The Things of Creation Support the Original Love of Human Beings

2 Chronicles 30

30 1-4 Passover wasn’t celebrated in the first month, which was the usual time, because many of the priests were still unclean and unacceptable to serve, and because not everyone in Judah had come to Jerusalem for the festival. So Hezekiah, his officials, and the people agreed to celebrate Passover in the second month.

2 Kings 11

Then he brought out Joash and said to them:

Here’s what I want you to do. Three of your guard units will be on duty on the Sabbath. I want one unit to guard the palace. Another unit will guard Sur Gate, and the third unit will guard the palace gate and relieve the palace guards.

Richard: We should be alert at this time.

World Scripture and the Teachings of
Sun Myung Moon

Chapter 4

God’s Creation and Human Creativity

The Lord of Creation

3. Human Beings Are Worthy to Receive Honor from All Creatures, for They Lead All Creatures to Completion

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

If you are completely united with God’s Will, you may have a mysterious experience: the feeling that God recognizes you as His own. At that moment, you will see the things of creation bowing their heads to you. On the day when all creatures recognize that you are a son or daughter of God and God’s treasured possession, the countless spirits of the spirit world, as well as all creatures on the earth, will bow their heads in praise. When God and all things recognize you, then everyone with a true conscience will also be in harmony with you. (4:102, March 16, 1958)

God said to the Earth, “O Earth, I made you the first mother. Now bear sons and daughters for me, and they will convey my eternal love to you.”

The Earth agreed, and they entered into a covenant. Then the Earth said, “God, I long for Thy love. Thou didst ask me to make mediators who can build the bridge for Thy love. Having agreed to this covenant, I shall willingly comply with it by investing all of myself.” With that, the Earth provided the material for the human body.
Now, if my body establishes a living connection with God’s love, experiences God’s love and loves God, then the Earth will say, “I am pleased to have created such glorious human beings.” (97:143, March 12, 1978)

The things of creation manifest their beauty to support the original love of human beings. The flow-ers with their red, yellow and multi-colored hues stimulate our love; they are nature’s way of praising love. They are God’s gifts to us…
A husband and wife may dance round and round… but which ever way they turn, they do not forget the center. Likewise, all kinds of flowers have one thing in common: amidst the profusion of their petals, there is a center—the stamen and pistil. All things exist in pairs, and long to exclaim, “Ah!” as they come together.
All things in nature symbolize the ideal of love between man and woman, and all things praise that love. That is the original purpose of their existence. Flowers and foliage deck themselves out as best they can to celebrate and welcome the love of human beings. It is the same with animals: birds sing their love songs to praise human beings in love. The sight of a man and woman loving each other inspires them to sing with more ardor. And as both male and female harmonize their birdsong to the couple’s love, it encourages the couple to love with even more passion.
In love’s embrace, all creatures and human beings are united into one, and God, too, sings for joy… This universe is so beautiful! The clouds are love; the breezes blow love; the brooks babble love; the birds sing of love…! If you were to ask a flower, “Where do you want to go? Would you like to go to a place where you can manifest your utmost beauty and make others happy?” It will answer, “Yes, put me in the foremost place in the world!” Where is that place? Surely it is the master bedroom of a home where God’s love dwells, where it can praise such love. What a marvelous place for a flower to be! Nothing is more delightful to a flower than to bloom in the bedroom of a couple that loves each other with true love. Since God dwells in that place, the flower is not only providing decoration for that couple, but also for God. What an honor! (146:107, June 7, 1986)

The human body is a microcosm of the universe. There are minerals, plant and animal substances within your small universe. When true love knocks at the door of the human body, all the billions of cells are immediately activated and become ecstatic. The five senses come alive—every cell of your lips wants to kiss your beloved; every cell in your eyes want to gaze into your lover’s eyes…
Keep your eyes wide open and observe the life of males and females in the animal world. Consider also the coupling between pairs in the world of microbes, the world of cells and the world of minerals. Then, when you become the embodiment of true love, when every cell of your body and all your senses are alive with true love, what happens? You become like a gigantic magnet, pulling all the paired elements of nature to you. Everything will line up centering upon you because you are the center of true love.

Everything in the universe responds to true love. Therefore, all the animals, plants, and minerals will follow you wherever you go. Nature will protect you and your loving family. In the original world of true love, there are no barriers. You enjoy total freedom. Wherever you go, you find only harmony and complete cooperation.

In the universe are galaxies, vast beyond imagining. The universe is vast beyond counting; yet, God’s purpose of creation cannot be found by gazing at the universe. God’s purpose of creation—to build a world where all people live with one accord—can be found on the Earth, which is only a small planet inside the solar system, and within human beings, who when compared to the vast universe are smaller than dust particles. Have you ever thought about this amazing fact? Once we know it, we should feel delighted, grateful and glorious! (5:343, March 8, 1959

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