Does the Loving God Who Created the Universe Have the Character to Instill Such Terror?

Galatians 6

My friends, you are spiritual. So if someone is trapped in sin, you should gently lead that person back to the right path. But watch out, and don’t be tempted yourself. You obey the law of Christ when you offer each other a helping hand.

2 Kings 19

17 It is true, our Lord, that Assyrian kings have turned nations into deserts. 18 They destroyed the idols of wood and stone that the people of those nations had made and worshiped. 19 But you are our Lord and our God! We ask you to keep us safe from the Assyrian king. Then everyone in every kingdom on earth will know that you are the only God.

World Scripture and the Teachings of
Sun Myung Moon

Part 1
God and Creation

Chapter 1
Sovereign and Omnipotent

2. The Lord Who Rules Over Human Affairs

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Have we only regarded God as a concept? Have we only honored Him as Lord in worship? That is not right. God is the Lord of our life, the Ruler of our daily affairs and the Subject of our thought.
(11:87, February 12, 1961)

In order to understand ourselves and give a full account of ourselves, we need a standard upon which to evaluate and judge ourselves. This is the Absolute Being, whom we worship in our faith.
When we enter into a relationship with Him, we can assess ourselves in comparison to Him; then we can understand who we are and what we are. Therefore, we should be able to deeply experience that there is a God, who reigns over us and moves our mind. (7:207-08, September 13, 1959)

God gave His Word to the Israelites who left Egypt in order to recreate them as God’s people. However, when they did not follow His Word, He appeared to them as the terrifying God who struck and punished them. During the Old Testament Age, before the appearance of the Messiah, Satan still reigned as king; it was an age of the Devil’s power. Therefore, Jehovah God appeared to Moses
as a terrifying, vengeful and jealous God. He appeared with the Law to strike the people who had become servants of sin, mercilessly punishing anyone who violated the Law. This was the situation in the Old Testament Age.
Look at the attributes of Jehovah, the God of the Old Testament Age. He was a jealous God who terrified those Israelites who worshipped other gods. He was a cruel God who ordered the Israelites
to exterminate the seven Canaanite tribes leaving no survivors. He was a merciless God who wiped out any Israelite who violated the commandments of the Mosaic Law. Does the loving God who created the universe have the character to feel such jealousy, exact such revenge, instill such terror, and exhibit such cruelty as to exterminate the seven Canaanite tribes? No. God appeared in that
way because during the Old Testament Age, he tasked His angels to serve as mediators in the role of God. The vengeful legalism summed up in the saying, “A life for a life, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand, a foot for a foot, a burn for a burn, a wound for a wound, and a stripe for a
stripe” cannot stem from the character of the Creator God. God is the God of love and forgiveness.
(124:202, February 15, 1983)

Please pay attention to my prophetic proclamation. Humankind is now at a historical turning point. Now the God of power and authority, who in the past seemed so powerless or even not to exist, can manifest in our life. Now is an amazing time, when human beings in their everyday life can experience the absolute realm of God, the sovereign Lord whose divine principle governs all things and
the universe.
People will increasingly be able to perceive God. They will perceive the spirit world and the works of spirits. As they naturally understand the public laws of the universe through their own experiences, people will undergo definite changes to their character and become true individuals.
They will no longer be self-centered in relating to greater wholes in the universal order of being. They will learn to be altruistic, living for the sake of others. (February 6, 2004)

We are transcending Satan’s limited realm. Once that work is completed, God can take dominion over the universe without any difficulty. Then, Satan’s realm will be gone from the earth, and the new sovereignty of Heaven will arrive. With God on high, Satan will disappear and Heaven’s new
sovereignty will be established. God’s dominion will extend from individuals to the cosmos, and God will reign for the first time in human history.
The time is at hand when all-transcendent, all-encompassing, all-sovereign and almighty God can do all that He desires. Being all encompassing, God will reign over the entire world that formerly had been in Satan’s possession. Being almighty, God will do whatever He pleases, holding all authority over Satan. (295:254, September 8, 1998)

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