized.

Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne and blessed him as the first emperor of Christendom in 800 A.D. Charlemagne stood upon the foundation of the four-hundred-year period of regional church leadership, which restored through indemnity, in the form of substantial parallels, the four-hundred-year period of the judges. Therefore, like King Saul, he stood upon the foundation of a dispensation of forty for the separation of Satan. By faithfully living according to the teachings of Jesus in his work to realize the Christian ideal of the state, he was to establish the foundation of faith. Indeed, when Charlemagne was crowned emperor, he achieved this foundation. However, the emperor did not remain obedient to God’s Will and left the position of Abel for the substantial offering. Neither the foundation of substance nor the foundation for the Second Advent of the Messiah was established.


Because King Solomon was led by his wives and concubines to worship idols, the united kingdom of Israel was divided upon his death, having lasted only three generations.10 The kingdom of Israel in the north, which was founded by ten of the twelve tribes, was in the position of Cain, while the kingdom of Judah in the south, which was founded by the two remaining tribes, was in the position of Abel. This was how the period of the divided kingdoms of north and south began. The Christian empire also began to divide in the third generation. Charlemagne’s grandsons partitioned it into three kingdoms: the East Franks, the West Franks and Italy. The descendants of Charlemagne were in bitter and constant conflict with each other. The remnants of the Christian empire soon coalesced into two kingdoms, with Italy reverting to the rule of the East Franks. The kingdom of the East Franks came to be called the Holy Roman Empire. he Holy Roman Empire stood in the position of Abel in relation to France, as the kingdom of the West Franks came to be called.

In the period of the divided kingdoms of north and south, whenever the Israelites violated their covenant with God, straying from the ideal of the Temple, God sent many prophets—such as Elijah, Isaiah and Jeremiah—to admonish them and move them to repentance and internal reform. However, because the kings and the people did not heed the warnings of the prophets and did not repent, God chastised them externally by sending gentile nations such as Syria, Assyria and Babylon to attack them. During the parallel period of the divided kingdoms of east and west, the papacy was corrupt. God sent prominent monks such as St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Francis of Assisi to admonish the papacy and promote internal reform in the Church. Since the papacy and the Church did not repent, but sank further into corruption and immorality, God chastised them externally by letting their people fight the Muslims. This was the providential reason behind the Crusades.

The period of the divided kingdoms of north and south came to an end when gentile nations took the people of Israel and Judah into exile. They put an end to the monarchy in Israel. Likewise, at the close of the period of the divided kingdoms of east and west, the papacy had completely lost its prestige and credibility after the repeated defeats of the Crusades. Christianity thus lost its center of spiritual sovereignty. Moreover, since the lords and knights who had maintained feudal society were decimated by the Crusades, feudal society lost its political power and vigor. Since the papacy and the feudal lords had spent enormous funds to pursue these unsuccessful wars, they were left impoverished. Monarchic Christianity began to erode.

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