People Living Ordinary Self-centered Lives Lack Stimulation

Blog by Richard Urban:
Unmasking the Covid-19 Hysteria in West Virginia and the United States

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  • These materials teach the benefits of sexual abstinence before marriage.
  • These materials explain how to set up middle and high school STAR (Students Teaching Abstinence and Responsibility) Leadership clubs

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Deuteronomy 15

After the Lord your God gives land to each of you, there may be poor Israelites in the town where you live. If there are, then don’t be mean and selfish with your money. Instead, be kind and lend them what they need. Be careful! Don’t say to yourself, “Soon it will be the seventh year, and then I won’t be able to get my money back.” It would be horrible for you to think that way and to be so selfish that you refuse to help the poor. They are your relatives, and if you don’t help them, they may ask the Lord to decide whether you have done wrong. And he will say that you are guilty. 10 You should be happy to give the poor what they need, because then the Lord will make you successful in everything you do.

11 There will always be some Israelites who are poor and needy. That’s why I am commanding you to be generous with them.

2 Chronicles 21

18 After this happened, the Lord struck Jehoram with an incurable stomach disease. 19 About two years later, Jehoram died in terrible pain. No bonfire was built to honor him, even though the people had done this for his ancestors.

World Scripture and the Teachings of
Sun Myung Moon

Chapter 3


2. Divine Joy Surpassing the Pleasures of the Senses

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

What is the way to live in joy and ecstasy? Most people’s eyes are too dim to see, their ears are too dull to hear, their noses are too numb to smell, their tongue too numb to taste, and their limbs too heavy to move. What is the way to live in unity—my eyes, my ears, and all my sense organs all knit together with my nervous system, all united into one? What is the shining way that will not only satisfy me in my personal life, but will also satisfy my family, clan, country, world, and even God?
(95:181, November 13, 1977)

People living ordinary, self-centered lives lack stimulation. But if your life is filled with God’s grace, you will feel newness in your spirit every day and experience your surroundings as ever new and fresh. Every morning there is something new; every evening there is something new. When God’s grace is rolling in like waves, you can feel the mystery in three dimensions. Anyone who experiences life like this is a happy person. (30:134, March 21, 1970)

When you become a child of God and dwell in His love, your joy has no limit. You breathe in and out with the entire universe. We are meant to be intoxicated by the love of God. Can the artificial intoxication provided by drugs or alcohol even remotely compare? In the realm of God’s love, every need is satisfied. All your body’s forty trillion cells are dancing together. Your eyes and ears, your hands, and all the parts of your body revel in the rapture of joy. Nothing else can ever match it. God’s love is real, and it is our highest aspiration to pursue this love. We must have it. (69:79-80, October 20, 1973)

The fact that we can rejoice this day is something to be grateful for.
But we must understand:
If we cannot link today’s joy with the joy of tomorrow,
today’s joy becomes for us as an enemy,
a condition for sorrow, difficulty and lamentation.
Joy, we know, is not only good,
and sorrow is not only bad;
the question is our investment of inner effort
to link joy and sorrow to the accomplishment of our purpose,
and how much our joy and sorrow connect
with the values of God’s Will. (43:10, April 18, 1971)

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