The Secret of the Universe Has Been Revealed

Cheon Seong Gyeong 194

In order to become the True Parent, the Lord at his Second Advent had to again face tests on the level of the individual, family, tribe, ethnic people, nation and world in the spiritual realm. Without his prevailing in these tests, and without establishing a standard of internal victory, a standard of substantial victory could not be established on earth. Therefore, the returning Lord inevitably had to carry out an internal battle. (13- 280, 1964.04.12)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1260

    Why do people do penance by inflicting pain on their bodies? This is because they have inherited the blood of Satan, the blood of the enemy of God. Who is this enemy of God? He is the adulterer. He is the enemy of the love of God. He is the adulterer. We inherited the blood of the adulterer.
    Eve was supposed to become the heiress to the kingship of the heavenly nation; she was supposed to become the queen. However, she became the spouse of the devil, the mate of the servant instead. This is the secret of the universe. It has finally been disclosed in my time, so the satanic world should come to an end. (172-277, 1988.1.24)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

Principle of Creation

For today’s study, please view slides 16 to 19 below.

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